It's too hot :(

Local Wunderground app station already reading 27C, expected to hit 31C max today, but also chance of some rain.
Yep, got up at 4am to try and get the heat out, only down to 24c so far tho, sun's up soon. In an hour or so I'll shut everything up again.
My room temp never went below 28C, its 8am now so clearly its not going lower. Really hoping they got this right and during the next night it all moves back to cooler air.
Tbh this is a rare thing ,I would rather experience and cope with this short heatwave rather than shut myself indoors with aircon trying to make every day the same
Yes it's the first time the fan wasn't good enough and I've wished for AC but unless we're going to get this heat more than once or twice a year then the fan I have is fine
Cycling in 25C at 7.30am has its moments, and now I'm stuck in a fridge all day in the office :cry:.

Hope everyone is surviving.
Looks like most temperatures have now been down rated a few degrees. Trains cancelled here for nothing, it’s no hotter than yesterday. Feels more humid this morning though and hotter earlier.
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