Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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OMG hahaha, do you think I see muslims with AK47's in the UK or something :D
Of course they are online :o

Here we go again guys firs it was the "goat hearers" now this. You are trying to justify a idiotic comments with misunderstanding, maybe you should learn how to write before you post comments......

in a literal manner or sense; exactly.

Keep trolling boy.... Its actually amusing
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No I am not, here the muslim talking about it - page 5

I'm assuming he knows more than you?

if you want to comment on my posts, try quoting them, because when you try and paraphrase them you don't appear to understand them, thanks :)

The fact that you believe that utter nonsense which Is a blatant propaganda piece shows you either are a deliberate troll or totally senile.
The fact that you believe that utter nonsense which Is a blatant propaganda piece shows you either are a deliberate troll or totally senile.

But the internet is an official source of information if it were untrue google would remove it
You actually believe that all Muslims hate the Jews
Stop it with the Castiel debating tricks
I didn't say all, I said 'if muslims', which is just a reference to the muslims involved in this issue. Or should I consider the views of say American Muslims in every debate?
When the Jews first arrived they were attacked, presumably there were many reasons for this attack, I'm suggesting one of them is hatred.

Do muslims in the area teach their children to hate jews or not?

polarised and stereotypical view of a people that have contributed so much to our western way of life.
I don't particularly care what they have contributed, I didn't ask for it and I don't expect to be condemned for simply not being interested in it.
I don't care about Buddhist culture either, I don't find it relevant. That is not the same as 'Not valid'.

The fact that since the fall of their political and religious authority the new Middle Eastern countries have been in a political and cultural flux and that is why they are not as developed as the largely stable European counterparts seems lost on you.
Nope, I've read about how the rise of Islamism has destroyed much of their ability and desire to take part in science. That's why I don't rate their culture because this is what it has turned in to. However this has been going on for about 400 years, I don't see an end to it myself.

You would rather attribute it to their culture and religion rather than the circumstances inherent in that politically unstable region.
Cultures in political upheaval often turn to religion as a way of unifying their society, unfortunately Islam when used like this is a singularly barbaric and misogynistic religion.
And yes their culture does suck because of religion because there is no art or variation of architecture, just calligraphy and arches. A society that is incapable of reflection and creative freedom will inevitably grow into the self aggrandising arrogant beast that Islam now represents.

I'd agree that if left alone they might turn into something worthy of western culture (artistic/creative), but in a global society that isn't going to happen.
Look at this thread, the inevitable one sided angry muslim viewpoint in full effect.
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And I've just mentioned both sides in my reply, I've even acknowledged both sides of this issue in my posts.

What I haven't done, unlike the usual suspects in this thread,
is to pick one side based purely on a shared religion and unequivocally declare that the sun shines out of their arse.

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I thought Israel were very generous, told some people they were bombing their house in 15minutes or something :D

I'm sure hamas still probably used some civilians as human shields, they love a bit of that.

What happends in your stuck in toilet having number 2 and don't answer the phone.. :D
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I thought Israel were very generous, told some people they were bombing their house in 15minutes or something :D

I'm sure hamas still probably used some civilians as human shields, they love a bit of that.

I'm sure israel love punishing the innocent civilians by destroying their houses but it's okay as long as they phone first or missile tap the roof before the big one comes :rolleyes:

if any other country in the middle east dared do that you know the world would be horrified at the terrorist actions but it's israel and they can bully their neighbours as much as they please
I'm sure israel love punishing the innocent civilians by destroying their houses but it's okay as long as they phone first or missile tap the roof before the big one comes :rolleyes:

if any other country in the middle east dared do that you know the world would be horrified at the terrorist actions but it's israel and they can bully their neighbours as much as they please

Can you imagine if the UK walled off a republican area of Belfast and bombed it every time the IRA decided to carbomb something or kill a RUC officer etc...
Can you imagine if the UK walled off a republican area of Belfast and bombed it every time the IRA decided to carbomb something or kill a RUC officer etc...

The land in Ireland clearly belongs to the Irish (though looking at the state its been left in, you can keep it for now). I don't think its as clear cut for the Palestinians.
The land in Ireland clearly belongs to the Irish (though looking at the state its been left in, you can keep it for now). I don't think its as clear cut for the Palestinians.

The land belongs to the people who reside there. They should have the right to self determination and freedom from persecution and being forced out.
The land in Ireland clearly belongs to the Irish (though looking at the state its been left in, you can keep it for now). I don't think its as clear cut for the Palestinians.
pretty sure israel aren't supposed to have all the land they now control under the original agreement ?

didn't the EU not like it but america vetoed about a billion times?

Year Resolution Vetoed by the United States

1973 Affirms the rights of the Palestinians and calls on Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories.

1976 Calls for self determination for the Palestinians.

1978 Calls for developed countries to increase the quantity and quality of development assistance to underdeveloped countries.

1979 Calls for an end to all military and nuclear collaboration with the apartheid South Africa.

1980 Condemns Israeli policy regarding the living conditions of the Palestinian people.

1982 Condemns apartheid and calls for the cessation of economic aid to South Africa. 4 resolutions.

1986 Imposes economic and military sanctions against South Africa.

1987 Calls on Israel to abide by the Geneva Conventions in its treatment of the Palestinians.

1997 Calls on Israel to cease building settlements in East Jerusalem and other occupied territories.
Theres far more but I doubt everyone want's to read a massive list
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pretty sure israel aren't supposed to have all the land they now control under the original agreement ?

didn't the EU not like it but america vetoed about a billion times?
Their security wall was used to encroach on Palestinian land, but they told the US that is was needed and that putting the wall in certain places made it ineffective (but putting it further into Palestinian territory made it better)
from 2011
The US stood alone among the 15 members of the security council in failing to condemn the resumption of settlement building that has caused a serious rift between the Israeli government and the Palestinian authority and derailed attempts to kick-start the peace process. The Palestinians have made clear that they will not return to the negotiating table until Israel suspends settlement building in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

The decision placed the US in a controversial position at a time when it is already struggling to define its strategy in a tumultuous Middle East.

The 14 member countries backing the Arab-drafted resolution included Britain and France.

The US ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, said the decision to use the veto power – open to the five permanent members of the UN, of which the US is one – "should not be misunderstood to mean we support settlement activity".

America veto any EU resolutions proposed that have anything to do with israel.

nothing will ever stop this war whilst america keep the UN from placing sanctions or whatever on israel but don't let that stop the west from making out israel are the good guys
The land in Ireland clearly belongs to the Irish (though looking at the state its been left in, you can keep it for now). I don't think its as clear cut for the Palestinians.

Whats not clear cut?

UN Charter is considered a “law-making treaty”, the United Nations itself is not an international legislature that can make laws or pass legislations.

The United Nations had no business offering the nation of one people to the people of many nations. Its General Assembly had neither the legal nor the legislative powers to impose such a resolution or to convey title of a territory; Articles 10, 11 and 14 of the UN Charter bestows the right on the General Assembly merely to recommend resolutions.
In all honesty the complete integrity of the UN is a joke when someone like Tony Blair is pretending to be one of its peace envoys. No wonder the whole peace process broke down with him at the helm!
In all honesty the complete integrity of the UN is a joke when someone like Tony Blair is pretending to be one of its peace envoys. No wonder the whole peace process broke down with him at the helm!

yea I knew as soon as he thought the ceasefire was a good idea it most likely wasn't
Hamas according to an article I read never even had any contact from anyone about it lol
Just read the same thing apparently the ceasefire did not even go thru official channels... I agree Zoomee how can Tony Blair a war criminalz who contributed to death thunders of thousands Iraqis be the "middle east envoy" just shows the ******** corrupt political world we live in.
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