Israel-Hamas war - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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One side have told civilians to get out of Gaza, the other are effectively telling them to stay - what happens next is on Hamas' head.

One side have told civilians to get out of Gaza, fully knowing there is no way out of Gaza for them as they are blockading the city.

The other side are telling them to stay as they know there is no where for them to go.
The Belfour agreement was promoted by Christian Zionists, as part of the evangelical movement that says the Jews should be back in Israel before Jesus returns. This is why there is a constant effort by some Christians (mostly American) to promote Israel.

I don't understand why people of your mind set feel like you need to go against the flow of condemnation of dead bodies to still be attacking Jewish people.

I come across the Israel/Palestine situation through my own religious studies. How did you learn about it?

Firsly with the bolded. The crimes Hamas carried out were abhorent. You keep talking about 'anti semitism' in this thread when we only seem to have I think 1 person not condemning these crimes and championing them. My personal opionion about Hamas is that they're power structure should be executed

Debating other aspects of the conflict should be seen as a reasonable debate and shouldn't be seen as anti semitism

As for the Balfour agreement being promoted by Christian Zionists - really? Because Lord Rothschild seems to be the strongest lobbyest for the movement and all of the mass migration to Israel were of Jewish peoples. While Evangelical's may need Jews to be in their homeland to make sense of their beliefs in the modern era I didn't see any mention of it around the early 20th century.

BTW if you want to call me Anti Semitic, all my data and statements were quoted from Wikipedia. Note most of British Government during this period were considered anti semitic
Whilst Egypt may technically operate the border with Gaza, it is Israel who are pulling the strings through cohesion and threats to Egypt.

It’s one of the reasons the last government in Egypt was toppled by the military I would hazard a guess.
Sky news:
Hamas's armed wing has said it will start executing an Israeli captive for every new civilian house bombed without warning.

The announcement was made by the spokesman of the Qassam Brigades in audio released Monday night.

Abu Obeida claimed the group had, until now, been acting in accordance with "Islamic instructions" by keeping the Israeli hostages safe.

However, he blamed the group's intended move to execute the hostages on Israel's stepping-up of air strikes on Gaza City.

"We have decided to put an end to this and we declare that any targeting of our people in their homes without prior warning will be regrettably faced with the execution of one of the hostages of civilians we are holding," he said.
Child, how exactly are two million people supposed to get out of the biggest prison camp in the world?
The same way all the guns, missles and god knows what else are brought in. Failing that, maybe they shouldnt have gone around raping and murdering a bunch of women/children and innocent civilians. Hamas have been in control of Gaza for nigh on 2 decades, maybe they should have been working towards a peaceful resolution instead of what theyve actually been up to/ being stupid enough to be used as a proxy for the more dubious regimes that are around the ME. Eye for an eye, FAOFO etc etc
On the news Hamas has just asked for a truce

I very doubt they will get a truce, Israel made it clear the complete destruction of Hamas is the goal
On the news Hamas has just asked for a truce

I very doubt they will get a truce, Israel made it clear the complete destruction of Hamas is the goal
The Palestinians entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everybody else and nobody was going to bomb them.

They sowed the wind and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.
Was that their manifesto? "Vote for us and we'll wipe out Israel"?

According to wiki the exit polls following the 2006 elections suggested the following views:

Support for a Peace Agreement with Israel: 79.5% in support; 15.5% in opposition

Should Hamas change its policies regarding Israel: Yes – 75.2%; No – 24.8%

Under Hamas corruption will decrease: Yes – 78.1%; No – 21.9%

Under Hamas internal security will improve: Yes – 67.8%; No – 32.2%

Hamas government priorities: 1) Combatting corruption; 2) Ending security chaos; 3) Solving poverty/unemploymentSupport for

Hamas' impact on the national interest: Positive – 66.7&; Negative - 28.5%
That was most certainly their mandate and it still remains so...check out their founding charter FFS. And their rewording in 2008 and 2017 has not fundamentally changed the original text. It is like voting for a leopard to change it spots. As I mentioned previously, the Palestinian leadership are not interested in peace..they are only interested in continuing to collect donations from around the world to line their own pockets. It is a blatant money grab scheme run by fundamentally evil people. And as for their stated priorities above...they made the situation worse not better.
I've had sexy Israeli army girls dancing on my youtube pop up for the past couple of months. Is this a sexy conspiracy?

Sure it's YouTube? Sounds like it might end in "-tube" but doesn't start with "You"....
On the news Hamas has just asked for a truce

I very doubt they will get a truce, Israel made it clear the complete destruction of Hamas is the goal

Horrible as it is, given how many civilians have died and will die, if they can get rid of Hamas it would be better for the people in Gaza.
What exactly has Hamas acheived with this incursion? Surely when the dust has settled, it won't have been worth, not by a long shot. Madness.
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