Jehovahs Witnesses

Aside from their dubious religious practices, I have very little time for people who's alleged fundamental beliefs make the hellish job of being Accident & Emergency nurses and doctors even more hellish when all they are trying to do is keep the idiots alive and give them a chance.

For that reason alone I normally tell them I work for the Blood Transfusion Service when they come to the door and immediately shut it on them.
Last time one knocked at the door and answered (we've had the same lady knocking for literally 15 years, who thinks she is out best friend, 'overfriendly' is probably the best word for it), I questioned her beliefs, we discussed evolution, if hell exists, whats going to happen who do not support their views etc, was actually an interesting discussion.

Next time I'm going to ask if I am able to promote polygamy if I was to join their faith, never know, it might work out!
I'm afraid Witnesses get about the same reaction from me that cold telesales callers do. [..]

That's the reaction they get from me, but I don't regret it. They are cold sales callers who come to the door, so they're worse than cold sales telecallers in some ways.

I'm not usually rude to cold sales callers, despite the fact that the whole point of their job is to be annoying and deceitful, but I won't waste my time on them either. A polite "not interested" and if that's not enough I'll be less polite.
I once asked them why poverty exists, and why bad things happen to good people. They were pretty stumped. :p
Walking out on them was the best thing I ever done. Beliefs aside, unless someone requests your presence or is expecting a parcel, who's right is it to wake people up on their days off after a week at work? Weekends are Most peoples time that are spent with family which should not be interrupted by anyone without good reason.
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