Israel/Palestine Shenanigans

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I thought Israel were very generous, told some people they were bombing their house in 15minutes or something :D

I'm sure hamas still probably used some civilians as human shields, they love a bit of that.

oh yeah.. Israel: Get out of your house,we will bomb it.. now where do you suppose these people will live tomorrow?

and what is the point of telling & bombing? are they not trying to get the terrorists? if they announce, terrorists will leave and the israelis are back to square 1.. :rolleyes:

It is nothing more than them trying to usurp more land.. I do not know why I need to show the image of Israel in 1948 and now when it has the majority of palestinian land..
Do you know how the war of 1967(?) I believe was won by Israel? over the two ceasefires, it got weapons from czech, and because all the jews were migrating there, it strengthened its armies..

Oh boo hoo, Israel accepted it for 6 hours.. do you know how much land has been usurped by Israel in the past 50 odd years? do you think a democratic country backed by USA should usurp other people's land?

if Hamas is elected govt why did the west refuse to recognise it I believe?

...and now the ceasefire is over.

Hamas rejected the ceasefire at 9AM today. IDF respected it anyway for six hours. During those six hours, 47 rockets were launched from Gaza. After 6 hours of one sided aggression, Israel has given up on the ceasefire and is now fighting back.

That's it Hamas, launch 47 rockets whilst your enemy is observing a ceasefire and not attacking you :rolleyes:. Way to go Hamas, way to go :rolleyes:.

Hamas is the majority party in the Palestinian Parliament and therefore represent the Palestinian people in the world's eyes.

Google will probably give you a good definition of what a ceasefire normally hopes to achieve :).
The point of a ceasefire is generally that both sides agree to stop attacking each other for a while. This allows time for peaceful citizens to escape, medical supplies to be brought in, and the leaders of both sides to grow up & get around a table.

That's not what the news websites say:
Sami Abu Zuhri, a senior official with the Palestinian militant group, spoke moments after Israel accepted the offer. He said: 'This proposal is not acceptable.'

The al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, added that it had not officially received the text of the agreement but said excerpts the group had seen showed it was 'an initiative of kneeling and submission'. 'Our battle with the enemy continues and will increase in ferocity and intensity,' it said.​

The Egyptian plan had called for hostilities to end this morning, followed by negotiations on easing the border blockade of Gaza. It called for a ceasefire to begin within 12 hours of 'unconditional acceptance' by the sides, followed by the opening of Gaza's border crossings and talks in Cairo within two days. What's not to like about that? :confused:

Israel did. For six hours. During which time there were 47 rockets launched from Gaza.
Do you know how the war of 1967(?) I believe was won by Israel? over the two ceasefires, it got weapons from czech, and because all the jews were migrating there, it strengthened its armies..

Oh boo hoo, Israel accepted it for 6 hours.. do you know how much land has been usurped by Israel in the past 50 odd years? do you think a democratic country backed by USA should usurp other people's land?

if Hamas is elected govt why did the west refuse to recognise it I believe?

egypt lost because noob zerg tactics according to that worlds greatest tank battle series

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I am honored that you feel the need to "agree" that we should care about dead Palestinian babies because few pages ago you couldnt care less. But what about men & women, I guess you don't yet agree to that! :rolleyes:

You also couldnt care less about the whole muslim nation who havent done anything so the world doesnt need them, and I said YOU havent done anything either so maybe we should start with you.

Time and time again you defended Israel and ridiculed Palestine, why the sudden change.. or is just from the outside so people will stop having a go at your ridiculous ideas.

Muslims dont hate Jews, they hate the zionists, which even the proper JEWS hate as demonstrated by large number of Jews in recent demo outside Israel embassies all over the world

Never said it wasn't,
but neither is it helped by firing rockets at Titans in the hope that Israelis will kill your own children and make idiot liberals feel sorry for them.

And it's the same for any muslim country, hence their pitifully low science output.

LOL, do you want a discussion or is it only permissible to trot out the same self serving anger from the usual muslim apologists.

I'm quite happy to call the Israelis, terrorists.
I'm quite happy to acknowledge the food and water issues.
I'm quite happy to agree that we should care about dead Palestinian babies.
I'm quite happy to suggest that the Israelis are only interested in violence.
(all of which has been ignored because it is far cooler to egg each other on to abuse me personally)

I'm equally happy to point out that if muslims didn't have an irrational hatred of Jews based solely on perpetual religious bigotry, then this situation might have an end date.

*sigh* I'm not defending anything, I'm adding in content presented by a muslim, maybe it means something, maybe it doesn't. If I regarded it as a serious source then I wouldn't be making a joke about it. It is the Quron after all, anything in there will have seven different meanings, one for every day of the week.
In your little bubble you must see muslims every day. In mine I don't, I live in a 100% white rural village, I work in a 100% white rural town (except for a lot of Indian doctors, a couple of which I know))

As for real life muslims..
I've met one about 30 years ago, very nice, very clever.
I've played alongside a Turkish Muslim for two years, very friendly, learnt a bit of Turkish..
I've seen three women in Burkhas in town.

When I said literally, I meant it.
All the rest have been in the course of looking at material for these threads, all of whom appear to be holding guns.

SO you have never interacted with muslims and for no apparent reason you have decided that you hate them.. if you were clever you would see what the media is doing.. but alas when you quote daily mail articles....
Not sure if Im wrong but I have been told that its always the Palestinians that are rejecting peace treaties. Their own worst enemy type of thing.

just one fact: how and more importantly WHY the land of palestine has continued to shrink as the decades have gone on? just search from 1948 to now and WHY Israel hasnt stuck to the UN/International law..
Not sure if Im wrong but I have been told that its always the Palestinians that are rejecting peace treaties. Their own worst enemy type of thing.

Because the when the peace talks comes up Israeli is always building settlements and have pre conditions just to name a few:

Palestines don't have the right to return.
Palestinians accept Israeli confiscations of West Bank land around East Jerusalem and accept the expansion of settlements in the West Bank.
Palestinians must prevent their extremists from committing acts of violence, but Israel can continue to not only attack Palestinian areas in the Gaza Strip with missiles, but they can also target Palestinians in the West Bank.

Does this sound like they want peace? Nope! as they know the Palestinians wont agree and Israeli can continue to wipe Palestine off the map, just like they have been doing for past 66+ years...

More war crimes...

Anyone think that Israeli will send it troops to reoccupy Gaza? and finally secure that 122 trillion cubic feet of gas?
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my favourite quote from the sorts at work that probably vote UKIP or tell everyone they are voting BNP then dont vote at all is ''ha ha they dont mess about those israelis eyyy''

yea and neither did the Nazis/Japanese/Vietcong/IRA etc etc even the US/UK invasion of iraq...

war crimes all round
my favourite quote from the sorts at work that probably vote UKIP or tell everyone they are voting BNP then dont vote at all is ''ha ha they dont mess about those israelis eyyy''

yea and neither did the Nazis/Japanese/Vietcong/IRA etc etc even the US/UK invasion of iraq...

war crimes all round

it would appear the west of have been brain washed into believing israel are the innocent victim when it's clearly the other way around if you bother to look into it all.

at school I don't think they ever taught us anything about israel apart from we supplied with with heavy water or whatever it was to help them get a nuke.

we were never taught about what had actually happened in that region and all you ever see on western news is how israel is like a mini america in the middle east taking care of terrorists
Sounds like something big is going to happen. The US is shipping tons of weapons (routing through Prestwick, apparently) to Israel over the coming days - apparently nothing has been seen like it before. Israel also just called up another 8,000 reserves....bringing the total to 56,000. Rumors of a multi-front war looming.
Sounds like something big is going to happen. The US is shipping tons of weapons (routing through Prestwick, apparently) to Israel over the coming days - apparently nothing has been seen like it before. Israel also just called up another 8,000 reserves....bringing the total to 56,000. Rumors of a multi-front war looming.

probably just updating the war material stockpiles they have there.

America maintains vast arsenals and amounts of building supplies and equipment there in the case of war they can let israel use them.

they did it with Europe during the cold war too.
Sounds like something big is going to happen. The US is shipping tons of weapons (routing through Prestwick, apparently) to Israel over the coming days - apparently nothing has been seen like it before. Israel also just called up another 8,000 reserves....bringing the total to 56,000. Rumors of a multi-front war looming.

At work we have been told that all Israel and most Middle East bound trips have been suspended until further notice, even the time critical ones.
Israeli PM on Twitter:
Yesterday I accepted the Egyptian ceasefire proposal endorsed by the UN SG & the Arab League. Israel accepted it and Hamas rejected it.

We held our fire for six hours, and during that time Hamas continue to barrage our cities with rockets.

Hamas thus shut the door to a diplomatic solution and it therefore bears the sole responsibility for the continuation of the violence.

Hamas is responsible for the civilian deaths, the innocent deaths of Palestinians that it uses as human shields and Hamas is responsible for the deaths of Israeli civilians and the terror rocketing of Israeli civilians.

I believe that all members of the international community should unequivocally condemn Hamas for these crimes.

I believe that all members of the international community should unequivocally support Israel’s right to defend itself.​

I get the feeling that a major ground assault is coming soon...

Israel has been condemned for it's actions for longer then I can remember now, yet it hasn't changed a single thing. When are people going to start realising that they have absolutely no interest in a peaceful solution? When you actually accept this idea or at least consider it, you can then start trying to understand what is going on. Israel are out to enrage the Arab/Muslim world so much that they reaching boiling point, and the likes of ISIS and other such organisations gain popularity and they can then present this picture to the world saying look, we're doing you a favour, we need to act before these radicals get out of control.

'By way of deception thou shalt do war' -Mossad

I said years ago on these forums that Israel has long been preparing a full scale war in the middle east. They will continue to humiliate and decimate the Palestinians and claim they are acting in self defence, whilst the zionist controlled propaganda machine around the world continues trying to sell the picture that Muslims are out to get everyone. Many of the real Jews meanwhile have no voice, their protests and condemnation against Israel go unreported on the mainstream news outlets.

As the farcical debates go on, Israel will continue killing innocent women and children and breaking international law with absolutely no regard. I hope those who have no attachment to either side are at least able to feel some compassion and sympathy for the killing of innocent civilians whether israeli or palestinian, because in recent decades there has been a big effort by the zionist controlled media in the western world to completely de-humanise the arabs.

There are tons and tons of accounts even from Israeli Jews explaining the reality, here is one example:

Here is the full talk if you have time to listen to it:

Jimmy Carter was saying it years ago:

My personal view is that unfortunately things will continue to get worse and worse for the palestinians and the arabs in the surrounding areas to Israel.
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Israeli PM on Twitter:
Yesterday I accepted the Egyptian ceasefire proposal endorsed by the UN SG & the Arab League. Israel accepted it and Hamas rejected it.

We held our fire for six hours, and during that time Hamas continue to barrage our cities with rockets.

Hamas thus shut the door to a diplomatic solution and it therefore bears the sole responsibility for the continuation of the violence.

Hamas is responsible for the civilian deaths, the innocent deaths of Palestinians that it uses as human shields and Hamas is responsible for the deaths of Israeli civilians and the terror rocketing of Israeli civilians.

I believe that all members of the international community should unequivocally condemn Hamas for these crimes.

I believe that all members of the international community should unequivocally support Israel’s right to defend itself.​

I get the feeling that a major ground assault is coming soon...

Err...Netanyahu is responsible for the innocent deaths of civilians as much as Hamas. Both Hamas and the Israeli Administration should unequivocally condemned for this.
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