Jordan Peterson thread

Sorry who came out as communists?

Anyone left of the centre :p

I can't think of many reasons to cry at work tbh... perhaps being informed of some emergency or sudden death of a relative or perhaps an unexpected redundancy if you're at a precarious point in your life etc...

I've seen people do it out of rage against others in the workplace, which I expected fisticuffs but ended up being nothing. I had sudden news of losing a close relative, but even so, I just announced it to my boss, took five, finished my work, and was sent off home. These people at the publishers are downright pathetic.
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The first appearance of the Lotus Eaters I've seen on here.

This whole thing is just glorious, Jordan Peterson is a legend and I wish him all the best. People losing their minds at the thought of his words being published just validate his points even more.
If people are intolerant of his views they should go to jail for hate and intolerance. See how that feels! I bet they come out feeling a lot more tolerant. Maybe this is what we need i am a tolerant guy but my tolerance is being abused so that these people can change the world to one where intolerance rules.

And inaction and tolerance is what they rely upon to achieve it. The Tory party have done nothing to stop this, The only man on the world stage who made inroads to this was DJ Trump. That is why i tolerated his downsides.
We have a new guy at work, he has been out of Uni about 2 years, I have had many political and ideological debates with him. He claims he is very central and very tolerant. Well one day I asked if he had heard of Jordan Peterson and it was like I had flicked a light switch. I fully triggered the lad, into showing his full lefty intolerant side. It was a brilliant sight to see.
1) they’ve just added to his pre-orders
2) would pay money to see a video of their tears
3) classic Woke exhibited in the one of the quotes coming out of the story:

If the publisher had a spine they’d sack the lot of them.

You notice they always want their company to sack the person they are dog-piling onto. They never resign and refuse to work for a company in protest.
I can't think of many reasons to cry at work tbh... perhaps being informed of some emergency or sudden death of a relative or perhaps an unexpected redundancy if you're at a precarious point in your life etc.. but someone you don't like getting a book deal via your employer? Get a grip.. any number of people might think some of the client's their employer does business with are ****s, it's hardly a matter to start crying about in a meeting.

There is this weird notion these days that everyone much be safe and shielded from anything that might upset them... or at least so long as it isn't related to masculinity or whiteness... then any objections there fall under white fragility etc...

If you read what you quoted you'll see that the quote says “people were crying in the meeting about how Jordan Peterson has affected their lives.” that doesn't mean they were crying about the book, they were crying about how their lives had already been impacted by him (presumably his followers, not his actual self) quite possibly by the 'radicalised' father.
1) they’ve just added to his pre-orders
2) would pay money to see a video of their tears
3) classic Woke exhibited in the one of the quotes coming out of the story:

If the publisher had a spine they’d sack the lot of them.

It's a bit weird to say you'd pay to watch a video of someone crying when you don't actually know what they were crying about (it doesn't seem that they were crying about the book).
The irony here is, doesn't Peterson effectively say to live a good, honest life, according to the bible etc? Essentially be kind to one another. Characteristics which a quite a few of the posters in here rarely exhibit.
Yeah but when that Political survey was done most of them came out as flat out Communists, they're in actuality the extremists.
That thread was definitely interesting though - the posts in the past that I thought were a bit "out there" definitely have the proper context now!

I mean, I know some proper lefties in real life and they are nice enough people - I actually do have some common ground with them on some issues - but I just tend to ignore them when they get overly political in conversation. Everyone's entitled to their view and all that but I can only deal with so much stuff that's off the scale. :p
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If you read what you quoted you'll see that the quote says “people were crying in the meeting about how Jordan Peterson has affected their lives.” that doesn't mean they were crying about the book, they were crying about how their lives had already been impacted by him (presumably his followers, not his actual self) quite possibly by the 'radicalised' father.

This is so dumb, of course I read what I quoted... I literally selected that bit to quote and highlighted it in bold. But but they were crying about how Peterson had affected their lives... more like some warped perception that he's to blame for something. The meeting was about the book, that decision to publish him (again) triggered this crying incident... they didn't just randomly burst into tears coincidentally FFS!

Next time engage brain before posting.

Also it's hardly completely out of the blue, he's published a very successful book with them before and hasn't made any secret about wanting to write a follow up. This sort of book can fund a whole bunch of others that publisher is working on.
It's a bit weird to say you'd pay to watch a video of someone crying when you don't actually know what they were crying about (it doesn't seem that they were crying about the book).

I know exactly why they were crying, I’ve seen it 1000’s of times; they’re children that have never grown up and developed a handle on their emotions the way normal people have, coddled by their cult through education to such an extent when they go out into the real world and bump into the reality that people say no, disagree or they don’t get their way, they throw a tantrum. It’s pathetic.

Grow. Up.
Jordan Peterson: 'Here are the 12 rules for life.'

Jordan Peterson 2 years later: 'Here's another 12 rules for life.'

I wonder how many times he plans to get away with this... :p

I know exactly why they were crying, I’ve seen it 1000’s of times; they’re children that have never grown up and developed a handle on their emotions the way normal people have, coddled by their cult through education to such an extent when they go out into the real world and bump into the reality that people say no, disagree or they don’t get their way, they throw a tantrum. It’s pathetic.

Grow. Up.

Yeah, some people just can't cope with reality.

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