Not to mention last week's battalion strength attack on US forces by Russian mercenaries (The Wagner group, who have very close ties to Putin) that apparently led to many dead Russians rotting into the sand - figures are are anywhere between 100 and 500 dead.
That was an odd situation all in all - supposedly they'd seen them building up for several days but only contacted Russian liaisons 20 minutes before those forces moved out against the SDF/US. At which point they went to town on them and literally dropped the hammer - if it was a probing attack to test US resolve well they got an answer of sorts :s
I think the whole thing with Turkey though is a far more complex game and I wonder if Erdogan knows when to stop - despite the East v West proxy stuff going on elsewhere I've a feeling that might escalate into a very different confrontation and might end up with Turkey at odds with both Russia and the US which would not be good.