It's funny how (fuel shortages)

No issues in North East. Local petrol station had a busy spell but never ran out. Next nearest ran out and had deliveries the next day.

Just the idiot southerners are still panic buying as they haven’t realised the only problem is them
No issues in North East. Local petrol station had a busy spell but never ran out. Next nearest ran out and had deliveries the next day.

Just the idiot southerners are still panic buying as they haven’t realised the only problem is them

You just don't get it!!!! I NEED! An extra £3 of fuel in my tank!!
Go easy on the southerners, they need extra petrol for their giant sit on lawn mowers so their butler can get in 1 last cut before winter, we don't know the struggle up north, respect to our southern bros.
No issues in North East. Local petrol station had a busy spell but never ran out. Next nearest ran out and had deliveries the next day.

Just the idiot southerners are still panic buying as they haven’t realised the only problem is them

Think the northerners are just too poor to empty the stations;)
I suspect it's a lot more to do with population density, a driving commute heavy population, and a higher number of Chelsea tractors per household :D

Don't be silly, its those wise northerners who all only bought what they needed and accepted the risk that they wouldn't be able to get to work if they slept on it. We can but learn from our wise neighbours upstairs :p
Don't be silly, its those wise northerners who all only bought what they needed and accepted the risk that they wouldn't be able to get to work if they slept on it

Probably more to do with workshy benefit snatchers not needing fuel to drive anywhere, except the gym. :p
Tankers hold 30-36k litres of fuel. If everyone fills up with £30 fuel at 138.9p a litre - just above 21.5 litres. So a tanker fills about 1500 vehicles. Not everyone will be filling with £30 as motorbikes don’t have large tanks.

I’ve been out of the game for so long now that I cannot be definitive, but the last triple axled articulated tanker trailer that I drove had a capacity of 5000 gallons, at 4.5 litres to the gallon, that was 22,500 litres.
I could not swear to the capacity, as it was so far back in time.

I was reading that on the BBC. Imagine being such a lunatic following a tanker.

Three-quarters of a mile later, when he stopped at the site entrance, he heard car horns honking, he said.

Thinking something had fallen off his vehicle, he got out and saw the queue of vehicles.

"The man at the front wound down his window and asked me which petrol station I was going to," he said.

"When I said I wasn't, he asked me 'Why not?' and when I said I wasn't carrying petrol, he actually said 'You could have stopped and told us you weren't a petrol tanker.'

"I couldn't believe it... I just went full McEnroe and said 'You cannot be serious!'

"Then the bloke behind asked me where the nearest petrol station was. It just beggars belief."

Mr Anderson, who has been driving double-bellied mortar tankers for about six years, said while it was "quite funny", there was also a serious side.

"My cargo isn't dangerous but if they are following a petrol tanker, their training is to call the police if they think they're being followed," he said.

"People need to stop and think... driving a tanker, no matter what the product, is quite a pressurised job, so following them puts extra pressure on drivers already under pressure without having to worry about absolute morons."
Passed a number of petrol stations today and while they had queues it was maybe 3/4 cars waiting in the road. Definitely calmed down and I think last weekend/start of the week won’t be repeated.
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