Jeremy Clarkson suspended from BBC

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6 Oct 2011
Wait when he used the term 'slope' on TV was OK?!

There is nothing wrong with the word slope...

The context in which he used it is up for debate; even though what he actually said was true with regards to the bridge itself.

Before that incident I bet the majority of people didn't even realise it was a derogatory term.

More on topic; apparently some people have come out defending JC, saying he never punch anyone. Which I am more in line to believing, he always says he isn't a fighter and the only person he has punched I believe is Piers Morgan, who ran an article accusing him of having an affair. I wouldn't put 'an issue over catering' up there with that inicident..
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
Wait when he used the term 'slope' on TV was OK?!

Of course it isn't okay. However I do feel it is a generational thing, not that it mitigates the use of the word at all, but the intent wasn't to offend as far as I saw it - it is about context, and it's not even clear that he was trying to be offensive, and I'm a bit of a liberal bore. The issue is that it is the BBC, and they have a standard they want to achieve and he is a bit of a wildcard and tarnishes their rep by not being PC or following their guidelines.

Does it bother me? Not really. However that's not the point, if he bothers enough people to cause an issue then it does need to be addressed.

He is a divisive character and whilst he will offend some others will laud him.
26 Jun 2010
What's Jeremy Clarkson got to do with the motor racing industry? He's a 54 y/o middle class buffoon who is a jourrnalist/TV presenter of a car show working for a public broadcasting service.

A large part of my work is with a company in the real motorsport industry and as 'physical' as it might be, punching work colleagues isn't acceptable :confused:

Hell, one of my employees is in an ongoing court case (as the accused) due to punching someone who broke into our unit during the night at one round and that was self defence and defending our property!

I have a mate who is a mechanic for McLaren Racing (also worked for Williams and Mercedes) and he would disagree with you...

And Clarkson is a motor journalist, like I said "etc"...its not a pansy office job where people get offended over nothing.:p
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