But the bombing of Gaza is still fun to watch, right??
Khaled Mardam-Bey invented IRC,
I notice Palestinian supporters seem to want the world to do something, but they seem blissfully unaware of how they look to the world.
Back in 1944 the Kamikaze appeared, and the Americans couldn't understand why an enemy would seek to die in an attack, take risks yes but not certain suicide.
When cultures differ in how they view life it is very easy to see them as irreconcilably 'different' and different cultures that don't appear to value life are seen as degenerate by western standards.
So when Palestinians hold up a dead baby to a camera, we still remember the pictures of Palestinian children with suicide vests and holding guns, and the last words of the female suicide bombers. When Israelis show pictures of a bus blown up, we remember the picture of the Jewish girl writing on Israeli howitzer shells.
Both sides are teaching their children to hate, and as we don't do this in the UK we see the people of both sides as different and both sides as degenerate.
Nobody cares about people if they don't relate to them and frankly the Palestinians are doing a massively bad job at garnering sympathy from anyone, particularly as they are happy to talk about the effectiveness of their human shield policy.
They remain completely oblivious that such an idea is abhorrent to a western audience, to them it's some kind of honourable sacrifice.
Ironically they have a perfectly legitimate case regarding their living conditions, which gets almost zero media attention, because exploding rockets make better news.
I'm sure sitting in their little bubble they must imagine that the world is poised to rush to their aid after seeing a few dead babies, but clearly it isn't happening and it is about time they realised just what they look like to Western people.
This of course suits Israel, they can carry on waving peace flags whilst training the next generation of the IDF.
It's the same in Syria, they didn't appear to understand that nobody wanted to help them even though lots of people were clearly either dying, starving or being gassed.
You'd think after a gas attack western people would be demanding action, but because back in the UK some clod had just hacked a soldiers head off, the muslims were seen as nutcases once more.
Bear in mind that we attach labels to people/races/colours, so all Russians drink vodka, all black people eat fried chicken and all muslims... well, pick a Daily Mail stereotype.
Muslims have hundreds of variations and each country is different, but they are still seen as 'one group' because nobody identifies with them.
The more a group seems less like "us", the easier it is to attach a stereotype.
Compare that to 80's South Africa where black people were being marginalised, everyone knew black people had exactly the same values as white people. And after a bit of political inertia, sanctions followed and it was sorted.
Same with Live Aid, lots of black babies going hungry, yep we can identify with that, here have some money.
Nobody is ever going to do that for anyone in the middle east, because nobody understands why anyone would want to kill someone over a religion or teach their kids to hate or let women kill themselves.
Until they start looking like people that we are able to identify with, nobody is going to care.
Is that your only picture Farore? Seen it a few times now (and it'll get binned if you don't stop hotlinking btw)Yes, let's all just go back to our holes and just let the Israelis get on with bombing and murdering an innocent hostage Palestinian population!
*sigh*(To the sane people: Is it really that hard for people who think like bitslice to condemn the behaviours of the people above?)
look at all the posters wishing to donate to help an injured cat, there must be 30 odd people there?
THAT is what people in the West care about, a sick cat...
not your dead babies, not your wars, just a cat.
Any chance you could stop making this all about me? makes for a more interesting discussion.So according to your thought process a thread with people caring about cats means people don't care about dead babies? Epic logic.
Sorry, doesn't work that way.That thread is personal to Overclocker's as a community. You cannot use the same logic unless the cat was also in Palestine and the person taking care of it was a complete stranger
Me neither.Not wishing do be dragged in again btw.
1. Israel doesnt have oil so why does west continually support Israel?
2. leave them to it? have you not seen the big image of how Israel has been usurping land which means millions of Palestinians are now living in a relatively small area..
3. Israel keeping the peace? are you blind? DO you not see the atrocities committed by Israel even outside of the bombing? How palestinians are being subjected to inhumane conditions?
4. DO you even know why Hamas was formed? I keep repeating this analogy of what would you do if I came to your house and tried to push you out? would you leave quietly? I do not think so.. so what makes you think Palestinians should not object? and even with their objecting Israel is still trying to grab more land.. what exactly do you want them to do?
What I am ashamed at people like you and Israelis is that you have no compassion for a fellow human being in distress.. If only you had to go through what they go through.. Their are numerous youtbe videos of palestinians being mistreated.. yet the media every goes on about how israel is suffering..
Isnt it ironic that Israel is the terrorist since it forcefully occupied land where palestinians were living yet USA is helping them? yet with crimea and russia, USA was the first one to oppose them for doing the same.. Hypocricy..
Isnt it ironic that people in USA need money/food etc but USA is happy to spend $3 billion annually to Israel.. no wonder it has so much military power now..
Isnt it ironic a terrorist state such as Israel can have Nuclear weapons yet Iran cannot?
If you want more proof watch ex-israeli soldiers giving their opinion about this:
On a final note, did you know how many palestinians died even during the cease fire? around 500..
Any chance you could stop making this all about me? makes for a more interesting discussion.
Lol what?! It's not at all. You'll find that the rockets being fired in to Israel are incredibly deadly when they hit. A quick Google or hunt on ******** will show you the devastation they can cause.
Also last time I checked Israel possess nuclear weapons...how many times have they been used?
Talk about a massive over exaggeration!
They ain't exactly showing restraint but what would you do if you had people firing hundreds of rockets at your country? Just sit and take it?
Any chance you could stop making this all about me? makes for a more interesting discussion.
It's not my logic, look at what the mass media does.
DM home page. Palestine isn't front page news, it's buried right at the bottom under puppy videos.
Again, that is the reality of what the Western values are.
Your wars are not interesting to us at all.
Don't yell at me for pointing out the reality of all this, I don't give a stuff either way.
But don't pretend you are holier than everyone else for saying you care, because your caring has zero effect on the situation.
Sorry if posted before... But this is a good video
As a matter of interest (and just randomly dropping into this conversation) how many nobel prizes have been won by palestinians? Are there any great palestinian inventions? Have the palastinian peoples ever done anything of note? Or are they just purely combative folks who seem to hate jews? (all just questions...)
Y'know I actually thought post #264 would lead this off into a more interesting areaNo. You've got almost 50 posts in this thread. That's double as much as the next guy, therefore you know it's all about your ideas. You are the discussion. You're filling this thread will null logic replies and I'm just asking you for clarification and/or more data for psychoanalytic study.
Y'know I actually thought post #264 would lead this off into a more interesting area
Maybe you should sleep on it and see what you think tomorrow
So according to your thought process a thread with people caring about cats means people don't care about dead babies? Epic logic.