Jobs - A little bit about what you do and perks

Your job sounds good! I see you are a 'proper' engineer from a 'proper' university:)

I am debating weather to change from manufacturing engineering to innovative manufacturing engineering (basically the masters). You find the extra year helped much more?

Bet you get paid a pretty penny for your age as well

:D:D:D Proper Uni indeed, still worth something these days compared to east of east east south east midlands top of the hill university ;)

MEng is needed to get chartered, otherwise you will only be able to become incorporated rather than fully chartered [well pretty much]. Plus you get an extra year at uni for girls and lash, but lots of work :D. I did a straight through 4 years so my masters fees were the same as every other year, rather than 8k+ for an extra year.

Go for it.
Man that sounds like an awesome job :D...
How long you been doing that? and what happened to all you hilarious car related threads.

Ive been working there for a few months now, The engineer/mechinic is a bloody **** head but you deal with it.
It gets a bit repetitive.

Ol Krusty got killed, there is a thread about it, i think you might have even posted in it:D

But soon i hope there is going to be a new but slightly older then Kusty Subaru L series in my drive ready for a thrashing but with a Lift kit and bigger wheels:D:cool:

I might take my mums old one out to drive on the lake that has been hit by the drought and dried out a lot and turned muddy and see how well it goes:D

Who needs a head Gasket anyway:confused::p

Telephone Officer (official title - not very descriptive though!)


UK Border Agency, Home Office

Overall Job

Answering enquiries on pretty much anything to do with immigration to the UK.

Day to day

Mostly consists of appointment booking, advising and researching immigration procedures and laws, training up new recruits, checking email updates, attending meetings etc.


-Good amount of paid holiday
-Good overall skills/knowledge picked up through training/experience should make it easier to move upwards
-Being responsible for training others gives a nice change and more freedom than regular staff (high staff turnover makes this frequent)
-No work to take home/worry about for the next day
-No overtime unless I choose to
-I advise on laws and procedures, I'm not there to help people per se - I can tell people to get out of the country etc if necessary where the relevant laws require it. Very different from other call centres - you don't have to sweet-talk or appease people.


-Sometimes repetitive
-Stupid/obnoxious/annoying people, or often people with limited grasp of English.
-Ocassionally stressfull (sometimes it can be life-changing stuff you have to tell people)
-LOTS of different possible questions I can get
-Even more laws and procedural stuff I have to know, or at least know how to find.


GCSE English and Maths was what was required iirc, but I also did an advanced GNVQ in business and an HND in Computing.

Do you like your job?

For the most part, other than the downsides listed above.
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Right every few weeks I see a lot of people on here saying they don't know what to do with their lives or what direction to take so I am starting this thread for members to write down what they do, the company they work for and a little bit of information about their job, most of the threads in the past have included money which you get people BS'in about and trying to willy wave with no information about what they actually do.

Ok Ill start:


I am a Structural Design Engineer


I work for a company called Saipem ( which is the construction contractor of Eni (, it is an Italian based construction company who mainly deals with the oil and gas trade but does work outside of this when they see fit.

Day to day

At the moment I am assigned to a project which is laying a pipeline from Spain to Algeria for a 3rd party company called MedGaz, the team I am working with is responsible for all of the prelay survey, installation of cable crossings at a depth of 2000m and also the post lay trenching using a system called Beluga (24" Pipe).

This means I have to produce ancillary structures for winches, contingency structures incase anything goes wrong, access platforms for Beluga (60Te piece of kit) also over see other engineers who we have doing other pieces of kit, I am one of two permanent structural engineers on this project so my responsibility is quite high on it.


Very small world, we currently have several contracts with Saipem!
Sprinkle Balance Consultant.

All things Sprinkly And Nice Ltd.

Day to day
I'm the guy responsible for putting the "thousands" into "hundreds and thousands". It's tough going but the rewards are never ending.

Overall Job
I travel the world all expenses paid to examine sprinkle factories. I go into a small dark room in the factory for 3 days at a time and hide there until I get the hundreds to thousands ratio just right. I am one of only two people in the entire world that knows the secret ratio.

Free first class travel anywhere in the world, unlimited sprinkles, fancy watches, high class women and vodka martini. A salary of $2 million USD also helps as well as a 10% share of profits.

I have the fear that I might one day become sick of sprinkles. God forgive me for even thinking about such horror.

Eleven Plus and a failed Diploma in Sprinkle Management.

Do you like your job?
I cannot imagine doing anything else.


I think we have spoke about this before, I think most of your projects are based in the London Office?


I know it was someone on OCUK, odds are it was you!

I'm Warrington based but we have offices all over the world, personally i'm working on a QRA for an onshore gas condensate field in Kazakhstan through KPO, Fire fighting guides for two platforms (Lun-A & Molikpaq) and an HSEMS case for OMV down in london for the whole OMV worldwide group.

Fantastic Job, great future prospects love every minute of it.


Yes but like most we chose to ignore it.

I know it was someone on OCUK, odds are it was you!

I'm Warrington based but we have offices all over the world, personally i'm working on a QRA for an onshore gas condensate field in Kazakhstan through KPO, Fire fighting guides for two platforms (Lun-A & Molikpaq) and an HSEMS case for OMV down in london for the whole OMV worldwide group.

Fantastic Job, great future prospects love every minute of it.

Ah right I don't have much to do with the HSE side of it other than telling them that my design is right and giving them lots of numbers if they ask for it :)

Also in Warrington do you know someone called Rick Cooper? Went to Manchester Uni? (aged 24/25 now)

I'm the person you hate the most!

-Builds QRA model
-Runs model
-Nope the design isn't tolerable
-Redesign please!

Least it keeps you busy :p

Don't much care for the HSE aspect myself but i do enjoy the trips involved with it, doing the same for Norway soon :)

Hopefully back out to Dubai this year which i'm looking forward to love the place.
JOB - Draughtsman

COMPANY - since being made redundant last year, I'm now a 'temp', so no company.

DAY TO DAY - Most of the time I'm doing CADmonkey work for refrigeration/engineering or fire alarm companies.

OVERALL JOB - I get up at 7am travel to work for half 8, have an hour for lunch, then leave at 5pm on the dot.

PERKS - None. (unless you count eye-strain from looking at a monitor, day in day out for the last 5 or 6 years)

DOWNSIDES - I have to go to work... how's that?

EDUCATION - not qualified in anything useful for work; as a young 'un I had no idea what to do as a 'career' so I took courses I thought I'd enjoy, up to Alevel and beyond.

DO I LIKE MY JOB? - Honestly... NO. Come to think of it, I doubt very much if I'd like any job that eats with such ferocity into my time here on this earth. I get paid a pittance and by the time my wage/salary goes up enough to make a difference to me, everything will be about 50 times more expensive. For the foreseeable future I'm going to be treading water somwehere around £8.30ph from monday to friday.
ICT Teacher (Secondary, state)

Nottingham City Council

Day to day
I teach 11-16 year olds ICT and I'm supposed to look after the Learning Gateway. A bit of social policing when on break and lunch duty! Usual stuff you expect teachers to do.

Overall Job
Can be very interesting and rewarding. Kids say some amazing things, they can totally surprise you and it's good developing courses and materials that they enjoy. It can be very frustrating and sometime tedious when it comes to marking and reports, or when Senior Leaders (Ass/Dep Heads) change things and make 'daft' decisions. Generally enjoyable.

13 weeks a year 'off' (I'll be working through the Summer on marking and courses though!). Reasonably good wage that improves year on year. Entertaining most of the time and often rewarding. Free laptop! :p

Marking and reports. It can take ages, and while marking good work could be considered a perk, when you're marking 100 very similar pieces of work it gets demoralising. The same with reports.

Kids that just don't want to learn. Very frustrating but I try not to bring it home with me.

Pressure of getting results from said kids.

GCSEs and A-Levels.
2:1 in History (!)
QTS (Qualified Teacher Status) through the GTP (Graduate Trainee Programme)

Do you like your job?
90% yes. I certainly don't think 'work tomorrow :(' but some days you want to pack it in 'cos you feel you've achieved jack all. Especially if you've got a ton of marking or planning to do and you're an hour late home because of a detention (which is rare I spose). Thinking on though, I do really enjoy the job the majority of the time.
Just changed jobs recently after being in the painful world of IT Suport for 6 years...

Professional Falconer

Small Centre in Scotland

Day to day
Prep food and feed birds in the chambers
Take flying birds from mews and put them on perches on the weathering lawn
Check on breeding pairs
Exercise current flying team
Train new birds
Displays during summer, hunting game during the winter

Get paid to do a job that I used to do for free in my spare time
Working outside
Challenging work
Meeting new people everyday
Traveling around europe for displays
Decent wages and loads of overtime

Tons to learn initially
Dealing with a general ignorant public
Requires a silly amount of patience
Long hours

A-Levels and a HNC in Countryside Management, neither required for the job though, just loads of enthusiasm and ability to learn

Do you like your job?

After working in IT Support for 6 years I can't believe I didn't start it sooner, early days yet but I can't imagine doing anything else now.
Intriguing! So who hires a professional Falconer? I'd imagine it would be mnainly for shows and displays but do you get hired for pest control or anything of the sort? Or am I way off the mark?
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