[ITT: Charitable donations]Skywalker's daughter, Bethany

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Ok well I've spoken to my "inside contact" at the Addenbrooke's Neurological unit. Basically, I've managed to swing a push up the waiting list - if you can get referred.

So fingers crossed :).
I'd like to add my tuppence worth - I'm happy for my donation to be used in whatever manner required in order to make life a bit easier for Skywalker's family. Don't see why anyone would have a problem with it as long as it's not all going on women of ill repute, drugs and drink :p
there is an update whenever he can do it.

sure he is busy to. :) last update wasnt to long ago anyway!
Think he was referring to adding an announcement that the running total will be updated every 24/48hrs rather than demanding an update ;)

Well if it's gonna go on hoes and beer, I don't mind as long as I'm invited :p
Ill join the invite list too :D

ps3ud0 :cool:
Shame about the thread bashing :(.

I personally couldn't care less where the money I gave goes, as long as it makes life a bit easier for Skywalker and family :) (mortgage, bills, treatment, cinema, whatever..)
Shame about the thread bashing :(.

I personally couldn't care less where the money I gave goes, as long as it makes life a bit easier for Skywalker and family :) (mortgage, bills, treatment, cinema, whatever..)

Snap - they are going to have a lot more expenses than just the treatment (mortgage, travel to the hospital etc), and if my little can help out I'm more than happy for Skywalker to use it however he sees fit.
^^^ Same as above, don't care what the money goes to,

Note to skywalker- Any idea what your gonna do with the money, is Bethany ok to fly? I recommend Disney Land in florida.

Been a tough few days here with beth being funny with her medication and the wifes operation being cancelled - really annoyed with that but thats another story

Been talking to Gilly with an idea

Ofcourse save some to pay mortgage after operation and petrol and things ofcourse but what I was thinking of if it seems ok with you lot was to get our garden kiddie safe as its lacking a fence and turf so the kids have somewhere to play ( beth likes the pink play house in toys r us :D ) and then the main thing was to get something that beth loves - a little dog . Everytime she see's a dog she makes a funny little woof woof and claps and this even brings a tear to my eyes as of late seeing something make her so happy
This is an amazingly inspirational thread I can't believe I haven't been here sooner, well done for raising so much money, I hope this is life changing!

Seen as the deadline is on Saturday, I'll see how much money I get for my birthday tomorrow and will donate some towards this, maybe it'll go towards the pink plastic play shed for you...I mean Bethany ofc, lol. Good Luck.
+1. Child-proofing the garden and buying a puppy sounds like an awesome idea to me. As someone who's grown up around (working) dogs and worked professionally training them for the Police service and others, I've done a fair bit of PAT (Pets As Therapy) and know just how therapeutic animals can be.

I say quit feeling guilty and asking permission about what to do with the cash mate. I'm sure there'll always be the odd exception but it seems 99.9% of people on here are just glad to seeing you put it to good use. Like you said, if it makes Bethany happy that means her quality of life is improved. Who can argue with that?

Anyone who doesn't like it email me, you'll get your donation back without Bethany losing out. All the best Skywalker and co, make sure you keep us updated :D
That's a wonderful idea - if we can't do anything about how long the tests are going to take, then doing something about quality of life should hopefully make the waiting at least a little less stressful for Bethany, which is often half the battle.
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