It's snowing

I don't remember ever seeing a frost this hard. My black car is white, as in, from a distance you cannot actually tell it is black, the road is iced over even though it has been gritted, trees are all white with frost.

I quite like hardcore cold winters, as long as our infrastructure and the stupid drivers adapt to it! Just heard a car accelerate onto the bend on our road, only to see it up on the kerb when I just went to shut the bedroom curtains lol :D
a few friends abandoned there cars in a pub carpark last night to find themselves clamped this morning lovely!

Road closed, too much ice and people slide off the end into the main road and crash! :p
Still no snow here, bloody cold tho, -4C, just been for a walk to the cash machine, only to find the thing had frozen solid! Took 3 minutes to eject my card, failed with the cash, no money for my dinner now :(
I'm charging 2 battery packs, clearing memory cards, cleaning lens... Prepping D50 for some nice pics :D

Will post them later, no poop this time I promise.


Want to go get some snaps!

Can't find my macro lens :( So no nice detailed pictures, sucks.


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