It's official, girls leave toilets in a worst state

On a mostly male forum...

the amount of times my family have been on a day out and been caught short only to find the mens toilets in expected conditions (a bit of urine on the seat/floor) only to be told the horror stories of the ladies (**** up the back of the toilet seat/on the walls, urine on the seat, bloody towels/tampons in the bowel and so on) only stands as a testament to the depravity of the women's toilets.

in one of my previous places of work there was a shared changing space with independent toilets, the women's end ALWAYS stank and was having to be unblocked every month. again, in another previous job we had a single toilet out back used by 4 blokes, always immaculate, never had to worry about sitting on a wet seat or anything like that.

even at home me, my dad and my little brother are always blamed for wee on the seats yet i've gone in there after them (mum/sister) to find unflushed poos/tampons, wet seats (hopefully splashed from the taps but you never know).

women are the dirtier sex.
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Whilst the high volume of women bashing on here gets a bit tiring (but something I have to accept, being on a male dominated forum) I will happily hold my hands up to the fact that womens toilets probably are worse. I just don't have an explanation as to why, it's completely beyond me and I have no idea what goes through these womens minds when they leave things in such a state.

All I can say in defence is that I am a complete hygiene freak, so I am more likely to get the bathroom cleaner out than leave any mess :p
Whilst the high volume of women bashing on here gets a bit tiring (but something I have to accept, being on a male dominated forum) I will happily hold my hands up to the fact that womens toilets probably are worse. I just don't have an explanation as to why, it's completely beyond me and I have no idea what goes through these womens minds when they leave things in such a state.

All I can say in defence is that I am a complete hygiene freak, so I am more likely to get the bathroom cleaner out than leave any mess :p

will you marry me? :D
Very true in India - the pigs (actual pigs - they clean out the toilets in rural areas as there's rarely mains sewerage) don't like toilet paper you see. (actually more like toilet paper is hard to find in rural India, I'm sure the pigs don't really mind.)

Oh god, why did you post that??!!
This might be a good time to get some opinion on my latest mad invention.

You know the inflated plastic bag packaging that overclockers and other such companies use? What if you had some of that shaped into a toilet seat the next time you were faced with the prospect of sitting on a festival toilet? You wouldnt have to hover or risk your backside coming into contact with something unpleasant, and could be thrown away afterwards.

I'm sure there's a drawback somewhere, they would probably have to come with some small print like "dont try to flush this and then cause a blockage, flooding you in your own excrement" and "no fat chicks". Oh and the plastic hating hippies might not like it either..

I forgot the country but I remember the toilets had a plateau so if you did number two it remained in situe without water covering it, saved in all it's glory once you stood up. Sometimes putting up with a u-bend backsplash is preferable!

These seem to be quite popular in more eastern parts of Europe (I've seen them in Poland, Hungary and Austria). I didn't really understand the point of this "plateau" either.
From what i understand, they used to use stones (and it had to be an odd number) to wipe thier bums, but nowa days they use loo paper, but they certainly do stand on the seats as i've also seen the foot prints on the loo seats here as well as broken seats.

Blimey, I'm not Muslim but I might modify that for my faith.

"Put your left foot in, your right foot out, do the hokey cokey before you curl one out"

Then finish off with:

"Praise be to God who allowed me to lay some cable in such an artistic fashion, complimenting the invigorating aroma"
This might be a good time to get some opinion on my latest mad invention.

You know the inflated plastic bag packaging that overclockers and other such companies use? What if you had some of that shaped into a toilet seat the next time you were faced with the prospect of sitting on a festival toilet? You wouldnt have to hover or risk your backside coming into contact with something unpleasant, and could be thrown away afterwards.

I'm sure there's a drawback somewhere, they would probably have to come with some small print like "dont try to flush this and then cause a blockage, flooding you in your own excrement" and "no fat chicks". Oh and the plastic hating hippies might not like it either..


I think you can already get something similar, just a single piece of plastic (could even be biodegradable) that fits over the seat.:p

These seem to be quite popular in more eastern parts of Europe (I've seen them in Poland, Hungary and Austria). I didn't really understand the point of this "plateau" either.

They are around randomly all over europe (but not everywhere), they can be a bit satisfying ocassionally, but mostly just disgusting. what I have noticed however is they do seem far cleaner than normal ones, probably because they also all seem to have pressure washers water pushers instead of gravity fed water like ours.:p
The other day in work the cleaner found an empty bottele of vodka behind the mens toilet, however in the womens toilet someone had **** in a bag and put it in the sanitary bin.

lol, women
shameful, well..i think we need to teach these ladies a lesson...coming from masters who can hit the target from the standing position.

Lectures will be 1 hour sessions and I will be holding this at *ENTER NAME HERE * public toilets

Lesson 101 - How to take a wee
Lesson 102 - How to take a crap
Lesson 103 - How to take a crap, wipe it up
Lesson 104 - How not to make the toilet look like a jam factory


sorry, i couldnt resist
I've always won the toilet-seat debate.

"Eurgh! Why can't you put the toilet seat back down?"

"I don't need to sit on it, that's why."

"But I do!"

"Then why can't you lower it?"

"Because I don't want to get your dirty pee-pee sprinkles on my hands!"

"a) When the seat is in the upright position, it won't get peed on. b) You have to sit on it anyway!"

"er.. hmm.. err.. just lift it when you are done!"

If they get all argumentative about it and just can't see sense, why not get the last laugh by not only putting the seat down but the lid as well. ;)
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