It's too hot :(

Forecast here is um interesting... fairly warm Friday then 2 days of 30C through a good bit of the afternoon followed by 4 days of substantial thunderstorms where the daytime temperatures are still holding around 28C!

If the CAPE and couple of other models hold up could be some pretty big thunderstorm events rolling in next week.
Bit of breezing taking the edge off 30C currently.

But I have to pop out mid afternoon... Mummy!!!!111!!!11!!!
what is this madness :(

Looks like my work laptop (13” XPS) is struggling to keep itself cool, may need to have a look at the CPU paste as it’s a couple of years old now
I expect you'll need dividends to pay for it.

screw this weather

Obv not cheap to install, but running costs aren't too bad.

Using about 1kw draw to maintain temps at these levels, don't need it on all the time or year round, just when it's the most beneficial time to use it.

Portable AC wasn't much lower usage but it's less efficient and couldn't cool whole house down.
12p an hour, not exactly bank breaking. I think I'll carry on paying for the electricity and be cool.

If someone said pay me a pound and I'll keep you cool all day I bet you would. :)

Cheaper than an ice cream! :cool:

I think it's a common misconception that aircon is insanely expensive to run for some reason. The split systems are about 300% efficient give or take (conditions outside and indoor matter).

But that means 1kw of electric will provide roughly 3kw of cooling or heating.
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