You might want to look into the BBC position. There are records of the BBC actively avoiding the use of the term terrorist since at least 2005.
It's not just for the sake of hamas. Seems a bit of a non story to me.
It's difficult to keep up with the accusations against the BBC. They're either a propaganda mouthpiece for the right wing government or they're a bunch of lefties secretly wearing Free Palastine underpants.
I just copied one news report here - rather than repeat what it says...
The BBC is facing pressure to tear up a style guide which advises staff not to call Hamas attackers “terrorists”.
Hamas is designated as a terrorist organisation in countries including the UK, the US, Australia and Japan.
On Saturday, it launched a surprise attack on Israeli civilians, with Israel’s death toll now surpassing 1,300.
Palestinian health officials have said that at least 1,200 people have died after Israel launched retaliatory airstrikes on the Gaza Strip.
However, the BBC has repeatedly been criticised by both viewers and prominent public figures, including Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, for its wording surrounding the group.
Now, in a letter to the watchdog, Lord Wolfson KC, Lord Pannick KC, Lord Grabiner KC and Jeremy Brier KC have urged the regulator to investigate the corporation.
Lord Pickles, a former Conservative Party chairman, said: “They are breaking into civilian homes and murdering children. It is beyond belief that the one place you look for balance, the BBC, is not delivering coverage that is fair, balanced or reasonable.