Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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Here is what the ex-leader of Hamas thought:

(which is not what Israel and US would have you believe)

Here are testimonials of ex-Israeli soldiers: (enough said when you hear it from the horses mouth)

Here is an image of the map (1948 and now)

image upload no size limit

What an Israeli MP has to say: (need chrome to "translate the page")

and lets flatten Gaza:

Those Israelis/Zionists are really the victim in all this and all they want is "peace"

Wake up!

(Note I say ZIONIST not to be confused by Jews unlike some people I can tell the difference!)

Can you please give a source to that photo, as I'm seeing it quoted all over the place and no one ever attributes it.

Additionally, you have crazy MP's in the UK who say stupid things. You going to base the whole of the UK on them?
Are you serious? before british came, their land belonged to no one, everyone worked together instead of the current "I should have this, all about ME ME ME".. i would consider that a great trait..

Not doing anything important doesnt mean they should not have a nation! what kind of a person uses this kind of arguments.. ISrael is only powerful because it had US donations right from start which currently runs at 3$ billion..

you absolute buffoon, where in my list of questions did i say palestine should not have a nation?

Questions are questions and statements are statements.

bloody prole.
Can you please give a source to that photo, as I'm seeing it quoted all over the place and no one ever attributes it.

Additionally, you have crazy MP's in the UK who say stupid things. You going to base the whole of the UK on them?
These pictures are always a bit of a funny one because it gives the impression that there used to be an actual nation of Palestine, a real country, but there wasn't. Palestine was always just a geographical area and not an independent nation at all
If they stopped indiscriminately firing unsophisticated rockets at Israel then I'd be sympathetic to the Palestinians. 689 rockets so far this week was the last figure I saw on the BBC.

But right now, the violence is from both sides. Therefore I can't really feel sorry for one being oppressed by the other, as they're both just as bad as each other.

Actually, if anything I feel a bit more sympathy for Israel. They fire proper clever laser guided missiles at precision targets. Yes civilians are also getting killed, but that's because the Hamas weapons caches/launchpads that Israel are targeting have deliberately been positioned inside schools/houses by Hamas to use the civilians as human shields. Israel are at-least trying to only attack proper military targets, which is more than can be said about the Palestinian rockets.

Precision targets? They have killed over 150 people recently, a quarter of which have been children. In one case they shot missiles into a house full of disabled people, most of whom died.

They're firing into crowded civilian areas and blaming casualties on 'human shields'? :rolleyes: That is just stupid.
You can show your silly picture of Jews sitting on deckchairs all you want and nobody will care, nobody will donate a button.
Until you and all the angry frustrated people like you understand the reality of Western values, you are just part of the problem.


Nonsense I have charity certificates here with amounts up to £1000 raised in a couple of months for places like Palestine, Burma and Pakistan.

This is my own small business imagine what you could achieve in nationwide stores.

And today I'm changing my box from Africa to Gaza.
These pictures are always a bit of a funny one because it gives the impression that there used to be an actual nation of Palestine, a real country, but there wasn't. Palestine was always just a geographical area and not an independent nation at all

Regardless, does anyone have a source as to the encroaching, as it waved around an enormous amount, is very provocative due to its clear visualisation.

Precision targets? They have killed over 150 people recently, a quarter of which have been children. In one case they shot missiles into a house full of disabled people, most of whom died.

They're firing into crowded civilian areas and blaming casualties on 'human shields'? :rolleyes: That is just stupid.

Depends if the Palestinians are operating weapons from those quarters. If there is a rocket in such a place firing, and people are stupid enough to stay (or forced) then casualties are to be expected?

And regardless of collateral, a well aimed precision missile is far more ethical imo, than randomly firing rockets into the sky. More dangerous perhaps, but certainly less dodgy.
Precision targets? They have killed over 150 people recently, a quarter of which have been children. In one case they shot missiles into a house full of disabled people, most of whom died.

They're firing into crowded civilian areas and blaming casualties on 'human shields'? :rolleyes: That is just stupid.

Would you prefer they just randomly launched 1000 unguided rockets into civilian areas, to see what happens?

And today I'm changing my box from Africa to Gaza.

Excellent. That'll give Hamas funds for more rocket motors then...

And regardless of collateral, a well aimed precision missile is far more ethical imo, than randomly firing rockets into the sky. More dangerous perhaps, but certainly less dodgy.

Agreed. I wonder what the Israeli death toll would be without Iron Dome, which is doing fantastically, and full credit to them for developing it after the Patriot missiles debacle of the early 1990's.

However, none of this addresses the root cause. If Israel spent a fraction of what it spends on Iron Dome or its' offensive capability, on actually addressing the needs and frustrations of the Palestinians, then maybe these conflicts wouldn't keep occurring.

Sad to say, but I'm somewhat immune to them now. Poke a sleeping tiger, get bitten. Repeat every 4-5 years. Is it just me, or are Hamas really, really retarded? :confused:

That said, I'm not actually sure what would help them improve their situation. Not lobbing rockets at your next-door neighbour would be a good start though....
Agreed. I wonder what the Israeli death toll would be without Iron Dome, which is doing fantastically, and full credit to them for developing it after the Patriot missiles debacle of the early 1990's.

However, none of this addresses the root cause. If Israel spent a fraction of what it spends on Iron Dome or its' offensive capability, on actually addressing the needs and frustrations of the Palestinians, then maybe these conflicts wouldn't keep occurring.

Sad to say, but I'm somewhat immune to them now. Poke a sleeping tiger, get bitten. Repeat every 4-5 years. Is it just me, or are Hamas really, really retarded? :confused:

That said, I'm not actually sure what would help them improve their situation. Not lobbing rockets at your next-door neighbour would be a good start though....

Sleeping tiger here is all the Arab nations the broader Israel,how long do you think Israel is going to be backed by the US for another 50-100 years?What happen when US is not top dog any more.Who is going to come to the aid of Israel when all the Arabs descend on them EU? Russian? China?

They really should start thinking about about a way out or a way to live side by side with the Palestinians.
Sad to say, but I'm somewhat immune to them now. Poke a sleeping tiger, get bitten. Repeat every 4-5 years. Is it just me, or are Hamas really, really retarded? :confused:

Your totally right, they should be more like the Native Americans and just sit on their reservation while everyone else enjoys what used to be their country. Of course the analogy is slightly flawed as Native Americans have a massively larger land to people ratio, are not living in the third world, an don't get routinely massacred for Israeli amusement.
Sleeping tiger here is all the Arab nations the broader Israel,how long do you think Israel is going to be backed by the US for another 50-100 years?What happen when US is not top dog any more.Who is going to come to the aid of Israel when all the Arabs descend on them EU? Russian? China?

They really should start thinking about about a way out or a way to live side by side with the Palestinians.

This is what I've been pointing out for ages, Israel out of every one should know this.

Perhaps they see self defense as the only option and believe they'll cross that bridge when it comes to it.

Also we should not forget that a lot of Jews believe they are chosen and this is all part of a grand plan by God.

A lot of Muslims believe that too. These factors don't help peace.
Excellent. That'll give Hamas funds for more rocket motors then...

Actually it does the opposite as there are several charities that help the Palestinians without the interference or support of (aside from access) or giving to Hamas...this means that the ordinary Palestinian is less dependent upon Hamas and one of the major reasons Hamas got elected is because they are one of the few groups within Gaza with enough resources to feed and clothe the people. If you remove that dependency, you remove their support.
Originally Posted by ilcp View Post
1. Israel doesnt have oil so why does west continually support Israel?

2. leave them to it? have you not seen the big image of how Israel has been usurping land which means millions of Palestinians are now living in a relatively small area..

3. Israel keeping the peace? are you blind? DO you not see the atrocities committed by Israel even outside of the bombing? How palestinians are being subjected to inhumane conditions?

4. DO you even know why Hamas was formed? I keep repeating this analogy of what would you do if I came to your house and tried to push you out? would you leave quietly? I do not think so.. so what makes you think Palestinians should not object? and even with their objecting Israel is still trying to grab more land.. what exactly do you want them to do?

What I am ashamed at people like you and Israelis is that you have no compassion for a fellow human being in distress.. If only you had to go through what they go through.. Their are numerous youtbe videos of palestinians being mistreated.. yet the media every goes on about how israel is suffering..

Isnt it ironic that Israel is the terrorist since it forcefully occupied land where palestinians were living yet USA is helping them? yet with crimea and russia, USA was the first one to oppose them for doing the same.. Hypocricy..

Isnt it ironic that people in USA need money/food etc but USA is happy to spend $3 billion annually to Israel.. no wonder it has so much military power now..

Isnt it ironic a terrorist state such as Israel can have Nuclear weapons yet Iran cannot?

If you want more proof watch ex-israeli soldiers giving their opinion about this:

On a final note, did you know how many palestinians died even during the cease fire? around 500..
I always been on the side of Isreal, but all this has been going on for far too long and now I don't care for both sides.

The world be a better place if both sides was removed.
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