Jimmy Savile - Sexual Predator

Yes there is and has been quite often we have people whose profession is discrediting as do many other countries i can only imagine their job is considerably easier these days then in the past where we set the bar a bit higher. Ok lets look at this shall we all we have right now are a group of people who claim they were abused offering no proof they were. Then we have this string of people claiming they "knew" really so why didn't anyonne of them have the spine to come forward and expose him for what they claim him to be.

He was 84 when he died had been in no position to influence or stop anyone for many years before that why wait till he is dead to bring all this up. I have worked with abused kids as well as victims of domestic abuse and one commonality is they all want closure and justice for what was done to them none of thaat can happen now the man is dead there is no closure. Also sadly there are websites out there where people with other issues can go on and read very detailed accounts of abuse and formulate their own claims.

I am not saying he is innocent right now i honestly don't know because we do not have anywhere near enough to actuallly make an informed or educated choice on his innocence or guilt but this witchhunt and condemning on no evidence is not a path anyone of us should be looking to go down.

Again we have that terrm "i heard" everyone seems to have heard enough to make their mind up but not enough to have the testicular fortitude to do anything else is that part of society reallly that gutless and selfserving ?.
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Yes justice is an emotive issuue for me i would like to live somewhere where people were convicted because of quantifiable and credible evidence not a country where rumour and allegation are enough without anything else to back them up. As for your other attempt at being clever i will treat that with the contempt you deserve.

There is actually a lot of evidence mounting against him if you bother to look into it.
There is no credible evidence we have hearsay, rumour and the fact that over the years no less then three police forces investigated allegations and couldn't find anything to go further. How many investigations do there need to be.
There is no credible evidence we have hearsay, rumour and the fact that over the years no less then three police forces investigated allegations and couldn't find anything to go further. How many investigations do there need to be.
I think you've just summed up why no single person thought it even slightly worth bringing this to light at an earlier point.

I'm with you in the sense that no one person's word can ever hold a massive amount of weight, it's sad but that is unfortunately the world we live in. I also think it's fairly likely that a certain number of accusations that will be made are just people seeking attention.

But I'm afraid to say there's no credible evidence is just not the case, the opinion of the QC they had on the documentary last night was that there was now more than enough evidence for an arrest to be made were it possible, and I have to agree. We're talking about detailed, seperate accounts from individuals with no connection to each other yet somehow they're remarkably consistent.

If what we have so far isn't enough to convince some people that's fine, but I do not accept that I am jumping on a bandwagon and condemning him simply because I want to, which is essentially what is being said by suggesting there's no evidence.
* dons tinfoil hat * wasn't there allegations a few years back about some dead kids at a children's home in Jersey and our Jimmy denied being there however, photos were taken of him at the place in question?
Pretty clear the only people who will suffer from this are the poor guys and gals that wont be getting the funding from the many charities he supported.
Word is there funding has taken a drop already..Very sad times !
Oh dear :

It also emerged yesterday that police in Jersey investigated Savile over claims that he sexually assaulted a girl at a children's home which later became the centre of an abuse inquiry. In 2008, a woman made a formal complaint that Savile molested her at the Haut de la Garenne home in the 1970s. A three-year, £7.5m investigation by Jersey police into historic child abuse in the island's care homes began after allegations of abuse.

There is no credible evidence we have hearsay, rumour and the fact that over the years no less then three police forces investigated allegations and couldn't find anything to go further. How many investigations do there need to be.

witness and alleged victim statements are not hearsay - they are real evidence and admissible in court.
"There is no credible evidence"

I do love the way your completely happy to defend Saville but are quite happy to state that the witness statements of those who have come forward are not believable.

Fair enough keep an open mind but you just look a hypocrite.
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