It's snowing

A few more snaps I took from my little excursion this morning:




And my back garden:

Braw, Where in fife do you stay Sonea?

Glenrothes was pretty bad.

I took 40 minutes to do a usualy 12 minute journey.

Saw atleas 4 BMW's styuck mwahahah and my Fiesta made it. Stick your big RWD cars
Good lord, it took 2hrs 10 mins to get to work this morning, so about an hour longer than usual. I'm just counting my blessings that I wasn't among the poor unfortunates stranded on the slip roads because the lorries got stuck. Christ knows if I'll make it home though.
Good lord, it took 2hrs 10 mins to get to work this morning, so about an hour longer than usual. I'm just counting my blessings that I wasn't among the poor unfortunates stranded on the slip roads because the lorries got stuck. Christ knows if I'll make it home though.

The traffic was backed up from the Rosyth turning on the forth bridge to kirkcaldy west.

For people that dont know this area its about 18 miles.:eek:

I dove over the top on the roundabout and saw them all sitting there :D thinking thank god im not goign that way
Braw, Where in fife do you stay Sonea?

I'm in Rosyth under the snow :p

The traffic was backed up from the Rosyth turning on the forth bridge to kirkcaldy west.

For people that dont know this area its about 18 miles.:eek:

I know the area well - three lorries got stuck on the approach to the Forth Bridge which caused all the chaos. Just about to leave the now for my journey Livingston, looking forward to sitting in a jam on the M8 :(
I crashed my car last night. Slid off the road on a corner and ended up in a hedge. Luckily some guy from a nearby house came out and towed me out. I split my number plate and there was some minor scratched underneath the bumper, nothing serious.

After entering the hedge, literally no more than 40 seconds later, a gritter drove past :(

I also nearly hit a fox which was eating a dead animal in the middle of the road, then 30 seconds later a cat ran out in front of me!
Sounds eventful Scary squirel.

Ive just had about 4 texts saying Fife council have run out of Grit.

Had a little more snow overnight (wasn't forecasted as far as I was aware), replaced what little has managed to melt since the weekend.
I'm in Rosyth under the snow :p

I know the area well - three lorries got stuck on the approach to the Forth Bridge which caused all the chaos. Just about to leave the now for my journey Livingston, looking forward to sitting in a jam on the M8 :(

Heh i'm from Rosyth as well, got quite a shock when i woke up this morning.
Our council ran out of grit on Monday :D
And I work for the council - not be it with the gritters mind.s

Mate on another forum works for the local council and he has confirmed they have ran out.

Also he said they have been going out when its rainign as they have been in fear of it freezing so it will have all been wasted.

Had to get towed up the hill as the cars just couldn't make it. My mates just driven his car into a ditch in the same place :(
Im up the Top of Kirkcaldy Just now looking over the Lomonds. i can See some cloud comming in over from glenrothes direction.

I think we have more instore.
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