Jeremy Clarkson suspended from BBC

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9 Jun 2009
OCUK Detention Centre
Something tells me it's the Wednesday before airing ;)

Yes apparently we wont see it because the News and audience segments are recorded on the Wednesday before the show,

this is of course wrong, they could still film it without him, the reason it wont be aired is because of how tightly Clarkson has wrapped his contract,

he is paid for each episode 'aired' and also of course a contracted 'wage'

he also has some control over what is aired and its content (or lack off)

this episode will lack his presence, therefore he has evoked this from within his contract after being suspended, probably as retaliation.

I seriously think they have been looking for an excuse to get rid of him for ages, but have been forced to follow 'procedure' in ejecting him.

all because he has too much power over the show, remember he is rumoured to be on twice the salary of Hammond or Captain Slow, tells a story in itself.

Clarkson basically owns Top Gear in everything but name, this stems from the time it was on its knees after the first couple of seasons, Clarkson brought it back from the dead, and in doing so, he re-negotiated his contract each series to include a little more control..
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17 Mar 2009
EDIT: Non Bumpy Bus/ Phone and more coherent edit

I can't see the point in anyone here confirming enough to continue paying for a TV license when you can stream 99% of the content aired online without the requirement for a license and if we are realistically honest with each other any one person only like a small percentage of their programming so why in realistic terms should I pay for Eastenders and the hundreds of other pieces of tripe when i only watch 1-2 programs maximum that they produce. The BBC license model is vastly out dated and people just conform to it so they will never change and you all end up paying for masses of programs none of you watch.

The only service currently i would pay for is HBO's online service purely to watch Game of Thrones but since their CEO believes online streaming is the anti-christ and they are too in bed with SKY they wont let non US viewers use the service which is their loss as I am fairly sure there are plenty that would pay for a On Demand service to watch massively watch series like GoT.

In all honest if Clarkson is ousted and SKY for example offer him and Hammond and May a very nice contract to do a Top Gear variant on SKY i would imagine they would all go
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27 Dec 2011
Meh your all muppets for paying a license fee anyway, i can find everything I want online with no meed for one. The only TV service i would buy but cant because HBO are idiots and wont allow non us subs so i end up watching GoT elsewhere, their loss.

If Clrkson goes a lot of fans of TG will go to and i wouldnt be suprised if May and Hammond go if all 3 get a good deal else where.

Well worded, coherent response. I can't argue with you because I'm far too stupid. :D
10 May 2012
I do love the posts about hoping its cancelled...

Why in all thats unholy would you watch a show you don't like?

Can I start whining I don't like Eastenders? I pay my licence fee too you know...

Don't like JC fine, don't like Top Gear fine. You know a solution avoid anything to do with the show.... It works for me and Eastenders.

It's liberal cool to hate on Jeremy Clarkson
18 Oct 2002
Meh your all muppets for paying a license fee anyway, i can find everything I want online with no meed for one. The only TV service i would buy but cant because HBO are idiots and wont allow non us subs so i end up watching GoT elsewhere, their loss.

If Clrkson goes a lot of fans of TG will go to and i wouldnt be suprised if May and Hammond go if all 3 get a good deal else where.

Just for fun, I've edited your post to include just the words you spelled correctly.




24 Aug 2011
Clarkson, May and Hammond to leave the BBC for itv or Sky with a new show called 'Max Power'

I normally stand up for the BBC in arguments but if they cull Top Gear, rather than allow it a natural painful death then there will be very very little I care about. Sherlock, Luther and that's it really. I watch nothing else live anyway. From then on, all the government should be funding is the news at 6pm and parliament. Perhaps the world service. That's it. Unless they let Top Gear live.
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