It's snowing


Sorry about the picture quality - Just to show that it is infact snowing in Bath.
I've just spent the past 20 minutes helping my next door neighbour get his Porsche 911 Carrera S 15 feet from the main road onto his drive up a very slight incline.

0 - 60 in about a week at that rate ;)
So much snow in Bedfordshire/Hertfordshire atm!!! Proper screaming it down. I took some pics but in my car atm ill upload when i get home:eek:

Stopped snowing in North Herts about half an hour ago though. :(

Was very wet snow as well, the sort that even a slight temperature change would have turned it into rain. Hopefully it will get slightly cooler and start snowing again, predicted up to another 10cm.:D

Luckily dad brought the 4x4 to pick me up from work so had no troubles getting home.
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Guys I'm stucked in my office at School Green, Reading. I stayed at Early near Showcase cinema, Reading. Anyone living along Wokingham road can tell me if I should try driving towards Sainsbury at Winnersh and heads towards Early? thanks
We've had almost 2 full days of snow hear in Macclesfield in the North West

On top of a hill near my house looking over Manchester in the distance


My house is in the middle of that lot



My road, not as bad as it has been but the slush is just as dangerous. Its hard to see from the picture but the road is a fairly steep incline.

We had a tiny bit of snow but its literally just rock solid frozen now and has been all day, made walking to work...interesting, saw atleast 5 ppl fall, heh!
It took my 3.5 hours to pick up my daughter from her friend's house (a journey which normally takes 25 mins). It's unbelievable how badly some people are driving. I was stuck for some time behind an Audi A8 and an AMG Merc C500, neither of which could make any progress up a miniscule incline (no more than 1:50). They were just sitting there thinking that putting their foot to the floor would work and merrily sliding from side to side :rolleyes:.
Guys I'm stucked in my office at School Green, Reading. I stayed at Early near Showcase cinema, Reading. Anyone living along Wokingham road can tell me if I should try driving towards Sainsbury at Winnersh and heads towards Early? thanks
Might be an idea to have a look at the councils website to try and view the traffic cameras?
It took my 3.5 hours to pick up my daughter from her friend's house (a journey which normally takes 25 mins).

You think thats bad?? try 7 hours which should have taken 40 minutes max. Last years snow.

I want more snow, hurry up so i dont have to work from the office :D
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