It's too hot :(

Supposed to be hotter here tomorrow! Then back to normal with a much more pleasant mid 20's.
Great pic though!

Today is our last hot day. Its cooler tomorrow for Wales.

Took it with my old s7! As my s20fe died yesterday at the beach!

It's 29c tomorrow max. But cloud and even raim/storm so its really the end of the good weather. Well the amazing weather!
Where did you hear that, 25th July for us on BBC site is 20c but I'm up north east way, also it doesn't go into August yet on bbc site. Next thus and fri looks so good for us at 18c, can't wait its like a nice gift for getting through this hell of the next 3 days.

Looking at the weather models like the GFS - has a bunch of charts for them. It is fairly tentative but looks like 2 smaller heat waves potentially over the next 2-3 weeks.
29 in my flat right now, trying to sleep on the sofa as it feels cooler in there. Got to be up at 4:30 but don’t think I’ll get much sleep.
I'm in the same situ.
I've left the missus in the bedroom and come downstairs, backdoor open and front window open.

Why is there never a nice breeze when you need one.
Im now laid butt naked on the sofa in the lounge with a fan pointing at me. Must be 5-6 degrees cooler down here so instead of blow hot air the fans blowing cooler air, think im sleeping on the sofa tonight
I opened the door briefly after sun went down and tested the air outside (I face west so have to wait for it to go down, this is a reason as well why why summers are unpleasant in my property) and the air was hotter outside than inside, so yes keep windows and doors shut even in the shade.
The fan has now come in from cooling the garage freezer, to annoy and cool me instead.

Tomorrow I may be chucking out a lot of food. Still baking and no air movement out there.
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