Jeremy Clarkson suspended from BBC

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20 Feb 2009
Not where I'd like to be
At the recent MCN bike show in London they had a selection of Hammonds and Mays bikes there. They've got a lot of classics between them.

One thing no ones mentioned, if the program ends what will happen to The Stig, will he go to the dump?
1 Dec 2003
Top Gear is past its sell by date now, probably time they all moved on to something else.

I think so. I used to watch it but rarely do these days. it's the same old stunts rehashed, or them trying to be even more controversial
they need to either jig it around or come up with something else entirely
when I watch it now I just think, waste of my money

JC is a funny B***er though, he makes the show
but if he's truly hit someone then he should get what anyone else would get
14 Dec 2011
The thing is though he has never been openly racist, not sure if your refering to the time the media accused him of using the N word when in fact not only had he not done so but gone to lengths not to do so. Or the bridge comment which is totally excusable as it wasn't known as an offensive term in this country at the time (hence it's usage in childrens shows).

And accepting that there was a slope to the bridge.
26 Jun 2010
Moving to Sky would be career suicide for them. The most watched Sky One Show ever only got just over a million viewers. Top Gear on BBC gets over 6 million every week.

Furthermore Sky One has no presence in the States unlike the BBC America which promotes their DVDs to Americans.

People keep suggesting that the Beeb 'need' Top Gear/Clarkson and they do, but believe me Top Gear needs the BBC just as much.

Top Gear, Doctor Who, Sherlock. Just three shows that are massive in the US . Now name me a single British Sky One show that is……

Except for 20th Century Fox who own about 40% of Sky and who are all essentially owned or run by Robert Murdoch and have a small network channel called Fox TV in the US, you might not have heard of it!...;)

Sky could very easily market Top Gear (or rather a version of it) just as well as the BBC do, probably better as they have better funding and more direct access globally....which is why some BBC America shows such as Fleming are co-produced by Sky as are a significant portion of HBO through their deal with Sky Atlantic.
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20 Nov 2002
The thing I dont get is this, Top Gear go out on location and make their film, I presume it then goes to an editing suite and the final product must be approved by someone at the BBC before airing. So if all the little gaffs etc are left in is this not 100% the fault of the BBC and the BBC only? In Clarkson's defence it must be (well you left it in).
30 May 2009
The thing I dont get is this, Top Gear go out on location and make their film, I presume it then goes to an editing suite and the final product must be approved by someone at the BBC before airing. So if all the little gaffs etc are left in is this not 100% the fault of the BBC and the BBC only? In Clarkson's defence it must be (well you left it in).

This is what annoys me about the whole damn thing regarding Clarkson's "controversial" moments. All of the comments that Clarkson has made on Top Gear have been through an editing suite, and someone senior (and I'm guessing it's not just Andy Wilman) has to to ok it.
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