Jordan Peterson thread

Jordan Peterson: 'Here are the 12 rules for life.'

Jordan Peterson 2 years later: 'Here's another 12 rules for life.'

I wonder how many times he plans to get away with this... :p

This guy is so negative and full of hate, people actually watch this trash on Youtube? Why even talk about a book written by a person you don't like? This is all we get from the left, hate filled rants about people they dislike.
I kind of get why some people don't like some of Peterson's stuff. For me personally he kind of loses me when he's talking about deeper religious meaning and his debate with Sam Harris, at least the first one went pretty off the rails. I do like some of his core messages about self responsibility, taking on heavy loads, not being seduced by extreme "sides" which ever side they happen to fall. It was a pleasure seeing him dismantle people like Cathy Newman for sure.

People don't like having the light shone at them and this is what Peterson sometimes exposes.
He is starting to look more like a Mentat everyday.

I listened to 12 rules for life and i got a bit bored. He draws deeply from religion, which i guess is what most westerners have given up on, (thankfully) so to me i found it a bit preachy, excuse the pun.

Its basic advise. Its not groundbreakingly controversial.
He is starting to look more like a Mentat everyday.

I listened to 12 rules for life and i got a bit bored. He draws deeply from religion, which i guess is what most westerners have given up on, (thankfully) so to me i found it a bit preachy, excuse the pun.

Its basic advise. Its not groundbreakingly controversial.

It's not, but because somehow the right hold him up as a hero (which he disagrees with), the left feel free to attack him, (despite the fact that the left don't know what he says), but simply because the right label him as "theirs", the left label him as "the enemy". It's not Peterson or his work that's being attacked, it's the idea of what Peterson is through the lens of the right that causes the left to demonize him. It's the usual case of Peterson being attacked for things he's not said.

The Cathy Newman interview is a perfect example of people in the public eye taking a very superficial view of his work, and then ascribing him with viewpoints that he doesn't hold. As we've seen many times, the far left activists don't even do that, and simply dogpile on because the Twitterati say they should attack anyone that doesn't agree with their groupthink. You don't have to be against them, you just have to be labelled as such.
This guy is so negative and full of hate

Sums up everything nicely for pretty much every YouTube (or elsewise) socio-political commentator.

The outrage culture just doesn't make me horny at all and never has (whenever I see hyperbolic titles, I know i'm being insulted), does it never get tiresome?
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This guy is so negative and full of hate, people actually watch this trash on Youtube? Why even talk about a book written by a person you don't like? This is all we get from the left, hate filled rants about people they dislike.

just another video with nothing of substance as usual. :p
Anyone left of the centre :p
From what I seem to be learning from GD Farage and trump are considered centre ground round here. So really anyone even slightly to the left of Farage or Trump is a communist.

LOL Jordan Peterson what a joke.
This was when he was having work done on his home and he apologised for the clutter at the start of the video, but we’ll just conveniently forget to mention that.
It's not, but because somehow the right hold him up as a hero (which he disagrees with), the left feel free to attack him, (despite the fact that the left don't know what he says), but simply because the right label him as "theirs", the left label him as "the enemy". It's not Peterson or his work that's being attacked, it's the idea of what Peterson is through the lens of the right that causes the left to demonize him. It's the usual case of Peterson being attacked for things he's not said.

The Cathy Newman interview is a perfect example of people in the public eye taking a very superficial view of his work, and then ascribing him with viewpoints that he doesn't hold. As we've seen many times, the far left activists don't even do that, and simply dogpile on because the Twitterati say they should attack anyone that doesn't agree with their groupthink. You don't have to be against them, you just have to be labelled as such.

Not exactly. He first became known because he stood up to the SJWs at his university regarding gender pronouns.
JP is great. He's not left or right. He just has strong opinions on things he believes, which is to be applauded.
Not exactly. He first became known because he stood up to the SJWs at his university regarding gender pronouns.

It's a bit more nuanced than that. He's said several times that he's happy to call transgendered people by whatever pronouns they want. What Peterson objected to was the proposed Canadian law, and university edicts that would set a legal precedent of what people could and couldn't say. He objected to the slippery slope of trying to govern people's thoughts and expression by law. He asked why one group's preferences should override another with the force of the law.

There's so much stuff going on around Peterson, it's easy to pick up the wrong info third hand, and that's what SJW's keep doing as an excuse to attack him and many others. It's not about what you actually say, it's whether the SJW hivemind designate you "not us", and therefore the enemy to be attacked.
JP is great. He's not left or right. He just has strong opinions on things he believes, which is to be applauded.
Only if you need to feel you share those opinions. Otherwise he sounds like a pompous ass.

He is not really any different to Farage, Trump, Boris and now Foxy Doxy and many others on the edges of the alt right wings. They just seem to be vaguely saying stuff that those on the right. Sorry those that think themself to be centre ground want to hear so they can validate their own views.
It's a bit more nuanced than that. He's said several times that he's happy to call transgendered people by whatever pronouns they want. What Peterson objected to was the proposed Canadian law, and university edicts that would set a legal precedent of what people could and couldn't say. He objected to the slippery slope of trying to govern people's thoughts and expression by law. He asked why one group's preferences should override another with the force of the law.

There's so much stuff going on around Peterson, it's easy to pick up the wrong info third hand, and that's what SJW's keep doing as an excuse to attack him and many others. It's not about what you actually say, it's whether the SJW hivemind designate you "not us", and therefore the enemy to be attacked.

Yeah, I agree with all that. My only point was that he only became a hero of the right because he stood up to the SJWs, rather than starting off as being associated with the right wing and being targetted by the SJWs because of that. He drew a target on his own back for the SJWs to aim at due to the pronouns episode.
Yeah, I agree with all that. My only point was that he only became a hero of the right because he stood up to the SJWs, rather than starting off as being associated with the right wing and being targetted by the SJWs because of that. He drew a target on his own back for the SJWs to aim at due to the pronouns episode.

Oh yes, but it seems that the left particularly don't care what he does or doesn't say. He's been labelled as right, and is therefore the enemy of SJWs and a valid target for attack. It's just what cancel culture is now, and you don't need to do anything wrong, just get labelled as a target. Even people refusing to be drawn into identity politics on either side are being attacked because "silence is violence" ie, "if you're not with us, you're against us". It's the extremist thinking of the childish and emotional mind. It's what the demagogues use to control the emotional masses who can't control themselves. There can be no compromise or middle ground for those sorts of people.
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Espousing religious views is a matter of the right, he may be liberal about it, but it's definitely not a left-wing cause.
Why is religion right wing? Most people in this country are not religious, regardless of being left or right. I see religion as independent of political slant.
Only if you need to feel you share those opinions. Otherwise he sounds like a pompous ass.

He is not really any different to Farage, Trump, Boris and now Foxy Doxy and many others on the edges of the alt right wings. They just seem to be vaguely saying stuff that those on the right. Sorry those that think themself to be centre ground want to hear so they can validate their own views.

Maybe you could delve into some of the specifics as to why you think he's on the "edges of the alt right"?
Why is religion right wing? Most people in this country are not religious, regardless of being left or right. I see religion as independent of political slant.
It depends I suppose, I like to distinguish faith from religion. One is man-made the other isn't (if you believe, I don't want to get into a debate about belief). Because religion is man-made it gets abused by man, and so it was used to force socially conservative view points and it was quite authoritarian, which some people will associate with right wing beliefs. "This is the best way to live your life, so do so or we'll burn you at the stake". And then if you look at other aspects, Christianity strongly emphasises equality, "we're all sons of God", "love thy neighbour", and strongly promotes charity and helping the poor and meek. Two things which I'd strongly associate with left wing views.

I completely agree with you that religion should be apolitical, but frankly every point of view to do with how individuals or society as a whole should live their lives is by its nature political. But I don't agree at all that Christians are necessarily right wing or left wing. You merely have to look at the divisions within the CofE, orthodox or unorthodox Judaism, fundamental or moderate Islam, Nationalist Hinduism or peaceful Hindiusm etc. To see that labelling any large body of people as something will always be inaccurate and a futile exercise. Christians are left and right wing, Muslims are left and right wing, Jews are left and right wing. You get the picture.
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