I am a Financial Analyst.
I work for Ford Motor Company. (A lot of finance roles are actually for Ford Financial, I work for the Motor Company itself)
Day to day
My actual role is a Non Product Capital Spending Analyst/Engineering Budget Analyst.
At the moment it is 2 jobs really (although only takes up time for 1 full time).
I review, forecast, analyse and report for Non Product Capital Expenditure for Ford Europe, including Manufacturing, Purchasing, Marketing & Sales and so on. Monthly and Quarterly timings obviously get very busy, trying to get information etc from all areas and report these to our Product Development Controller.
I may get specific tasks, analysing past trends or looking into projects for an area if the controller asks also.
Other side is I administrate the engineering expense budget plan. I.E. transferring budget for say....labour, from one cost centre/area, to another if it is agreed to, and report on this also.
Also analysing and contributing to the overall annual Business Plan for Ford Europe.
Overall Job
Its a brilliant job as I get close to product devopment and have knowledge of future vehicles etc. As I love cars and the motor industry as a whole I love it as it really gives a big insight into competitiveness, innovations, what other companies are doing, how it affects everything, what commodities prices are doing to us etc and I really feel involved in the company.
A lot of operations are also in Germany, so travelling there can be frequent depending on role, I've been once so far. (Ford have a jet which commutes there and back daily from Southend Airport)
As I'm on the graduate role its great as next year I hope to go into some cost saving areas (i.e. Cost Estimating, team value management etc), or internal audit, lots of travel. There are LOTS of opportunities within the company, working abroad in new markets as well as over in the USA, Germany etc.
The work sounds boring and busy, but I find it interesting, combined with flexible working hours (most turn up at 8 and bugger off at 4, I'm a lazy ass so turn up at 9), and due to security I cant do my work at home, and there are no late nights (every right just to say..I'll finish tomorrow. Unless you've been a lazy plank and leave it till the deadline), I have a proper lunch, get a chance for walkabouts and its really a good working 'environment'.
Brilliant pay, would even be chuffed getting this if I worked in the City. HR and Diversity are a huge thing here and there isn't any detrimental workplace politics (so far!). Driving new cars, obviously discounts, Defined Pension (final salary) and more.
When you get to leadership level (maybe in about 4-6 years?) you can have Company car, as the car is shown as an asset of the company and is made by the company you dont pay tax and only a small monthly charge based on value of the vehicle, NOT the emissions. Then bonuses etc. I havent really looked into what you get at a higher level.
They are teaching me CIMA which is great, get days off work for this as well as revision days.
Ford really love for you to have a REALLY varied career path within the company, I mean REALLY varied! As in I could move from Capex Analyst to Internal Auditor, Accounting, Profit Analysis, Commodity Business Plan, Engineering Budget Analyst, list goes on, I've even toyed with the idea of having a stint as an engineer!
I wish I was in a role where I was travelling more, I speak to people in Germany a LOT, and wish I could visit more. But that can change easily as I said with the varied career path. Thats all I can think of now. Except for the offices, quite bland, boring.
The Development centre really is in the middle of nowhere, close to Basildon, but thats a couple of miles out. Obviously to accommodate the test track etc but theres not really anywhere to go during work (i.e. cant pop out to buy something etc)
I obviously got onto the Graduate Scheme, I think they chucked me into Product Development Finance as I have a BEng Mech. Eng degree, and it really helps my understanding of whats going on (Especially when some punk engineer tries to overspend and justify it and tries to confuse you!) But like most large companies in a Finance role they take from any area of degree, so long as you can prove you're up to it (either experience or whatever)
As I said before they are teaching me CIMA also which is great, hopefully I want to find a way to get IEng status also in the future. And after that maybe an MBA.
Basically if you're bright and have knowledge of the motor industry you have a chance.
Do you like your job?
Yes I love it, I wanted to work here since I was about 14, however back then I wanted to be an automotive engineer here for Team RS. But as I learned engineering I preferred business/finance, so, bit weird that I still ended up in the same building I wanted to work in.
Hope that helps