In Amsterdam well over 50% of taxis were Teslas when I went last year
There is a very good reason why Holland is particularly well suited to EV's

In Amsterdam well over 50% of taxis were Teslas when I went last year
Ignoring the costs of fuel because in reality it's not much, a diesel will do 500+ miles on a 50l tank of fuel, my octavia VRS does and my bmw 118d does at least that and there are much more fuel efficient cars than those. Hell I can get 350 miles out of my RS4 tank if on a run. So for it to be a viable alternative the EV needs to do at least that IMO.
How many cars do you own?!
The other point is how far do you drive without stopping? I do a fair bit of driving but if I do 200 miles in one stint I feel like I've done a lot of driving. The most I've ever done non stop was Newcastle to Norwich but that is a trip I'd normally break up at some point.
From the point of leaving the car to getting back to it on even a quick coffee stop is normally around 20 minutes anyway so I'm sure I could lose another 10 minutes thumbing the magazines in WH Smiths while the car does a quick 30 minute 80% top up.
My issue at the moment is that I wouldn't be confident in being able to just pull up at any major services and be able to roll into a free charging station. That for me is the sticking point for an EV as an only vehicle in my circumstances. We'll need to do the sums on it but I'd be surprised if we don't at least consider a Zoe as a replacement car for my wife though.
On the other side most people don't do long drives and for those people the EV's save time. For millions of people EV's would save time compered against fuel cars whom have to waste time fuelling constantly. Yes EV's are not the best choice for 100+ mile driving but most people don't do that. If you do less then 60miles a day and can charge at home then EV's work out better then fuel cars and most people do less then 60miles a day. Relatively speaking only a small number of drivers do more then 60miles a day its all about using the right car for the right job.Perhaps if you don't work and have all the time in the world to sit in motorway service stations waiting for it to charge then it's not a problem (but then you only have one life, why waste it sitting on a car charging up).
Motorway charging points aren't free. They're £6 a go. An EV is not a cheap way of doing motorway journeys. It's either the same, or possibly more expensive than an efficient ICE.My issue at the moment is that I wouldn't be confident in being able to just pull up at any major services and be able to roll into a free charging station.
When you get to a fuel station, do you sit in the car and beep the horn until an attendant comes to 'fill her up'?Automatic charging would be good. Maybe something like bumper cars, high voltage exposed wire with a open lattice incredibly dangerous live metal mesh low ceiling so when you reverse the metal rod touches the ceiling and starts charging.
For Teslas ordered after January 1, 2017, 400 kWh of free Supercharging credits (roughly 1,000 miles) will be included annually so that all owners can continue to enjoy free Supercharging during travel. Beyond that, there will be a small fee to Supercharge which will be charged incrementally and cost less than the price of filling up a comparable gas car
or, teslas is actively working on a solution, so cars can automatically go and repark themselves after charging freeing up the supercharger automatically.Automatic charging would be good. Maybe something like bumper cars, high voltage exposed wire with a open lattice incredibly dangerous live metal mesh low ceiling so when you reverse the metal rod touches the ceiling and starts charging.
how would that be easier, teslas come with all the hardware to self drive, and can park themselfs, a much easier solution, with little cost. you can even summon a tesla so wouldnt even need to go walking through the car park, or can just have your location shown on the app.
what also will be interesting is now CCS is rolling out 400kw chargers, what suercharger v3 will offer and any car announcements to produce a car that can charge anywhere near that rate. The faraday future car can charge (supposedly) at 400kw.
I suppose EVs with bigger the batteries will have more cells, so the amount of current per cell would be the same as existing EVs.
The VW bus concept has a 101kw battery - 4 time the size of my Nissan, so I'd expect it to be able to take 4 x the current and charge at a similar rate.
Maybe it's just the way my brain works. Simple solutions for simple problems.![]()
currently superchargers are free for ever, unlimited usage.
In 4 days any car ordered will get i forget its either 400kw or roughly 1000 miles a year free, then pay.
although it says 1st they extended it by 2 weeks.
or, teslas is actively working on a solution, so cars can automatically go and repark themselves after charging freeing up the station.
imo the only reason we arent seeing them yet is government licensing to allow fully autonomus cars in car parks. Untill goverments allow that its pointless.
Since reading this thread I've gone hunting for a decent EV. Disappointed that apart from a lolexpensive Tesla I'm limited to a Zoe or Leaf unless I want a Golf with an 80 mile range?
If I could charge at work I'd consider it. I just need them to let me stick a cable in to the electricity our 500MW turbine puts out![]()
You could always tow a diesel generator around![]()