Israel-Hamas war - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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The conflict won't end until apartheid is ended and that won't happen while the US is blocking international intervention.
Hamas (and a majority of Palestinians) wont be satisfied until all Jews are killed.

Hamas has been telling us this for years, but now most of the world understands they have been sincere all this time.

All the various suggestions of what Isreal must do to appease their attackers have tried to ignore what Hamas has been saying the whole time.

"Ending apartheid" won't "resolve" anything unless it's ended by killing all Jews.
Hamas (and a majority of Palestinians) wont be satisfied until all Jews are killed.

Hamas has been telling us this for years, but now most of the world understands they have been sincere all this time.

All the various suggestions of what Isreal must do to appease their attackers have tried to ignore what Hamas has been saying the whole time.

"Ending apartheid" won't "resolve" anything unless it's ended by killing all Jews.

Hamas has been treated as a terrorist regime by most of the world. No one in power has suggested appeasing them.

The question has always been how you get Gaza to become much more moderate like the West Bank (which is also full of Palestinians btw, and more of them). The question is how you undo decades of propaganda in Gaza.

When people often talk about 'Apartheid' they are talking about the millions of Arabs living in Israel and the West Bank who are treated as second class citizens.
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Most Jews do not live in Israel. They live in the USA, in Europe, in Asia. Many Americans do retire to live out their lives in Israel.

Therefore many countries, particularly the USA have an abiding interest in Israel.
Amnesty International has urged Israeli security forces and Palestinian armed groups to make every effort to “protect the lives of civilians” amid the ongoing fighting.

“We are deeply alarmed by the mounting civilian death tolls in Gaza, Israel and the occupied West Bank and urgently call on all parties to the conflict to abide by international law and make every effort to avoid further civilian bloodshed,” said Agnès Callamard Amnesty International’s secretary general.
“Under international humanitarian law all sides in a conflict have a clear obligation to protect the lives of civilians caught up in the hostilities,” she added.
Amnesty International also went on to say that the “root causes of these repeated cycles of violence must be addressed as a matter of urgency.”

“This requires upholding international law and ending Israel’s 16-year-long illegal blockade on Gaza, and all other aspects of Israel’s system of apartheid imposed on all Palestinians.
The Israeli government must refrain from inciting violence and tensions in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, especially around religious sites. Amnesty International calls on the international community to urgently intervene to protect civilians and prevent further suffering,” it said
I think Amnesty International should wait, should have ended the statement on making sure civilians are not harmed anywhere. Not sure now is the time to be making it political.
Hamas has been treated as a terrorist regime by most of the world. No one has suggested appeasing them.
The world has given lip service, sure. But I suspect Israel is about to *actually* "treat Hamas as a terrorist regime."
Amnesty International has urged Israeli security forces and Palestinian armed groups to make every effort to “protect the lives of civilians” amid the ongoing fighting.

WTF? Did they type that with a straight face? Have they not read a single story about the attack?
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Hamas (and a majority of Palestinians) wont be satisfied until all Jews are killed.

Hamas has been telling us this for years, but now most of the world understands they have been sincere all this time.

All the various suggestions of what Isreal must do to appease their attackers have tried to ignore what Hamas has been saying the whole time.

"Ending apartheid" won't "resolve" anything unless it's ended by killing all Jews.
The occupied have legal right to resist occupation. You can prefer the occupied were quieter while being ethically cleansed all you want, getting blown playing football on the beach 2 kids at a time if you like, but you'd be discrediting any opinion on long term solutions.
The world has given lip service, sure. But I suspect Israel is about to *actually* "treat Hamas as a terrorist regime."

Huh, no one in the world has negotiated with Hamas, other than Russia and Iran, and it is illegal nearly everywhere to do business with them. You expecting the UK to go invade Gaza and remove Hamas?

Once everything settles again and Hamas are removed, the question should be how you stop the next Hamas from starting, and that will require serious investment from everyone. Everything that stopped in the 90s, needs to restart. Someone like Yasser Arafat who acknowledges Israel exists, needs to be in power.

Wall Street Journal from its "sources"

The plan for a combined attack on Israel was developed between Hamas, Iran and Russia from August to October 2023. When everything was ready, Tehran gave the green light for the operation, - The Wall Street Journal

If Russia are linked to this, then I can't see the west holding back in Ukraine.
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I am not an expert in middle eastern politics, but (and I don't mean this in any way of support either way) why don't Israel just conquer them? Are they incapable? Do they have allies?

Long long ago, the inhabitants of present day Israel/Palestine were Palestinian Arabs. When Hitler was killing Jews, they fled and they decided to go to the promised land in the Jewish bible. So, all the Jewish refugees flocked to present day Israel/Palestine. They initially lived in refugee camps and then later armed themselves and started attacking the natives and ultimately kicked them out into modern day Palestine. Ever since, the refugees have remained as the oppressors who have controlled their movements and stopped them from becoming a country.
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Israel doing god's work and that's why they get so much support from the West.
Are you Jewish by any chance? Clearly a religious person of some kind.

I often wonder if the US/Israel relationship is also partly about religion. Quite a few people still refer to them as "God's people".

To me, it's all a bit sinister.
Hamas has got balls. Israel has so much advanced intelligence and technology and they could still not prevent this!
I read an article that they even attacked three Israeli military bases and took a few army vehicles and then paraded them back in Gaza! lol.

Iran's commander has landed in Lebanon. i.e. expect Hezbolla, which is even stronger than Hamas to start action soon.
Long long ago, the inhabitants of present day and Palestine were Palestinian Arabs. When Hitler was killing Jews, they fled and they decided to go to the promised land in the Jewish bible. So, all the Jewish refugees flocked to present day Israel/Palestine. They initially lived in refugee camps and then later armed themselves and started attacking the natives and ultimately kicked them out into modern day Palestine. Ever since, the refugees have remained as the oppressors who have controlled their movements and stopped them from becoming a country.
You seem to have missed out the part about the Ottoman Empire collapsing due to WW1, some dodgy promises to both sides by Britain, the British Mandate from the UN, Palestinians being offered (and rejecting) a two state solution in 1947 which the Israelis accepted, and in 1948 several Arab countries attacking Israel.

** I'm not siding with either the Palestinians or the Israelis, but simply pointing out that there is a lot of history to get to this point. It's not just a matter of one side deciding to displace the other.
The occupied have legal right to resist occupation. You can prefer the occupied were quieter while being ethically cleansed all you want, getting blown playing football on the beach 2 kids at a time if you like, but you'd be discrediting any opinion on long term solutions.

Interesting perspective:

"I'm German. Our nation used to be much bigger than it is. Than we started two wars, lost badly and millions of our people were killed or lost their ancestral homes. - and we accepted it and didn't started shooting rockets into Poland on a regular basis.

In my book Gaza was very lucky that it wasn't Dresden-ed a long time ago. But I have the feeling they will run out of luck real quick."

If you start a war and lose, sometimes you lose land in that process.
Long long ago, the inhabitants of present day Israel/Palestine were Palestinian Arabs. When Hitler was killing Jews, they fled and they decided to go to the promised land in the Jewish bible. So, all the Jewish refugees flocked to present day Israel/Palestine. They initially lived in refugee camps and then later armed themselves and started attacking the natives and ultimately kicked them out into modern day Palestine. Ever since, the refugees have remained as the oppressors who have controlled their movements and stopped them from becoming a country.
nice bit of fiction there
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