Jay's (Dead Dog's son) Collection Fund

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I'm only a poor sixth form student (not on EMA) so I can't afford much.
I've donated what I can though via a bank transfer, speedy recovery Jay. :)
Freefaller said:
There's no change in the bank yet, but I suspect with the bank holiday it's not helping things. I'll keep you lot updated as it goes along :)

Should all come rolling in this week matey :D

Hope we get enough to really get something good.

crunchman..... Just sent the remainder of my paypal balance

Thanks matey :D it all counts ;)
Wow, ermm thanks again, can't think of what else to say, should think about my next 1000 post will say about the same ! - it is so honestly said tho, i'll try to think of more original way to say it :)

i really want to thank EVERYONE, for WHATEVER they have been able to afford, as said it's the thought that counts, i wanted to say that, but was scared it may come over "whatever you have, i'll have it !", it's all your kindness that for us is really what counts!

's to you all.
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