It's snowing

This is Reading. Snowing very heavy now (you can't tell from this picture).

Tell me about it, the roads are jammed, and I couldn't get up the Hill by the Kendrick School! Had to leave it there, and walk back to the office, So I just need to walk the 6 miles home!!
it's just taken my folks over an hour to drive 3 miles between bracknell and crowthorne.... got to love the snow !!! :)
Near Reading, work been closed down and the place is gridlocked due to accidents both towards basingstoke and reading. People are now at my house where its warm :D

Sounds like the whole South East from Hampshire/Berkshire eastwards has stopped. Motorways gridlocked, cars everywhere. People reporting taking hours to move even 10 meters.

I got sent home at 2PM and I'm glad I accepted. I think we were one of the first to be hit (Newbury).

Lived here since 1990. Never known it like this before.
Tell me about it, the roads are jammed, and I couldn't get up the Hill by the Kendrick School! Had to leave it there, and walk back to the office, So I just need to walk the 6 miles home!!

You should have seen the hill in caversham on the peppard road. A goods vehicle tried to go up, got stuck, then started sliding down towards all the cars behind it. Not fun. Reading is mental in bad weather. Glad I don't work in Bracknell anymore, that commute will suck today for many.
Was meant to be going to Hammersmith to see Jimmy Carr tonight, got 2/3 of the way to the station and couldnt move due to traffic not moving, ended up having to turn round and come home :( didn't select the ticket insurance either so now £54 down :(

Appears to of stopped snowing now but no chance of getting anywhere...
So much snow in Bedfordshire/Hertfordshire atm!!! Proper screaming it down. I took some pics but in my car atm ill upload when i get home:eek:
Just come back from walking the dog. (About an hour).

No snow here in the south west, but man, watch out for that ice.

Lost the car twice in a spin. wow scary as hell.

Got out of the car to walk with the dog and nearly ended straight on my rear end.

Just can't see the ice at this time of night.

Castle Eden Walkway
I went arse over tit on the way back from work, wouldn't have been that bad apart from the 5 kids that saw it and then hurled snowballs at me as I jumped in a taxi :(
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