It's too hot :(

Got a fan today, long overdue, placed by my balcony door sucking in to my room, hopefully should be a bit cooler than last night, the temps at night are just ridiculous, house absorbs all the heat during the day then pounds it out when your led in bed, its horrific. Couldn't cope for this long term with no permanent air con

It did try and rain this evenimg, we may have some clouds tomorrow and cooler temps over the weekend
it's hot, i had my bedroom windows open to keep it cool in there, neighbours had a bonfire without me knowing, bedroom smells like bonfire again, lovely...
Got a fan today, long overdue, placed by my balcony door sucking in to my room, hopefully should be a bit cooler than last night, the temps at night are just ridiculous, house absorbs all the heat during the day then pounds it out when your led in bed, its horrific. Couldn't cope for this long term with no permanent air con

It did try and rain this evenimg, we may have some clouds tomorrow and cooler temps over the weekend

28c in the house last night until about 5:30am. Only dropped about one or two degrees after that for a few hours. Back to nearly 30c.

32c in the bedroom. Had to switch the tv off. Or fry with the tv and let the bugs fly in or keep it off and keep the windows wide open in the dark.

Awful. Worst night I've had so far.
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got my fan out today :D

TD250/100 SILENT 240m3/hr 24dB
only 22watts as well on the highest setting :D

GIVE fresh air :D
TBH doesn't really seem to be cooling the house down for the amount of air it's dragging in :|

maybe I should stick some frozen bottles of water in front of it
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I'm not one to whinge like the majority of the U.K population but we could do with a day or two of rain here in the Midlands. Checked the weather forecast and it's meant to be like this (24c+) all next week too. On the bright side the wildlife and flowers etc. are all flourishing and look amazing.
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