Israel-Hamas war - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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So long as they don't also free them from their limbs and internal organs. Or blow up their houses and means of production.

Cutting off food and water doesn't speak particularly of a desire to make things better for Palestinians, tho. It's vengeance they're after, let's be honest.
No doubt, it's a vicious circle.
Bit easier when most of the country is an uninhabited barren wasteland.

Only 18% of Australia is desert. That still leaves a vast amount of perfectly viable land.

Indigenous Australians argue that this land wasn't uninhabited, because they owned it and moved through it constantly, even if they didn't establish permanent settlements like the colonials did.
No. There was no such thing as 'Palestinians' at that time. 'Palestinian' is an identify invented in the 1960s for political purposes.

Yes, prior to 1947 the Jews were outnumbered in their land by a mixture of Arab tribes (I won't quibble over precise figures). This doesn't change the fact that it was still their land.
Whose land is Australia?
I can't speak for the US, but here in Australia we did exactly that.

47 years ago, Australia introduced the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1976, which returned ownership of traditional lands to Indigenous Australians, created Land Trusts and Land Councils so that Indigenous Australians could manage and make decisions about their land, and required all corporations deriving an income from the use of those lands to pay royalties on their income to the local Indigenous people, ensuring their communities would be funded in perpetuity.

The Land Rights Act 1976 established freehold Indigenous ownership, exclusive possession, perpetual leases, and rights to land, water, and sea.

30 years ago, Australia introduced the Native Title Act, which greatly expanded Indigenous land rights by recognising permanent ownership of land and waters on the basis of traditional Indigenous law and customs. In some parts of Outback Australia, tribal law is the law of the land, which means local disputes are typically settled via traditional methods (e.g. spearing an offender).

40% of Australia's entire land mass is covered by Native Title. By way of comparison, 90% of Australia's entire population lives in 3% of Australia's land mass.
Australia is so ******* huge that you could have given 90% of it back to natives and not noticed the difference. It's a lot easier to be / appear benevolent when there are no constraints on space.
I've got a couple of questions which got me banned from r/Britain on Reddit:

1) There is always this comparison with the creation of Israel being like giving Cornwall to the Jews. But there was a country called Judea mentioned in the Bible a few times, so isn't modern Israel built upon this original Jewish country?

2) Gaza is an open-air prison, in/out controlled by Israel. But there is also a land border with Egypt, so why can't people and goods travel via this route?

Not sure why these are so controversial so please educate me as Google has failed.
Don't think "who's land is it" is really applicable. You can go further and further back and it constantly changes. There is no arbitrary point where you can say "OK this is the reference point"

Its better really if land isn't owned like that.
By that I mean "this country belongs to this subset of people".
I've got a couple of questions which got me banned from r/Britain on Reddit:

1) There is always this comparison with the creation of Israel being like giving Cornwall to the Jews. But there was a country called Judea mentioned in the Bible a few times, so isn't modern Israel built upon this original Jewish country?

2) Gaza is an open-air prison, in/out controlled by Israel. But there is also a land border with Egypt, so why can't people and goods travel via this route?

Not sure why these are so controversial so please educate me as Google has failed.
No such thing as a "country" back then as the nation state is a 19th century invention.
Don't think "who's land is it" is really applicable. You can go further and further back and it constantly changes. There is no arbitrary point where you can say "OK this is the reference point"

Its better really if land isn't owned like that.
By that I mean "this country belongs to this subset of people".
But there are multiple examples whereby these ancient claims are upheld and protected today. Look at native Americans and Aborigines; surely Jews are entitled to their native homeland?
I've got a couple of questions which got me banned from r/Britain on Reddit:

1) There is always this comparison with the creation of Israel being like giving Cornwall to the Jews. But there was a country called Judea mentioned in the Bible a few times, so isn't modern Israel built upon this original Jewish country?

2) Gaza is an open-air prison, in/out controlled by Israel. But there is also a land border with Egypt, so why can't people and goods travel via this route?

Not sure why these are so controversial so please educate me as Google has failed.
Egypt have an agreement with Israel that they will police the border so that goods can only go via routes controlled by Israel.

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Egypt have an agreement with Israel to police the border so that goods can only go via routes controlled by Israel.

According to Human Rights Watch, the Egyptian authorities demolished between July 2013 and August 2015 at least 3,255 residential, commercial, administrative, and community buildings along the border, forcibly evicting thousands of people.[32]

Sounds like the Egyptians are the bad guys here, I wonder why they don't get a mention when discussing the oppression of the Palestinian people.
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