Israel-Hamas war - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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According to Human Rights Watch, the Egyptian authorities demolished between July 2013 and August 2015 at least 3,255 residential, commercial, administrative, and community buildings along the border, forcibly evicting thousands of people.[32]

Sounds like the Egyptians are the bad guys here, I wonder why they don't get a mention when discussing the oppression of the Palestinian people.

The Egyptians like other Arab nations have zero interest in letting them in to their countries, why invite trouble in? To contrast that Arab nations were amazing at taking in refugees from Syria when the war kicked off there.
Israel will bomb Gaza/Hama's relentlessly until some internationally important person tells them to stop. Cutting off food/water/medicine and fuel is just the beginning of something pretty grim coming to Palestine.

The whole thing is utterly insane.
Israel will bomb Gaza/Hama's relentlessly until some internationally important person tells them to stop. Cutting off food/water/medicine and fuel is just the beginning of something pretty grim coming to Palestine.

The whole thing is utterly insane.
They are preparing for a ground invasion
Dead Christians? Kidnapped, raped, killed and dragged through the streets Christians?
Nope and that is the primary difference. However, those specific religious ones are proper scum who don't work for anything, sponge off the state and are generally held in very little regards by most secular and even modern orthodox Israelis. The most they tend to do is protest around smart phones and women who are dressed "immodestly" and spit on secular Israelis too for breaking their laws on the Sabbath. They are vile individuals however I would rather try to engage with them than a Jihadi.
They'll kill them anyway...

They're a bunch of savages, spitting on and beating dead and unconscious women taken from the concert whilst parading them around for everyone to abuse

Israel are probably just as bad at times, the world would be better off without the middle east tbh. Everything seems to be backwards over there and human life has no value or meaning to any of them.

God knows why anybody from a developed western nation would visit places like that... Go to a place which has been pretty much at war for 2000 years and then act surprised when their concert gets caught up in it. It's hardly surprising and the stupidity of it annoys me

I have to say I kind of agree. I hate to brandish sweeping statements as there are so many individuals, but the entire area doesn't seem to have progressed.

Obviously the west is no angel here either.

From womans/workers rights to. All this, it's not an area i have any desire to see/experience.

We need thier oil though. So. We can't wash our hands morally of it.

World is insane sometimes.. And as much as I think the UK sucks sometimes.. Things like this put that into perspective.

Los of loud people in London today

Sorry, this picture is from London?
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