Jordan Peterson thread

Next step is to call everyone racist and get the thread locked right?

Don't worry, that won't be happening here. As much as I wish to ensure that the discussion is as open as possible, I will hand out reply bans if its continuation comes under threat.
Avoiding again. "I've replied before". You made the statement to me a few posts back saying JP was alt right. Only a few posts back. But you are not prepared to (or probably able to) show me why you think that. You even stated what you consider to be alt right so it should be a simple matter to point to reliable evidence that JP meets your measure.

Quite standard fare really.
Show me where I said Peterson was alt right?
Don't worry, that won't be happening here. As much as I wish to ensure that the discussion is as open as possible, I will hand out reply bans if its continuation comes under threat.
Ill assume that is aimed at my posts then and not the constant state your meaning posts towards me?
So I didnt actually say Peterson was alt right then?

In that they appeal to those that feel disenfranchised and are turning to the (alt) right for validation. Alt right is not just about nor is it always about white nationalism. As Ive said I just find Peterson to be a pompous ass if anything.

But lets take Farage. Starts off speaking at BNP meetings. Nothing to see here.
Trump: Some fine white nationalists
Boris: Burkas bank robbers
Fox: They are taking our (slave trader) statues (of people whos actions would now rightly be called up as racist and have no place in todays world) away.

I have no real idea if these people are actually racists but they certainly talk the talk that racists like to hear and certainly fill many the other tick boxes for alt right status.
Took awhile to build up to it this time but there’s the racist/racists release from Toneh. I bet you feel much better after that do you Tiger?
What is that meant to mean? I assume you agree with me then?
Took awhile to build up to it this time but there’s the racist/racists release from Toneh. I bet you feel much better after that do you Tiger?
Actually it feels like that comercial where they put two eggs in a pan and smash them together to explain why drug use is bad for you.
So I didnt actually say Peterson was alt right then?
Looks pretty clear cut to me that you did. You said he's like others that you consider to be on the fringes of the alt right.

But let's assume for a moment that you're agreeing that he isn't alt right. Then he must be nearer the centre ground or not over on the right, which was my original point before you replied to tell me that he was on the fringes of the alt right.

So which is it? Is he near the centre or is he alt right? If he's only just a little outside of being alt right (on the fringes) then which of those alt right characteristics that you posted do you think he meets, and which ones does he not meet?
So what if they do?
No youve lost me. Are you saying its fine to sound or be racist?
Looks pretty clear cut to me that you did. You said he's like others that you consider to be on the fringes of the alt right.

But let's assume for a moment that you're agreeing that he isn't alt right. Then he must be nearer the centre ground or not over on the right, which was my original point before you replied to tell me that he was on the fringes of the alt right.

So which is it? Is he near the centre or is he alt right? If he's only just a little outside of being alt right (on the fringes) then which of those alt right characteristics that you posted do you think he meets, and which ones does he not meet?
I consider their main appeal to be among alt right types. I cant say it any clearer than that.
No youve lost me. Are you saying its fine to sound or be racist?

Actually lol. That isn't what you said before! You said that they talk the talk that the racists like to hear. That is absolutely not the same thing as sounding or being racist.

So, I ask the question again: so what if they do?
So I didnt actually say Peterson was alt right then?

In that they appeal to those that feel disenfranchised and are turning to the (alt) right for validation. Alt right is not just about nor is it always about white nationalism. As Ive said I just find Peterson to be a pompous ass if anything.

But lets take Farage. Starts off speaking at BNP meetings. Nothing to see here.
Trump: Some fine white nationalists
Boris: Burkas bank robbers
Fox: They are taking our (slave trader) statues (of people whos actions would now rightly be called up as racist and have no place in todays world) away.

I have no real idea if these people are actually racists but they certainly talk the talk that racists like to hear and certainly fill many the other tick boxes for alt right status.

No idea on Farage speaking at a BNP meeting but he did ban any former members from joining both UKIP and the Brexit party so his stance on them is pretty clear.

It's been pointed out before but with Trumps "fine people on both sides" comment he immediately disavowed white nationalists straight after that comment. Here I'll help you out.

Boris's Burka comments were in defence of women choosing what they wear if you actually read his column in the Telegraph. Of course you wont.

Fox's wider point was that the taking down of statues shouldn't be decided by mob rule but by a democratic vote, which it was and that vote lost.
I consider their main appeal to be among alt right types. I cant say it any clearer than that.

Only if you need to feel you share those opinions. Otherwise he sounds like a pompous ass.

He is not really any different to Farage, Trump, Boris and now Foxy Doxy and many others on the edges of the alt right wings. They just seem to be vaguely saying stuff that those on the right. Sorry those that think themself to be centre ground want to hear so they can validate their own views.

Are you suggesting that he is not alt-right but only says things to those on the alt-right, despite personally not being alt-right? Why would he do that? That doesn't make sense.

EDIT: Got to pop out. Will pick up any reply later.
Are you suggesting that he is not alt-right but only says things to those on the alt-right, despite personally not being alt-right? Why would he do that? That doesn't make sense.

EDIT: Got to pop out. Will pick up any reply later.

Mostly to sell books to incels and bigots.

He is definitely a master at marketing
I think we should probably just accept the fact that if Tony Edwards was in a pub after about 3 minutes of conversation we'd put one hand on his shoulder say "Enjoy your night mate", and walk away (+points if you got the Kevin Bridges reference).
Mostly to sell books to incels and bigots.

He is definitely a master at marketing

I'm not sure you top best-seller lists in the US, Canada and the UK if those are your primary customers.

Looking at the definition of an incel, they don't appear to be very keen on personal responsibility and neither are narrow-minded bigots.

The man has his flaws just like the rest of us but some of the labels that get flung at him or anyone who shows an interest in his work, only help to prove his points.
I'm not sure you top best-seller lists in the US, Canada and the UK if those are your primary customers.

Looking at the definition of an incel, they don't appear to be very keen on personal responsibility and neither are narrow-minded bigots.

Based on his posting history I think he's just trolling at this point.
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