I don't think anybody's said he failed the test, they're just using terms which make his crime sound worse than it may have been.
Have you got Gilly on ignore or something because to listen to him, he is a convicted drug cheat. When he really isn't. Banned for failing to attend a test - Yes, banned for failing a test or taking performance enhancing drugs - absolutely not.
Not having a go at you BaZ but it really boils my **** when people start throwing legal terms around when the really haven't got the foggiest of what they are on about. The Irony is he keeps piping on he Failed the test. HE DIDNT EVEN CHUFFIN TAKE IT !!!!!
As they say, ignorance truly is bliss.
Have you got Gilly on ignore or something because to listen to him, he is a convicted drug cheat. When he really isn't. Banned for failing to attend a test - Yes, banned for failing a test or taking performance enhancing drugs - absolutely not.
Not having a go at you BaZ but it really boils my **** when people start throwing legal terms around when the really haven't got the foggiest of what they are on about. The Irony is he keeps piping on he Failed the test. HE DIDNT EVEN CHUFFIN TAKE IT !!!!!
As they say, ignorance truly is bliss.
If ignorance is bliss you should be very happy
Rio's sample didn't come back negative on that day because he didn't provide it. Unless I am much mistaken failing to provide a sample on the day you are told to is equal to a failure. The repercussions cannot be less (and yes, whoever else fails to take or fails to pass the test should be treated in the same way) as players would duck tests, await the substances leaving their bodies, and simply turn up, citing forgetfulness.
Failure or refusal to submit to testing or otherwise evading sample collection
5. The failure or refusal by a Player without compelling justifi cation to submit to drug testing
after notifi cation by a Competent Offi cial is prohibited. Other evasion of sample collection
is also prohibited.
(a) The offence of failing or refusing to submit to drug testing shall be deemed to be
committed where a Player:
• is requested to submit to drug testing by a Competent Offi cial; and
• fails or refuses to do so; and
• lacks compelling justifi cation for so doing.
(b) The expression “compelling justifi cation” shall embrace, and shall only embrace,
circumstances where it would be wholly unreasonable to expect a Player to submit to
drug testing in the circumstances pertaining at the time, bearing in mind the limited
commitment that this entails.
(c) The penalties set out in Regulation 46 apply to this offence.
Bitter? I've nothing to be bitter about now, he's almost as bad as Wes Brown these days
Can you direct me to the specific area on the website that states exactly how a missed test is to be treated?
[edit]Found it:
Can't find details of Regulation 46. Is it as mentioned above where Rio missed two previous tests as well?
1. I didn't say he missed two previous tests, I asked if he had. Christ.
2. He was charged with Failure or refusal to submit wasn't it? I thought that was the official charge brought against him.
The submission he gave was a reported 44 hours after it was due.