It's too hot :(

House was about the same temp as outside when I opened the doors and windows to let some fresh air in, around 24°C.

Going to be 40°C here again today, so the portable A/C has been wheeled back into the living room from the bedroom.
When did the UK getting this hot become a regular occurrence? I have an AC installer coming next week to put me out of my misery.

It's always been this way hasn't it? Mid-20s isn't too bad. It's the really extreme outliers we've had the past 2 years or so where it gets close to 40c outside which are the worrying ones.
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canny believe it someone has robbed me speedos off my asda trolley only left them for a minute its the ones with me 5m badge on them, what is the world coming too.
Too hot in the distillery, wrapped about 6 pallets, the younger agency workers grab their backs or use weaponised incompetence so I just do it myself, the 60 year old in a 35c factory!
TBF I do look good on it though and no back problems, probably because I move so much.
Hopefully chill in the sun tonight when it cools , hopefully find my rescue hedgehog
A few days of 30c heat in summer is a regular occurrence in the UK..
It's increased in occurrence by a relatively large amount.


Average count of the number of days per year in which the highest maximum temperature within each county of the UK has exceeded 28°C – indicating a ‘hot’ day – covering the periods 1961-1990, 1991-2020, 2014-2023 and actual counts for year 2023. The scale extends to 20 days. Counts are based on 1km resolution gridded climate data from the HadUK-Grid dataset.
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I rarely check the "active topics" on mumsnet.

check this one

read her replies too

How do you spot a narcissist :cry:

anyone else find the abbreviations they use over there really childish ? it's like my mind is doing gymnastics trying to remember what they all mean.
reminds me of the secret languages kids made up in the 90s at around 13-15 years of age
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