Jeremy Clarkson suspended from BBC

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Car review shows are **** entertainment and only appeal to a very small minority. If you want a review of a particular brand/model, there's a gazillion reviews on YouTube.

The truth is that people would just get used to it with someone else...they will bitch and moan, but eventually they will still watch it.

You're right, the general population will. However, I think genuine fans will soon lose interest and ratings will eventually drop off. The personality of the three presenters and the way they bounce off each other is fundamentally what makes the show a success.

Despite what they lead you to believe, Clarkson, May and Hammond get on very well as both colleagues and friends. If one goes, the others will follow.
You're right, the general population will. However, I think genuine fans will soon lose interest and ratings will eventually drop off. The personality of the three presenters and the way they bounce off each other is fundamentally what makes the show a success.

Despite what they lead you to believe, Clarkson, May and Hammond get on very well as both colleagues and friends. If one goes, the others will follow.

They might, but then we will have top gear called something else on another channel.

I can't see the BBC doing anything about this tbh, mainly because of would snap them up, particularly if their contracts are up....and remember they have contracts with the BBC, not Top Gear so it really does depend on that...for example both May and Hammond do other shows for the BBC, so they may not have a choice.
If Clarkson has smacked somebody at work, he should be fired, end of.

If on the other hand it wasn't a case of a punch being thrown and just an overblown work disagreement then he should stay, but why the next three shows have been cancelled I don't know, TG should be carrying on without JC regardless.

I know a lot of people who'd actually watch Top Gear but currently don't because of JC, hes a polarising figure.

It would be a great shame to lose JC from the show IMO but I think Hammond,May and some random other(s) could perhaps be the lift some argue the show needs?
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Of course we won't hear them fully. This is the BBC, who covered up paedophilia within the corporation, but allowed leaked footage (only intended for the editors and never broadcast) to be used against Clarkson. That footage was only relevant if it had been shown on TV. It wasn't, yet someone leaked it to get Clarkson in trouble.

Don't let facts get in the way of your posting.

The only paedophiles so far known about "in the BBC" were apparently clever enough to hide what they were doing from the BBC (and mainly do it well away from the BBC, often in other venues or hospitals), and when the BBC heard rumours and tried to investigate found nothing (even the police found nothing in at least one instance at the time.

As for the "leaked footage", Topgear is edited (and possibly filmed) by a third party for the BBC, so it's far more likely any leak was from someone who worked at one of those companies, than a BBC employee who at the very least would likely face sanctions for the leak.
Most of the BBC staff wouldn't even know what was in the unused footage as the only people that tend to see that would be those who were there when it was filmed, or involved in editing/post production (which is done by an outside contractor for Top Gear).
Just been on Facebook and seen a few "Pro-Clarkson/Anti-BBC" memes and images.

All of them posted by the same 'friends' who share Britain First's posts.


Well because Jeremy leans to the right he attracts others that lean more to the right than would be ideal. Just like UKIP attracts racists too. Not all liberals are vegans though are they ;)
So if you like JC you're a

You can like JC and not support the case he should immediately be reinstated and any investigation dropped.

Most of the posts I've seen, are banging on about political correctness 'gone mad' (as if workplace violence has anything to do with PC).

I'm just interested in how many people signing the petition are doing so because they know the facts of the case and think he is being treated unfairly (which is zero atm), how many just like the show and are willing to allow its presenters to live by different rules to everyone else, and how many are from the "it's not fair we can't mock ethnic minorities anymore" crowd.
You can like JC and not support the case he should immediately be reinstated and any investigation dropped.

Most of the posts I've seen, are banging on about political correctness 'gone mad' (as if workplace violence has anything to do with PC).

I'm just interested in how many people signing the petition are doing so because they know the facts of the case and think he is being treated unfairly (which is zero atm), how many just like the show and are willing to allow its presenters to live by different rules to everyone else, and how many are from the "it's not fair we can't mock ethnic minorities anymore" crowd.

So if you think it's a bit of row over nothing, as in what James May said...then your a racist?
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