I've Got Someone Sacked .....

I'm 100% on your side but you need to get your story straight.

A few posts ago -

Original post -

It's not very different and could possibly be, shortened story as he wasn't expecting people to dissect it. I'm sure most people do it. Simplify the story to make it shorter and easier to type.
..Just re-read what I originally wrote. It should have said way into work and not car.

It should have said at work, not on the journey to work. The implication is that you had not yet arrived.

It casts doubt on the detail of what actually happened, editing the original post does little to assuage that impression.
It should have said at work, not on the journey to work. The implication is that you had not yet arrived.

technically he hadn't arrived.

1)hadn't even clocked in.

2) in large sites you could clock in on a machine a long way from where you actually work + time to get ppe on you can easily clock in 20 mins before you actually get where the hell you're meant to be.
He had his 4th can 2 hours before work ? What time period did he drink the 4 cans over ? What strength beer was it?

I don't see why unless he nailed 4 cans of special brew in 30 mins, was slurring, stinking of beer, visibly ****ed you would go crying and snitching to the supervisor. You knew what you were doing and what would happen.

lol at the saving lives comments as well from pen pushing do gooders.
He had his 4th can 2 hours before work ? What time period did he drink the 4 cans over ? What strength beer was it?

Enough to fail the breathalyser/alcohol test the company will have given him?

lol at the saving lives comments as well from pen pushing do gooders.

Go work in an office then, I don't want some drunk spacker risking my limbs/eyesight/life because you have some schoolchild attitude to your responsibility.
...and i feel terrible about it. I hate playing good cop , bad cop :mad:

I'm a Team Leader at work and pick up a workmate on my way to work. On the way there he told me he'd had 4 cans of lager a couple of hours previous. As he drives machinery at work i told my supervisor what he'd said in the car. Subsequently the lad was taken to office and then walked off site. He had worked with me for a year and a half.

I know i did the right thing by telling my supervisor but i can't help thinking how i could have handled it differently so the lad would have kept his job. To make matters worse he was one of my best workers, knew every job and more and was always talking about trying for promotion. Also he's just bought a house and is paying for a holiday for early next year. This keeps going around and around in my head.

I'm not paid enough for this :( and my head is buzzing ......

If you wanted to avoid the sacking then all you had to do was tun around and leave him at home and tell him to call in sick. Really, that was it.

Could the OP have handled the situation better? Yes.

Did the OP do the right thing? Yes.

Is the OP a **** for doing the right thing? No.

Is the employee a **** for trying to go to work in the first place? Yes.

Truth. OP did nothing "wrong" per se, he just didn't go about it in a way that would allow any leeway for the other person. If he was such a good worker, and this was a one-off, then you would expect to throw the guy a bone and simply make sure he didnt go to work, and tell him to sort himself out and not do it again or next time youd report him.
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technically he hadn't arrived.

1)hadn't even clocked in.

2) in large sites you could clock in on a machine a long way from where you actually work + time to get ppe on you can easily clock in 20 mins before you actually get where the hell you're meant to be.

Yet that is not what was said in the OP prior to his editing it. He specifically said he was told whilst still in his car.

If he was on site then he had arrived at the site, he was no longer in the car travelling to the site.
All you had to do was leave him at home and tell him to call in sick. Really, that was all. That simple.

Really. Perhaps read the posts in here about legal obligations and company policies.

You might decide to do that, but you are taking a risk yourself.
It should have said at work, not on the journey to work. The implication is that you had not yet arrived.

It casts doubt on the detail of what actually happened, editing the original post does little to assuage that impression.

not really, not everyone is as eloquent with words as you are, so what they say and mean may not be the same as what you think they are saying by how you would write it or imply it.

i would and do say 'on the way into work' pretty much up until i am sat at my desk, even if i am in the building.
Enough to fail the breathalyser/alcohol test the company will have given him?

Go work in an office then, I don't want some drunk spacker risking my limbs/eyesight/life because you have some schoolchild attitude to your responsibility.

That would depend on the company policy regarding their accepted tolerance.

Ours is Zero in one of two tests taken 30 minutes apart. The legal limit is 35.
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