It's too hot :(

Weather seems a total contradiction here atm of today's forecast, it's really overcast and raining.

Same here, for the last few days they've said its going to be 26/27 degrees here, in fact its cooler today than its been for the last week and is overcast. I'm wondering if Monday and all the panic about it is just going to end up being a whole load of BS
Same here, for the last few days they've said its going to be 26/27 degrees here, in fact its cooler today than its been for the last week and is overcast. I'm wondering if Monday and all the panic about it is just going to end up being a whole load of BS
Hopefully, still forecast as 39c for Monday and Tuesday which won't be fun.
And, if you had young kids and lived nearby, what you would you tell them as you put them to bed? Ignore it and it'll go away.

Id tell them they were having a party and that's fine. Stop being such a drip.

Although to be fair, my neighbours typically tell me if they are having parties, building work or anything else done that's noisy and disruptive. I mean, did you even consider that?
At about 10pm tonight, I walked past a semi-detached house, with one side playing music that I heard from nearly 50 yards away. As I got continued closer, you could hear the laughs and banter.

I pity their neighbours having to suffer because of one selfishness household.

A party at 10pm on a Saturday isn't what I would call selfish. .

If they made a habit it of it every day and it went on past 11pm all the time it might be an issue.

An outdoor party in the evening on a weekend in the summer in a residential area is largely common place...
I can see both sides of the coin - it could be a one-off, they could have informed neighbours beforehand. But, for me, the volume was the problem - it wasn't just a soundbar sat in the corner, it was a speaker as big as the ones DJs use. To me, that doesn't strike me as very neighbourly, one-off or not.

To stop derailing this thread, this is my last post on the matter.
I can see both sides of the coin - it could be a one-off, they could have informed neighbours beforehand. But, for me, the volume was the problem - it wasn't just a soundbar sat in the corner, it was a speaker as big as the ones DJs use. To me, that doesn't strike me as very neighbourly, one-off or not.

To stop derailing this thread, this is my last post on the matter.
I agree with you full heartedly. It's like some people think there is some sort of sound barrier bubble around their house and they can literally do anything they like no matter where it's situated.
Weather seems to already be hotter today down here. Already at 26C
Still only 22 here, so quite a bit down on the apocalyptic forecasts of what Sunday was supposed to be here. Still plenty of time left in the day for it to hot up but at this point I'd be surprised if we top 24 here today :)
It's a lovely 25c here today.
Building towards upper 20s.

Decided on just swimming today.

Factor 30 at the ready.

I was thinking last night. Life would suck without sun screen!
What's the science on whether it's better to have windows open or closed in really hot weather?

Currently 28C here in South London and quite comfortable. That said, I live on the edge of a very wide open space so warm air isn't trapped between the buildings.
What's the science on whether it's better to have windows open or closed in really hot weather?

Currently 28C here in South London and quite comfortable. That said, I live on the edge of a very wide open space so warm air isn't trapped between the buildings.
Windows should be shut if outside temperature is higher than inside temperature. However, where the sun is shining through the window, that will heat it up so there may be a balance needed. Blinds and curtains should be shut everywhere.
What's the science on whether it's better to have windows open or closed in really hot weather?

Currently 28C here in South London and quite comfortable. That said, I live on the edge of a very wide open space so warm air isn't trapped between the buildings.
Keep windows and blinds/curtains closed during the hottest part of the day
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