It's too hot :(

The downside of the earlier sunset is needing lights on, which is a bad combination with open windows. We’ve had a wicked invasion of moths and daddy long legs!

Moths sux. Saw my first sexy daddy long legs last night! Catch them with my hands (if I can) then release them outside, but they come back inside because it's too warm not to leave the front door open.

Roll on 21st September - Autumn :-)
No moths or daddy long legs here yet. Don't like moths but don't kill them, will catch in a glass and release. Daddy long legs i catch and release with my hand. Was 26C indoors at midnight here, opened windows and put fans on it's now 21.5. One hot day down another 6 to go, then lovely 20C.
Had lots of daddy long legs in the garden which has meant keeping the windows only slightly open as the missus is petrified of them. Was way too hot to sleep last night.
We actually just ploughed ahead with running the portable unit overnight in the bedroom and as it turns out we can mostly sleep through it :D wasn’t a great sleep but probably better than it would have been without it
Wow this weather is crazy, woke up and at 8.00 already 25c, never in all my years, seen a September day that hot so early, last three days have been really warm but at least cooled down to sleep. Also all radio channels saying no signal which is weird and as never seen that either.
was voddka night last night as we are off today .. slept well .. nice and cool up here in the north at night .. 22c atm .. prob get to 26c .. not looking forward to putting sleepers down in the front garden today :P
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