Israel-Hamas war - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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That's complicated. Not saying people shouldn't have somewhere to live, but native Americans and Aboriginals are racial groups with specific geographic origins, unlike Jews who are mostly caucasian.
Jews are an ethnoreligious group - - that's why Jews suffer from racial discrimination...

So as they are not caucasian, do you want to try again?
.. Are you willing to give up your house and F Off to Germany or France or Denmark because some Welsh and Scottish people owned the land before your ancestors moved in?

Of course not, but the thing is that had the Arabs accepted the Jewish immigrants, then this wouldn't have been a problem. They didn't and violence broke out. It was only in an attempt to fix the violence that the UN decided to split the land. But that didn't work either. This all comes down to the fact that they just refuse to live in peace together.
My take on it is that Israel should drop a series of EMP's all over Gaza. That would knock out all forms of electronic communications i.e. rocket guidance systems or radios or mobiles phones etc. This would prevent or disable the rockets and degrade C3I. Would probably help reduce total casualties on both sides
Maybe look at a map?
I would imagine the good ol USA will allow Israel to stick the boot in for a few more days and then get them to calm it down once all the humanitarian hand wringing gains a bit more momentum on the TV news.
It's curious, every debate about the Palestinian/Israeli conflict seems to reduce to who owns what 100/200/1000/2000 years ago. You can go back and forth forever (and people have been doing exactly that). It strikes me that it makes absolutely no difference to the current conflict, or indeed the ongoing conflict since 1947.

Undoubtedly, 10's of thousands of Palestinians are about to die. Most of them will be innocent to the fate they were born into.

I understand that the response Israel is about to inflict is inevitable, and even that there really is no other way.

But those who transfer their hate for Hamas onto the thousands of innocents who are about to die. You probably need to take a good look at yourselves.
1. So Might is Right, historical claims to stolen land need to be approved by Andrew Green.
2. What is it about Israel which draws much more hatred regarding Gaza than Egypt despite them both oppressing Palestinians? I can't put my finger on it.

1. So you're avoiding the question and you're okay to live an existance of double standards, noted. But do you think you should move out of your home if your ancestor forced some other tribe out of the region you're currently living in? Yes or no?

2. Israel for decades until this day have forced Palestinians out of their homes that the Palestinians bought with their money and gives them to 'settlers'. Israel massacres many people in Gaza, levels their land, and then takes the land they leveled. Egypt doesn't do that but doesn't support them either. That is why Israel is the greater enemy from the Palestinian perspective

Note, if you're pretending to come into a conversation with complete ignorance, could you at least attempt to learn something
But there are multiple examples whereby these ancient claims are upheld and protected today. Look at native Americans and Aborigines; surely Jews are entitled to their native homeland?
Genocide and uprooting I obviously don't agree with. But nor do I agree with putting X race/religion etc on a map with a box drawn round it to be valid for all of time.

Humans used to migrate I think after all. So at what point is land owned by a "group"?
Jews are an ethnoreligious group - - that's why Jews suffer from racial discrimination...

So as they are not caucasian, do you want to try again?
Well ok, that's what Wikipedia says, but 'ethnoreligious' sounds a bit wishy washy to me.

If I get a bunch of white people together and come up with a new religion, I'm not a new ethnoreligious group, I'm still a Caucasian.
Look at native Americans and Aborigines; surely Jews are entitled to their native homeland?

That "native homeland" hasn't been "their" land for well over a thousand years. It's like Brits turning up in Northern Germany and claiming it as their native homeland because they're descended from the Angles. The people who actually have "native homeland" claim on Palestine aren't the Israelis.
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In case anybody still wants to support them
I don't think it will slow down Israel this time. I'm sure Israel will save whatever hostages they can if they get timely intel, but Isreal is coming for Hamas and human shields won't protect them anymore.
That "native homeland" hasn't been "their" land for well over a thousand years. It's like Brits turning up in Northern Germany and claiming it as their native homeland because they're descended from the Angles. The people who actually have "native homeland" claim on Palestine aren't the Israelis.

Perhaps if Europeans, looking at Germany too, had not given the Jews such a hard time they may have been happy staying put.
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