Jordan Peterson thread

sigma said:
I was trying to decipher what that poster meant by "Help us out, what are you really asking?". So I clarified when I last asked a question.
Telling me when you asked the question didnt clarify anything, but never mind as I understand now. Dowie said they didnt just cry for no reason and you asked who said they did?. I'm not sure, however, why that's important or why somebody needed to have said they cried for no reason? It seemed to me Dowie just said that to emphasise his point and i've no issue with that. You oddly do though...

that poster.
Telling me when you asked the question didnt clarify anything, but never mind as I understand now. Dowie said they didnt just cry for no reason and you asked who said they did?. I'm not sure, however, why that's important or why somebody needed to have said they cried for no reason? It seemed to me Dowie just said that to emphasise his point and i've no issue with that. You oddly do though...

that poster.

OK cool, I see no point in continuing the pointless chat. Re: that poster, apologies, I couldn't be bothered to scroll up to confirm your username :o
I like JP. I liked his book until it got all so very deeply religious, but then understand that's where he gains most of his belief and develops his standpoints as they have stood the test of time.

I'm here Tony, smite me with your moral superiority.
His book 10 Rules to Life or whatever it is called is really good, would recommend it to all.

It is all common knowledge though. He hasn't added anything which anyone with more than 1 brain cell doesn't already know. There is no deep profound insights, he is no luminary. But the book is exactly what i mean, simed st young right wing men who feel their world is under attack by 'den liberals'.

He writes do much absolute ****** just to sell more books, exploiting his academic credentials as if it has any value outside his area of expertise. Nd it shows, because all of main points outside his actual peer-reviewed acedemic work have been completely torn down by actual experts in their domain. His whole anti-marxism and anti-PC waffle is completely meaningless twaddle, deeply flawed but written to stir up his fanbase who happily lap up whatever he regurgitates because it is exactly what they wsnt to hear and it comforts them to believe an actual academic supports their distorted reality.

He is openly transphobic and that is why the far right love his books. He openly supports islamophobia, misogyny and make wide reaching appeals to racists and white supremacist. That is just a hard fact.

" I shouldn’t say this, but I’m going to, because it’s just so goddamn funny I can’t help but say it: I’ve figured out how to monetize social justice warriors,”
Peterson told the podcast host Joe Rogan. “If they let me speak, then I get to speak, and then I make more money on Patreon ... if they protest me, then that goes up on YouTube, and my Patreon account goes WAY up.”

As i said, a shrewd bussinessman that is good at marketing to the far right, incels and bigots
Please provide evidence for these assertions. Thats quite the accusation.

Its actually people like you driving his sales. So Kermit thanks you.

You can read any of his books or watch his intellectually dishonest YouTube videos. This isn't some secret, it is wide open in the public. For example he actively opposes calling people by their preferred gender pronoun, and then went on some irrelevant tirade where he completely fails to understand the Canadian hate speech laws he was trying to criticize. He actively opposes international women's day because he bizzarely thinks it is some kind of Marxist plot and an attsck on males.

The guys spews complete drivel to his select audience to drive book sales.

And yes, i am fully aware that Peterson purposely tries to make people with modern moderate stances on equality as some kind of risk to white male dominance and leverages that to sell more books.
You can read any of his books or watch his intellectually dishonest YouTube videos. This isn't some secret, it is wide open in the public. For example he actively opposes calling people by their preferred gender pronoun, and then went on some irrelevant tirade where he completely fails to understand the Canadian hate speech laws he was trying to criticize. He actively opposes international women's day because he bizzarely thinks it is some kind of Marxist plot and an attsck on males.

The guys spews complete drivel to his select audience to drive book sales.

And yes, i am fully aware that Peterson purposely tries to make people with modern moderate stances on equality as some kind of risk to white male dominance and leverages that to sell more books.
The claim that he refuses to call people by their preferred gender pronoun isn't accurate. He has said many times that he refuses to do so when "Mandated by government". Put simply he is fine with the government saying what he cannot say, but strongly draws a line under what he must say.

I can provide videos of him agreeing to use peoples preferred pronouns when they are reasonable people if you wish? Or would that not change your mind?
The claim that he refuses to call people by their preferred gender pronoun isn't accurate. He has said many times that he refuses to do so when "Mandated by government". Put simply he is fine with the government saying what he cannot say, but strongly draws a line under what he must say.

I can provide videos of him agreeing to use peoples preferred pronouns when they are reasonable people if you wish? Or would that not change your mind?

The Canadian government never mandatedwhich pronouns to use. His entire argument is fabricated on complete lies. Hate speech has specific legal requirements relating to inciting discrimination, hostility and violence. Peterson either wants the right to incite violence,or is intellectually dishonest in order to sell books to people who are transphobic. The act of supporting the latter makes him transphobic himself
Okay so you've switched to "He refuses to call people by their preferred pronouns" to it never being entrenched in Canadian law.

Clearly you know perfectly well that I can provide evidence so are doing the ol switcharoo. No point in continuing if you cannot discuss points in good faith.
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It is all common knowledge though. He hasn't added anything which anyone with more than 1 brain cell doesn't already know. There is no deep profound insights, he is no luminary. But the book is exactly what i mean, simed st young right wing men who feel their world is under attack by 'den liberals'.

He writes do much absolute ****** just to sell more books, exploiting his academic credentials as if it has any value outside his area of expertise. Nd it shows, because all of main points outside his actual peer-reviewed acedemic work have been completely torn down by actual experts in their domain. His whole anti-marxism and anti-PC waffle is completely meaningless twaddle, deeply flawed but written to stir up his fanbase who happily lap up whatever he regurgitates because it is exactly what they wsnt to hear and it comforts them to believe an actual academic supports their distorted reality.

He is openly transphobic and that is why the far right love his books. He openly supports islamophobia, misogyny and make wide reaching appeals to racists and white supremacist. That is just a hard fact.

As i said, a shrewd bussinessman that is good at marketing to the far right, incels and bigots
I completely disagree with a large amount of this.

I can’t recall reading anything in that book that was close to being ‘right wing’ anything particularly ‘political’.

There was one part of waffle in the book concerning religion that outstayed its welcome, I’ll give you that.

I also think that people of all sorts, bright or not, benefit from statements of ‘wisdom’ (which in large is the art of making obvious truths obvious) and there is nothing ‘dumb’ about anyone wanting to seek wisdom for their own betterment. Conventional wisdom by its very nature is ‘obvious’ in its application and it the audience that is complicated and in need of such wisdom/insight.

I can’t recall hearing any of his comments that stuck me as being inherently transphobic, but then I don’t think JK Rowling is transphobic either. Both come across as liberalists to me.
The Canadian government never mandatedwhich pronouns to use. His entire argument is fabricated on complete lies. Hate speech has specific legal requirements relating to inciting discrimination, hostility and violence. Peterson either wants the right to incite violence,or is intellectually dishonest in order to sell books to people who are transphobic. The act of supporting the latter makes him transphobic himself

You are assuming he is being dishonest and then using your assumption to assert he is transphobic.

In 2016 there was indeed an act to change Canadian law to include gender identity and gender expression as protected characteristics. It was passed into law.

There was concern this actually meant that calling someone the wrong pronoun would be counted as hate speech and therefore illegal. It was later agreed by legal experts that it would not meet the legal standard for hate speech.

JP is not a legal expert. He commented on an upcoming law as a layman just like you or me, on what he perceived the law would force people to do. At that point in time there was concern that the new Act may indeed be problematic. Subsequently it was clarified by legal experts that the Act would not compel people to use a preferred pronoun. I am unsure whether this has ever been tested in Canadian courts but I suspect we would have heard if it had. The Act was passed and is now part of Canadian law. But, given that JP is not a legal expert, it is not surprising that it gave him concern and that his concern was maybe misplaced. He has indeed specifically stated that he would, by choice, use someone's preferred pronoun but would not do so if he was compelled by law. In doing so he is reacting against the law which he perceives is unjust, and not acting against the person themselves. This does not make him transphobic. It makes him someone who stands up against what he feels to be a law which should not have been passed.

Indeed, he has specifically stated that he would voluntarily choose to use someone's preferred pronoun. The below is taken from the famous Cathy Newman interview with JP:
Newman: Let me move on to another debate that’s been very controversial for you. You got in trouble for refusing to call trans men and women by their preferred personal pronouns.

Peterson: No, that’s not actually true. I got in trouble because I said I would not follow that compelled speech dictates of the federal and provincial government. I actually never got in trouble for not calling anyone anything.

Newman: Right. You wouldn’t follow the change of law which was designed to outlaw discrimination.

Peterson: No. Well, that’s what it has been said it was design to do.

Newman: Okay. You cited freedom of speech in that. Why should your right to freedom of speech trump a trans person’s right not to be offended?

Peterson: Because in order to be able to think, you have to risk being offensive. I mean, look at the conversation we’re having right now. You’re certainly willing to risk offending me in the pursuit of truth. Why should you have the right to do that? It’s been rather uncomfortable.

Newman: Well, I’m very glad I put you on this part…

Peterson: You get my point. You’re doing what you should do, which is digging a bit to see what the hell is going on. And that is what you should do. But you’re exercising your freedom of speech to certainly risk offending me, and that’s fine. More power to you, as far as I’m concerned.

Newman: So you haven’t sat there and… I’m just… I’m just trying to work that out… I mean… [long pause]

Peterson: Ha! Gotcha!

Newman: You have caught me. You have caught me. I’m trying to work that up through my head… yeah I took a while… it took a while…

Peterson: It did, it did, yeah.

Newman: You have voluntary co… you have voluntarily come into the studio and agreed to be questioned. A trans person in your class has come to your class and said they want to be called “she”.

Peterson: No, that’s never happened. And I would call them “she.”

Newman: So you would. So you’ve kind of changed your tune of line.

Peterson: No. No, no, I said that right from the beginning. What I said at the beginning was that I was not going to cede the linguistic territory to radical leftists, regardless of whether or not it was put in law. That’s what I said. An then the people who came after me said “oh you must be transphobic and you’d mistreat a student in your class.” It’s like, I never mistreated a student in my class, I’m not transphobic and that isn’t what I said.

So, given that JP has stated he would voluntarily use someone's chosen pronoun, then how does that make him transphobic?
The guys a complete grifter.

All the evidence you need is in this Twitter thread collecting examples of him being an utter idiot.

Lots of very sad beta boys have bought into the grift as he offers excuses and solutions to male weakness. The guy can’t raise a daughter with values, she cheated on her husband with an abusive e-pimp who took all her money after JP went on an all meat diet and immediately got hooked on benzodiazepines, she then denied Covid was a threat and gave it to him. The guys a mess and if he wasn’t such a grifter I’d feel sorry for him.
Dare I wade in...

Those clips seem to have a case of Cathy Newman-itis. The whole “so what you’re saying is...?” Etc.

I’m not going to go through them all but the first clip is about the “gay cake scenario”. Whereby he is defending the right of a company to not make a cake with a certain political message on it due to it conflicting with the bakers personal belief. The interviewer uses the analogy that in racist-era America bakers refused to bake for black people and they both agree that’s wrong. So why is it any different to refusing to bake for gay people?

And that analogy is fine and legitimate but that is not what the case was about. They didn’t refuse to make the cake because the people wanting it were gay (I don’t even know if they were). They refused to make the cake because of the message on it. So it doesn’t matter if the people requesting the cake were gay or not, they wouldn’t make the cake. And so actually they’re treating everybody the same and it’s not discriminatory. Going back to the analogy, if some black people walked in asking for a black power slogan on a cake and they refused to make it because they disagreed with the political message on the cake. That’s not racial discrimination. Racial discrimination would be if they refused to make them a plain cake because they’re black. They’re refusing to because of the message on the cake, and so it doesn’t matter if the people requesting the cake were black or white, they wouldn’t make the cake.

So really he missed a trick there. I don’t know how old that clip is. The outcome in the Supreme Court sided with the bakers. It’s not discriminatory to deny a cake if you would deny making that cake to everybody regardless of their protected characteristics.

The second clip - The argument about art and religion is a Christian apologists argument against evolution (or more nuanced, argument specifically against evolution in humans). That is, if our traits were selected by gene selection over thousands of years. What was the genetic benefit for creating art? Something that only humans seem to do. GK Chestertons apologetic ‘The Everlasting Man’. Uses this principle as the foundation of the book. That is if man is a species evolved over a long time. That we are a profoundly odd and strange being, as we have so many traits and characteristic to which there isn’t an easy evolutionary explanation for (creating art being the one argued in this case). Compared to other animals.

The argument in Chesterton's book is that some of the earliest evidence we have of very early man is cave drawings. And that even before we invented the wheel or complex devices which obviously are helpful, man found pleasure in: observing something, and recreating it's likeness on a wall. What's the evolutionary benefit for creating beautiful things or being able to observe the beauty of nature? There's obviously an evolutionary benefit to be able to see sexual beauty in partners, you see favourable traits, you want them in your offspring. Easy evolutionary argument. But what's the evolutionary argument for seeing a Deer grazing in a field, remarking how beautiful it is, and to decide to draw it on a cave wall? They're not instructions, not ways to help someone in the future hunt, it's just 'art'. What's the evolutionary benefit for man to want to create and enjoy it? Chesterton goes on to argue that we have these traits because we are not 'wordly' in the sense that we evolved like the other animals, but that we were made as custodians of the Earth. Which if you're catholic, and Chesterton was, is a rather convenient argument.

I’m not making a case either way, I have read the everlasting man and I find the argument compelling, I’m sure there are counter arguments to it. However just saying this is a “lol-worthy crap argument” is a bit of a stretch. Although I will 100% agree that Jordan Peterson is not arguing the point very well in that clip.
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The Canadian government never mandatedwhich pronouns to use. His entire argument is fabricated on complete lies. Hate speech has specific legal requirements relating to inciting discrimination, hostility and violence. Peterson either wants the right to incite violence,or is intellectually dishonest in order to sell books to people who are transphobic. The act of supporting the latter makes him transphobic himself

What compels you to write actual lies? Do you feel like you've scored a victory by calling someone "transphobic" because they said they wouldn't be told that they have to say a specific word by law? Do you think it's correct that a law should exist that forces people to use specific speech, you're cool with that? Did you get your brain at the toilet store?
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