Jeremy Clarkson suspended from BBC

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14 Nov 2012
Close to Swindon, but not Swindon
And what other job does throwing a punch at someone get overlooked just because it was the 'first offence' (disregarding the fact his employer clearly doesn't agree this is the 'first time' he's done something wrong given he was subjected to a 'final warning' last year).

First Offence? Where the hell did you get that from?

October 2014 - The show's stars and crew had to abandon filming in Argentina amid angry protests over a car number plate that appears to refer to the Falklands War.

July 2014 - Ofcom ruled a Burma Special in which Jeremy Clarkson used a racial slur broke broadcasting rules. Clarkson had used the word "slope" as an Asian man crossed a newly built bridge over the River Kwai in Thailand.

May 2014 - The programme drew complaints when video footage leaked to the Daily Mirror appeared to show Jeremy Clarkson using a racist term while reciting the nursery rhyme Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe. The presenter later apologised for the incident - which was never broadcast - in a video statement where he "begged forgiveness".

October 2012 - The BBC Trust ruled comments by Clarkson which likened the design of a camper van to people with facial disfigurements breached disability guidelines.

January 2012 - Indian diplomats complained about a 90-minute India special in which a car fitted with a toilet in its boot is described by Clarkson as "perfect for India because everyone who comes here gets the trots."

February 2011 - The BBC apologised to Mexico after Clarkson and his co-hosts characterised Mexicans as "lazy" and "****less".

Nah - he's useless and want him gone!
6 Jan 2003
Top Gear is very average telly to say the least, staged bumps and crashes like we were all born yesterday. Next please.
Yes, very average. It's only one of the biggest TV shows in the world. It makes a huge amount of money for BBC Worldwide, and if it does end, then it's another nail in the coffin of the BBC, which is on its last legs anyway.
28 Jun 2006
Somewhere in Bristol
Just wondering, would people be less outraged if it had been a female producer he had gone to punch?

I love Top Gear, but if any of us had done this, we would expect to be suspended from work whilst an investigation took place.
20 Jun 2010
Heh, i thought this thread would be an amusing gd autistic read and it didnt disappoint.

Petition signed

I really, really, really hope this is a media marketing troll, ala The Sun 'cancelling' page three and then having it immediately back. I hope the episode airs as normal on sunday and they are just like 'yeah dont believe everything you read in the papers, LOL!'
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
I'm just disappointed that they will pull the series - we've already paid for the filming of it therefore I want to see it. I've paid for a service. If I don't get to see it I will be withdrawing my funding.
29 Jul 2010
At the end of the day punching a work colleague in an argument is gross misconduct and since he was already on a final warning I would be surprised if the BBC have any other choice but to sack him.

So if we lose Top Gear the blame is placed firmly on the shoulders of Clarkson, not the BBC
9 May 2005
we've already paid for the filming of it therefore I want to see it. I've paid for a service. If I don't get to see it I will be withdrawing my funding.

We've paid for hundreds of programs that never get aired. You're acting like the kid who doesn't get to be captain so takes his ball home :p Why not at least wait for the full facts of what he did or didn't do.

This forum is always complaining of Daily Mail readers knee jerk reacting to a headline and not waiting for full context. Now we have a ton of you doing just that. Surely you wait for the facts before you sign off on anything or you are just saying you don't care what he does or what crimes he may or may not commit, you don't care. Hammond and co clearly think this is nothing, which is why they are taking the **** on twitter, or they to have bought into him doing what ever he wants and getting away with it.
23 Oct 2013
I enjoy TG, yeah it is all scripted and pre-planned but there is nothing else on BBC I watch.

Suprised by the masses of people signing petitions etc, it's not that good.

JC is a buffoon, who has some funny moments, but generally acts like a berk.
26 Jun 2010
Storm in a teacup I suspect. I've worked in industries where is a bit more 'physical' than the average bod working in a quiet office. Motor racing etc is one such industry.

In any case, as we saw with Jonathan Ross, Clarkson (and his two cohorts) will just move to another channel and Top Gear will be essentially lost to the BBC....they know this so expect to see it all blow over.

I agree with Freefaller though, that the losers here are the viewers. Top Gear being one of the very few things I watch on the BBC other than news.
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6 Aug 2010
First Offence? Where the hell did you get that from?

Nah - he's useless and want him gone!

This is the first offence that is solely his. All those you listed caused offence but they, more than likely, would have been scripted, were signed off as ok and not edited out. So for all those Clarkson may have had the idea but the writers, producers, editors etc. are all the blame also.

I like Clarkson and Top Gear wouldn't be the same but until we know the details on why he hit whoever I am not going to sign the petition.
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
We've paid for hundreds of programs that never get aired. You're acting like the kid who doesn't get to be captain so takes his ball home :p Why not at least wait for the full facts of what he did or didn't do.

This forum is always complaining of Daily Mail readers knee jerk reacting to a headline and not waiting for full context. Now we have a ton of you doing just that. Surely you wait for the facts before you sign off on anything or you are just saying you don't care what he does or what crimes he may or may not commit, you don't care. Hammond and co clearly think this is nothing, which is why they are taking the **** on twitter, or they to have bought into him doing what ever he wants and getting away with it.

Irrespective of the facts, I want to see TG.
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