It's too hot :(

0% chance of rain today.

It's raining and has been for about an hour.

That's this summer in a nutshell :/

Yeah, I went to bed last night thinking we were going to have a dry day and I would be able to do a gentle hour of cycling towards Durley after watching the world champs road race on tv, only to find showers were in the vicinity from ~1730 for the rest of daylight hours. Meh.
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first time I've got up at 5.30am and noticed how dark its getting ,we are getting towards its just right season rather than its too hot, although it hasn't been too hot for long time now, I've been swapping my walking for surfing on a weekend ,cant get rained off that way
first time I've got up at 5.30am and noticed how dark its getting ,we are getting towards its just right season rather than its too hot, although it hasn't been too hot for long time now, I've been swapping my walking for surfing on a weekend ,cant get rained off that way
Happening in the evening too. At least where I am in Liverpool, the sun now sets before 9pm, and it won't be until 13th May next year that it sets so late again
My wife's been sitting on the sofa for the last week with a blanket either around her shoulders or legs, much earlier than normal. Just have to get the heating sorted, not had it working since late February.
This is a totally personal thing but I find darker evenings almost like a comfort blanket undoubtedly linked to my dodgy mental health but I don't really do much after work either tbh edit/ I did and I should again like a walk ect
That's actually such a nice way to think of them!

Much better than how I feel about them which is to start having panic attacks and feeling like I'm suffocating and can't breathe coz I miss the light! Lol!
This is a totally personal thing but I find darker evenings almost like a comfort blanket undoubtedly linked to my dodgy mental health but I don't really do much after work either tbh edit/ I did and I should again like a walk ect
try a bit of yoga seems like wtf are you talking about .. but it's self consuming holding a pose helps .. :)
try a bit of yoga seems like wtf are you talking about .. but it's self consuming holding a pose helps .. :)

Yoga is something i would try, should try, never got around to it ,never liked harsh light though and the softer September light suits me better, just mellows me out
Morning coffee in Yorkshire
I suffer from SAD so it's actually quite foreboding for me thinking about the winter ahead without having a good summer to help get me through, it's like looking down a dark corridor, all I a can think about is March when things feel better again, it's very depressing this weather, I really hope a miracle happens and we have an Indian summer.
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