Well thank you manveruppd. I like that name, it is indeed unique, is it Welsh by any chance ?
Fear not my friend, for I have posted these problem forums before. There are always problems to iron out and I am most happy when I am doing so.
As for smelly feet, that is indeed unfortunate. Have you tried placing used tea bags in your socks ? No ? Then perhaps that is where you go wrong. Clean feet are but cold and clammy discomfort away.
I am rather skint at the moment, so I will consider selling you mine until pay day on Friday. I will have to buy it back though as I will need it. Without life, I cannot post these acts of artistic literature.. I could always start charging for the advice I dish out. Hmmmmm.
As for being lazy, carry on my good manveruppd. As my profile reads, I am the Secretary of State for Sloth. Perhaps you could come and work for me in the Ministry of Sloth ? I am sure there is a spare leather recliner and a chez longues for you to kip in.
What should you do ? Don't work. All of the answers to life's problems are on these great forums. Blink, work and you may miss them.
I see you are from Leeds. The one-way system is a little cheeky I find.
Fear not my friend, for I have posted these problem forums before. There are always problems to iron out and I am most happy when I am doing so.
As for smelly feet, that is indeed unfortunate. Have you tried placing used tea bags in your socks ? No ? Then perhaps that is where you go wrong. Clean feet are but cold and clammy discomfort away.
I am rather skint at the moment, so I will consider selling you mine until pay day on Friday. I will have to buy it back though as I will need it. Without life, I cannot post these acts of artistic literature.. I could always start charging for the advice I dish out. Hmmmmm.
As for being lazy, carry on my good manveruppd. As my profile reads, I am the Secretary of State for Sloth. Perhaps you could come and work for me in the Ministry of Sloth ? I am sure there is a spare leather recliner and a chez longues for you to kip in.
What should you do ? Don't work. All of the answers to life's problems are on these great forums. Blink, work and you may miss them.
I see you are from Leeds. The one-way system is a little cheeky I find.