as long as it's not all going on women of ill repute, drugs and drink
Hey Gilly, perhaps keep a 24/48hrly updated total in the announcement? Stop everyone asking every five minutes?
I get a warm feeling inside thinking that my donation might be used for something that gives Skywalker a warm feeling inside
Think he was referring to adding an announcement that the running total will be updated every 24/48hrs rather than demanding an updatethere is an update whenever he can do it.
sure he is busy to. last update wasnt to long ago anyway!
Ill join the invite list tooWell if it's gonna go on hoes and beer, I don't mind as long as I'm invited
No problems here with thatAt the very least I'm glad the issue was discussed as most of the people who have replied are happy for the money to be spent generally on Bethany.
Ok well I've spoken to my "inside contact" at the Addenbrooke's Neurological unit. Basically, I've managed to swing a push up the waiting list - if you can get referred.
So fingers crossed .
Shame about the thread bashing .
I personally couldn't care less where the money I gave goes, as long as it makes life a bit easier for Skywalker and family (mortgage, bills, treatment, cinema, whatever..)
^^^ Same as above, don't care what the money goes to,
Note to skywalker- Any idea what your gonna do with the money, is Bethany ok to fly? I recommend Disney Land in florida.
Sounds like a brilliant idea to me. Animals can be very therapeutic