It's too hot :(

At my niece's near sculpture park Yorkshire wet wet wet , different thread but a.nice 3 story detached can be had for 200k this is awesome.

Rubbish, all I’m asking for is a bit of decent weather in the summer. I’m not asking for a year of sunshine and heat, but you lot are asking for a year of cold weather. I’m fully aware we have a winter and summer, and I like having it as it gives everyone some relief throughout the year, but it seems you are happy for us to have no relief whatsoever. I’m thinking of everyone, you’re just thinking of yourself.

It’s called compromise.
Again, it depends where you live in the UK. Down here we've had relatively few wet days and it's been at, or near, 20c as a minimum for about 3 months now, and even in spring it was mostly dry.

I've never said I want it to be permanently cold or wet. I like it dry but we also need the rain, and a lot more than we've been getting in this particular location. If the comments of some here are anything to go by it's a miserable summer if we even get a single drop of rain or if it's below 30c. I'm clearly not only also thinking of myself as you might have spotted if you actually read my previous comment which said 'those that suffer'. As it happens I do also have difficulty when temperatures go much over 20c, let alone 30c, and it makes me quite miserable in the same way others are when it's cold, not that it ever really is (again in this area of the UK). At least when it's cold you can put more clothes on. There's only so much you can take off.

So by your standards anyone who has a medical condition that is worsened during hot weather is selfish? OK, got it.
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So by your standards anyone who has a medical condition that is worsened during hot weather is selfish? OK, got it.
I'd love to see where anyone has said that. Or are we just going to make things up to try and help our own side?

"So, you're saying, because you simply don't like it, it can't be over 15 degrees and dry. OK, got it"

Temperatures here in Cyprus hit 35 degrees and felt like 40. The lowest last night was 27 degrees which was a challenge. Tried to sleep without the air-con but woke up at 03.00 in a soggy bed. Air-con went on after that!
Young couple 1st house is detached In a nice area so they are chuffed, doing all the work their selves including the rewire (done) so they can be arsed

You really should remove that chip on your comment was my opinion on 3 storey houses and how I feel about them in general. You've read it as having a dig at your daughter's choice of home :rolleyes:
I couldn't be arsed with a 3 storey house... Not only are they just annoying, the layout is normally awkward as well.

I can't really explain it but a friend's house was built on 2 different staggered levels of 3 storey with a mixture of open plan in there - the garage was at a lower level than the main house and had 2 levels on top of that connected to the main house at a different floor level to the main house which was really odd - their living room was over the garage so jammed between the ground and first floors of the main house.
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