Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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Whilst Lieberman the Foreign Minister tells the press:

"Israel must go all the way,” said the Foreign Minister. “A ceasefire is a tacit agreement that [will allow] Hamas [to] continue to build up its power.” He continued, “All the diplomatic formulations are, in this case, hurtful. … A full takeover of the Gaza Strip is Israel’s only course forward.

Actually this is what needs to be done, a full takeover of the Gaza Strip and an international peacekeeping force and effort to rebuild and create a viable autonomous city state where the people have a reasonable and safe standard of living, not the current virtual prison-camp that they are held in currently. Until the people of Gaza are fed, housed, hospitals rebuilt, school rebuilt, jobs provided, effective policing and all the things that a viable state needs are provided then they will be beholden to the only people that can and do supply them with the basic necessities of life, such as food, water clothing etc... and that is Hamas, until the blockade is lifted and the people of Gaza are released from their effective bondage then Hamas will continue to be the defacto power in Gaza.
I agree if its by the U.N but not by Israeli government like Lieberman suggests, the U.N should also sanction Israeli send in peacekeepers into the west back to stop further settlements & colonization.
I agree if its by the U.N but not by Israeli government like Lieberman suggests, the U.N should also sanction Israeli send in peacekeepers into the west back to stop further settlements & colonization.

If Israel really wanted peace then they would not have rearrested the 50 or so Palestinians they released when Hamas brokered the release of Gilad Shalit. Hamas are quite clear in their requirements for a ceasefire...the lifting of the 8 year blockade, the opening of the Rafah border crossing and the release of Palestinian political prisoners..if Israel really wanted peace then they would begin to address at least one of those demands.
Directly Yasser Arafat was a Nobel Laureate. Khaled Mardam-Bey invented IRC, Salem Hanna Khamis was a renowned Statistician and Scientist who formulated the basis of the International Dollar, Hashem El-Serag, the leading authority on HCC cancer to name but a few.

Yasser Arafat - hahaha, as bent as anything, Palestinians living in poverty while he stole from public funds and amassed about $1.3Billion, meanwhile the Palestinian economy took a nose dive. Only a mug would celebrate his name.

Khaled Mardam-Bey - studied in Westminster, lives in London. British National.

Salem Hanna Khamis - studied in Jerusalem/America/London, lives in Syria

Hashem El-Serag, born in Libya (not Palestine), studied in Libya/America/Mexico, lives in America

All these people add nothing to Palestinian culture, yes they were born there but they all studied abroad and they all lived abroad.
Palestinians violent society can't support anybody so it achieves nothing.

No your here to misquote verses which you have no clue about

No I am not, here the muslim talking about it - page 5

I'm assuming he knows more than you?

if you want to comment on my posts, try quoting them, because when you try and paraphrase them you don't appear to understand them, thanks :)
Ceasefire? - What a load of rubbish.

Anything agreed the Israeli's have always broken first and then made out that Hamas started it when pushing media groups with false claims.

See here, for example to see what has happened since the last ceasefire which Hamas held to mainly until it was unbearable.

It's pathetic that people think that Israel actually have a leg to stand on here. People these days seem to have no idea what they are talking about - with an attention span/memory of only a couple of years tops.
Ceasefire? - What a load of rubbish.

Anything agreed the Israeli's have always broken first and then made out that Hamas started it when pushing media groups with false claims.

See here, for example to see what has happened since the last ceasefire which Hamas held to mainly until it was unbearable.

It's pathetic that people think that Israel actually have a leg to stand on here. People these days seem to have no idea what they are talking about - with an attention span/memory of only a couple of years tops.

I just lol'ed at your source.
If Israel really wanted peace then they would not have rearrested the 50 or so Palestinians they released when Hamas brokered the release of Gilad Shalit. Hamas are quite clear in their requirements for a ceasefire...the lifting of the 8 year blockade, the opening of the Rafah border crossing and the release of Palestinian political prisoners..if Israel really wanted peace then they would begin to address at least one of those demands.

Exactly not sure why people choose to ignore or turn a blind eye what has happened in past.
Palestinians violent society can't support anybody so it achieves nothing.

Palestinian society cannot support itself because it is blockaded and kept in a position of abject poverty and repression.

The very fact that a Palestinian has to leave Israel/Gaza/West Bank in order to have any chance of a normal life or get any opportunity to fulfil their inherent potential only illustrates the plight of the Palestinians...but your prejudice blinds you as much as kedge's faith does. The fact that you defend Israel's right to Palestine using the Bible and at the same time denounce the Bible as sky fairy nonsense just illustrates that your point of view is pretty much redundant.
guess you need a 'jewish' source for it to be true then eh?

Here you go - constant evidence that Israel ALWAYS breaks each agreed ceasefire FIRST:

I could go on - but as the mainstream media refuses to explain this I bet you won't accept it without a Daily Fail article to back it up lol.

On 21 November 2012, Israel and Hamas came to a ceasefire agreement to end the 14 day attacks that had killed many and injured hundreds of innocent civilians starting 14 November. The terms of the latest agreement include ending all hostilities by Israelis and Palestinians, and facilitating the freedom of movement and transfer of goods within Gaza. Though mainstream media has been silent, Israel has violated these simple truce points continuously since they were agreed upon. Not only are the crossings still very restricted, but the fire into Gaza continues, with the first one occurring the next day after the truce agreement.
Palestinian society cannot support itself because it is blockaded and kept in a position of abject poverty and repression.
Never said it wasn't,
but neither is it helped by firing rockets at Titans in the hope that Israelis will kill your own children and make idiot liberals feel sorry for them.

The very fact that a Palestinian has to leave Israel/Gaza/West Bank in order to have any chance of a normal life or get any opportunity to fulfil their inherent potential only illustrates the plight of the Palestinians...
And it's the same for any muslim country, hence their pitifully low science output.

but your prejudice blinds you as much as kedge's faith does.
LOL, do you want a discussion or is it only permissible to trot out the same self serving anger from the usual muslim apologists.

I'm quite happy to call the Israelis, terrorists.
I'm quite happy to acknowledge the food and water issues.
I'm quite happy to agree that we should care about dead Palestinian babies.
I'm quite happy to suggest that the Israelis are only interested in violence.
(all of which has been ignored because it is far cooler to egg each other on to abuse me personally)

I'm equally happy to point out that if muslims didn't have an irrational hatred of Jews based solely on perpetual religious bigotry, then this situation might have an end date.

The fact that you defend Israel's right to Palestine using the Bible
*sigh* I'm not defending anything, I'm adding in content presented by a muslim, maybe it means something, maybe it doesn't. If I regarded it as a serious source then I wouldn't be making a joke about it. It is the Quron after all, anything in there will have seven different meanings, one for every day of the week.
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If you have not seen a single Muslim without Ak-47 & waving a black flag then I doubt very much anything you say on the subject is fact.

(in case anyone missed it)

I have literally never seen a muslim without an AK47 or an angry banner telling me about how Islam will rule the world.

You are talking out of your ass again go and make your own Hate/Troll/I don't care/ goats/bin liner/they must be stopped/why do I banned? thread.
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If you have seen a single Muslim without Ak-47 & waving a black flag then i doubt very much anything you say on the subject is fact.
In your little bubble you must see muslims every day. In mine I don't, I live in a 100% white rural village, I work in a 100% white rural town (except for a lot of Indian doctors, a couple of which I know))

As for real life muslims..
I've met one about 30 years ago, very nice, very clever.
I've played alongside a Turkish Muslim for two years, very friendly, learnt a bit of Turkish..
I've seen three women in Burkhas in town.

When I said literally, I meant it.
All the rest have been in the course of looking at material for these threads, all of whom appear to be holding guns.
More details about the failed ceasefire:

Tony Blair's involvement in the Middle East peace process came under scrutiny today as a ceasefire between Israel and Gaza proposed by Egypt and backed by Britain's former PM crumbled in hours.
The speedy resumption of violence, less than a day after Egypt presented its ceasefire plan, illustrated that it will be harder this time than in the past to negotiate an end to Israel-Hamas fighting.
A key difference to a previous truce in 2012 is that Hamas does not trust the current rulers of Egypt who deposed a Hamas-friendly government in Cairo a year ago.

Israel had agreed to the Egyptian plan, proposed late Monday. Under it, a 12-hour period of de-escalation was to begin at mid-morning Tuesday. Once both sides agree to halt hostilities, they would negotiate the terms of a longer-term truce.
Gaza militants responded by firing dozens of rockets after the proposed start of the de-escalation, some of them reaching deep into Israel, though not causing injuries.

Israel, which had warned it would strike Gaza harder than before if Hamas did not halt hostilities, held its fire for several hours, but resumed air strikes by mid-afternoon Tuesday.
After the renewed rocket fire from Gaza on Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon 'directed the military to act with intensity against terror targets in Gaza,' said an Israeli official.
Mr Blair's apparent involvement as Middle East Envoy apparently exacerbated the situation.

Diplomatic sources told the Guardian that Mr Blair has been a key voice in the past week, but Palestinians do not trust him as he is perceived as pro-Israel, while he also backed the current Cairo regime that overthrew the Muslim Brotherhood a year ago.
Earlier My Blair had praised the 'leadership of Egypt' in calling for a ceasefire.
He said: 'Such a ceasefire can halt the tragic loss of life, stop the rockets on Israel - and open up the possibility of a genuine change in Gaza.'
The renewed rocket attacks on Israel came after the Palestinian militant group swiftly rejected a proposals for a truce agreed by Egypt and Israel and warned its attacks will 'increase in ferocity and intensity'.
Sami Abu Zuhri, a senior official with the Palestinian militant group, spoke moments after Israel accepted the offer.
He said: 'This proposal is not acceptable.'

The al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, added that it had not officially received the text of the agreement but said excerpts the group had seen showed it was 'an initiative of kneeling and submission'.
'Our battle with the enemy continues and will increase in ferocity and intensity,' it said.
The Egyptian plan had called for hostilities to end this morning, followed by negotiations on easing the border blockade of Gaza.

But the Israeli government warned that Israel would strike Gaza even harder if Hamas does not accept the truce.
A spokesman said: 'If Hamas rejects the Egyptian proposal, if Hamas continues to shoot rockets at Israeli cities, we are prepared to continue our military operation and intensify it as needed to protect our people.
The territory has been under a blockade by Egypt and Israel since Hamas seized Gaza in 2007.
The Israeli Cabinet accepted the proposal for a ceasefire to end a week of conflict with Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip that has killed 185 Palestinians and exposed millions of Israelis to Hamas rocket fire.

The office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the Cabinet met this morning and accepted the proposal, which went into effect at 9am local time.
It called for a ceasefire to begin within 12 hours of 'unconditional acceptance' by the sides, followed by the opening of Gaza's border crossings and talks in Cairo within two days.
Egypt's state news agency said that Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi had met with Mr Blair, envoy for the so-called Quartet of United Nations, European Union, Russia and United States, in efforts to secure a truce.
An Israeli government official said Mr Blair had met with Mr Netanyahu on Friday. Today, he met with Israel's President Shimon Peres at the President's residence in Jerusalem.
Meanwhile, thousands of Palestinians are fleeing northern parts of Gaza after Israel warned it was targeting the area. The UN says so far 17,000 people have sought refuge in its facilities.

Israel launched the offensive last Tuesday, saying it was responding to weeks of rocket fire out of the Hamas-ruled territory.

The surge in hostilities over the past week was prompted by the murder last month of three Jewish seminary students in the occupied West Bank and the revenge killing on July 2 of a Palestinian youth in Jerusalem.

Israel said on Monday three Jews in police custody had confessed to killing the Palestinian.
Hamas leaders have said a ceasefire must include an end to Israel's blockade of Gaza and a recommitment to a truce reached in an eight-day war there in 2012.
Hamas also wants Egypt to ease restrictions at its Rafah crossing with Gaza imposed after the military toppled Islamist president Mohamed Mursi last July.
But the Egyptian proposal made no mention of Rafah or when restrictions might be eased.
It said only that 'crossings shall be opened and the movement of persons and goods through (them) shall be facilitated once the security situation becomes stable on the ground'.
Hamas has faced a cash crisis and Gaza's economic hardship has deepened as a result of Egypt's destruction of cross-border smuggling tunnels.
Cairo accuses Hamas of aiding anti-government Islamist militants in Egypt's Sinai peninsula, an allegation the Palestinian group denies.
Hamas has said it wants the release of hundreds of its activists arrested in the West Bank while Israel searched for the three missing teens.
The detainees include more than 50 Hamas men freed from Israeli jails in a 2011 prisoner exchange.
The proposed truce made no mention of the detainees in stipulating that 'other issues, including security issues, shall be discussed with the sides.'​
As for real life muslims..
I've met one about 30 years ago, very nice, very clever.
I've played alongside a Turkish Muslim for two years, very friendly, learnt a bit of Turkish..
I've seen three women in Burkhas in town.

Thank you you have proven my point? so why did you say?
I have literally never seen a muslim without an AK47 or an angry banner telling me about how Islam will rule the world.

Trolling age maybe..... or just talking out of ass again with your usual anti Muslim slur
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I'm equally happy to point out that if muslims didn't have an irrational hatred of Jews based solely on perpetual religious bigotry, then this situation might have an end date.

And this is just one point that illustrates the redundant nature of your opinion and why it is pointless addressing anything you have to say with anything approaching rational objectivity, as you have no objectivity or rationale with which to debate. You actually believe that all Muslims hate the Jews and that I would find amusing, if it were not so sad that an apparently educated young man can have such polarised and stereotypical view of a people that have contributed so much to our western way of life. The fact that since the fall of their political and religious authority the new Middle Eastern countries have been in a political and cultural flux and that is why they are not as developed as the largely stable European counterparts seems lost on you. You would rather attribute it to their culture and religion rather than the circumstances inherent in that politically unstable region. that is why you are prejudiced, because you lack any objectivity.

" We must define our position and lay down basic principles for a settlement. Our demands should be moderate and balanced, and appear to be reasonable. But in fact they must involve such conditions as to ensure that the enemy rejects them. Then we should manoeuvre and allow him to define his own position, and reject a settlement on the basis of a compromise position. We should then publish his demands as embodying unreasonable extremism."

Yehoshafat Harkabi
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