It's too hot :(

I don't believe this. I think my body is held at a more stable temperature all day than those without.

Also, I spent a good 10+ years working in a Supermarket, going in and out of chillers and freezers all day... how do you suggest it has detrimentally affected me?

I just don’t do well in the heat. I’ll adjust if in it for weeks, but just for a few really hot days there’s no point. I have rubbish genetics, I’m always too hot. My wife meanwhile and her African genes mean she’s always cold and will be sat outside in the sun all day.
My portable A/C got our bedroom down to 22°C, but it was running the compressor most of the night where it would normally have periods of just circulation the cool air with the A/C system on standby as it had reached target temperature.

Wife got the right arse that it couldn’t reach 20°C and I didn’t an argument. Again. So I tried this approach…

Me: How fast can our Duster go?
Her: I don’t know.
Me: Say it can do 170kph. Would it go faster or slower driving into a 50kph headwind?
Her: Slower.
Me: Why?
Her: Because it doesn’t have enough power to go faster.
Me: Think of our A/C on a very hot day like our Duster driving into a strong headwind. It doesn’t have enough power to reach its normal top speed.

<Sound of penny dropping is heard>

In other news, I have all the windows and doors open replacing warm dry air with much cooler, but humid air. Thunderstorm forecast for early tomorrow morning. Oh joy.
We dragged the spare room mattress into our toddlers room and all slept with the portable aircon. Was fantastic. Was about 19deg going by his temperature egg.

As soon as you walk out of the room the rest of the house felt like a sauna.

Best advice I can give is turn the aircon on first thing and keep the room cool rather than trying to cool it down from 30+
Did you have air con if not how did you sleep in that or didn't you, I just don't fall to sleep in hot weather, luckily last night with us was 22 and managed but 30 isn't possible for my body.
Managed to sleep, but not great, the low humidity meant the fan did an ok job simulating coolness
Can you believe this my neighbour yesterday in 35 degrees sat in front garden, not back in direct sunlight sunbathing, I was gobsmacked, with skin cancer risk I didn't think anyone sunbathed in heat like that still.

I just cream up.
I wear a t-shirt in my kayak. But my arms, neck, face etc are fully exposed for hours.
I slept fine, no fans need. Woke up a couple of times but it was OK. Wife and I slept separately, I can't imagine sleeping with a partner in this heat.

Today at work I have a nice hot cup of coffee and a fan the size of a dinner plate right next to me. All is good :)
Popped to the shop earlier and there was a nice breeze.


Not hot enough for 413x :)
Can you believe this my neighbour yesterday in 35 degrees sat in front garden, not back in direct sunlight sunbathing, I was gobsmacked, with skin cancer risk I didn't think anyone sunbathed in heat like that still.
My Dad has to be careful as got a rare skin condition (I have inherited it but gets worse in your late 40s) where little lumps form around eyes, nose and in front of the ears. They are little skin cancers which if not removed, can turn into skin cancer. The difference between skin cancers and skin cancer is the former the lumps are cancerous and removal of them, skin is cancer free. Skin cancer is when the cancer bleeds into the skin below.

Dad has had skin grafts and stitches
They come with backdraft kits, though not sure how effective they are. I've been looking into it myself.

Yea saw that - I'm thinking it'd need a backdraft kit on the outside, and then I'd need to find some kind of rubber/silicon pipe seal for the inside when it's not in use.
People actually pay money for relaxing holidays in these temps, that boggle my mind, what is relaxing, fair do's they probably have air conditioning but I can't get my head around as its too warm to do anything other than be in a pool.

Says we are hotter than the sahara, can someone explain how this is even possible. My mashed up lack of sleep brain can't work it out, how is this heat travelling so far and not losing temp

Some people don't pay to go to the heat but to explore other cultures and see different parts of the world. If it happens to be warm then so be it.

I'm one of these weirdos that can sit in the sun happily (with suncream of course - despite being olive skinned I'm careful).
Fan last night was fine but didn't sleep till 2am, don't feel too tired from it, now back to working from home today portable AC on blast should manage to sort it out.
For those of you who don't want to splurge on aircon for what's usually 5-7 days of this heat a year, the evaporative air coolers do a decent job if you top them up with icy cold water.
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