Jordan Peterson thread

Good and bad do not exist in the mind, not in thought. Thought is the antithesis to action.

You don´t have to believe me.

At work we have an ex murderer who served 9 years in prison, the guy was having a hard time adjusting to his environment, I could see he is a very enthusiastic guy (Around mid 40´s) And that I could see his energy is good, it´s a good person.

Me and another co-worker worked the close at night with him and he opened up, he had killed a man who raped his sister and I asked, did you talk to anyone or have anyone try and help you? He said no and it was at the age of 29 he did this.

I was able to pull him out of his own mental claustrophobia. He calls me big Mike and I really don´t take too well to being called something bigger than, I love to mingle in and be a part of the group I am in, I am of service to my people which is the only way I can make my intelligent mind function practically.

He praises me each day since, always thanking me so full heartedly and fist bumping, It´s like he was saved in a way. He also found my bank card in the changing room and he handed it in to management and I had something to remind him of how much he means to me.
We all need to feel needed but also have meaning.

At the moment I have been friends with this young female, she is 21 right now, she was previously sexually abused and destroyed by an ex, she suffers with great anxiety and fear.

We speak a lot, but I never contact her, I let her contact me when she needs to, all she needs is someone to listen to her.
The other night she lost her grandfather.

Here is my whatsapp from the other night.


Jordan Peterson helps people, just like I do, I am not JP though and people can call me what they want to call me as I don't care. My heart and actions though...
Another point many here are not in positions that need mine or JP's help, yet they can't help but criticize what they don't understand, some have had no real need to be self reflective or understand human consciousness and psychology etc.

I also am not really an egoistic person but for the purposes of understanding, I have brought forwards something that shows me in a better light or the real me.

It is not attached to my own ego, I do this like I drink water.
For those more detail orientated, you will see the time was 3am in that image of my phone, so here is one I took just now.

That site is nothing to do with JP. They sell a range of busts. I just found someone selling JP heads on Etsy too. Again nothing to do with JP.
As typical, lesser intelligent people.

Now will I get my message modded for saying the truth? :cry:
I have to say I've really disappointed in the last couple of videos of his I've seen on Tiktok, one about being anti-abortion and the other he's just going further down the pro-Christianity route. It seems that previously he was holding back about these things but now he doesn't care anymore.

He has always been a bible basher who given any opportunity will bang on about his god and how we need him in our lives for it to make sense :rolleyes: Thanks JP but you can keep your sky fairy nonsense. There is no doubt he is an intelligent guy with a questioning mind but then he falls back on something that makes no sense and has zero proof yet he attempts to assign "proof" with what he sees around him when there is as much proof that fairies live in the brook at the end of my garden and they created the universe. He gets his arse handed to him every time he takes on someone like Sam Harris. Sadly he is only getting worse on religious front and I've zero time for it.
He has always been a bible basher who given any opportunity will bang on about his god and how we need him in our lives for it to make sense :rolleyes: Thanks JP but you can keep your sky fairy nonsense. There is no doubt he is an intelligent guy with a questioning mind but then he falls back on something that makes no sense and has zero proof yet he attempts to assign "proof" with what he sees around him when there is as much proof that fairies live in the brook at the end of my garden and they created the universe. He gets his arse handed to him every time he takes on someone like Sam Harris. Sadly he is only getting worse on religious front and I've zero time for it.
He never was a bible basher, he questioned it for a long time, perhaps if you educated yourself in his theories you would see where he comes from, not judging mindlessly on a very superficial level. I too have always questioned the bible too only to find myself pushing back against the reality of being a human and needing to shut the mind up, if we don't have a God then we will keep mentally rushing for answers forever, in the end it can send us insane.
Atheism is a religion just a radical reaction to what already was, if you believe in atheism then you are no different.

The bible is a very misunderstood thing but sadly extremists ruin it for everyone just like this discussion.

He never was a bible basher, he questioned it for a long time, perhaps if you educated yourself in his theories you would see where he comes from, not judging mindlessly on a very superficial level. I too have always questioned the bible too only to find myself pushing back against the reality of being a human and needing to shut the mind up, if we don't have a God then we will keep mentally rushing for answers forever, in the end it can send us insane.
Atheism is a religion just a radical reaction to what already was, if you believe in atheism then you are no different.

The bible is a very misunderstood thing but sadly extremists ruin it for everyone just like this discussion.

He does like to talk about his faith and how we should all embrace it. He has gotten worse in the last few years. I do wonder if its just to sell more books to the religious right in the US.

You might be and clearly JP has had problems but I've never had mental health problems because I don't believe in a sky fairy/ies.

err no atheism is not a religion, its a lack of theism, a belief in something that requires faith to believe in it due to a complete lack of evidence. There are some outspoken atheists, the late great Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris but none preach their atheism as a religion and all 3 have different philosophical outlooks.

The bible is a collection of stories, many plagiarised from other religions that came before it. There is next to nothing that is original in it and like all religions was/is a way to control the masses. It is as believable as a prophet ascending to heaven on a flying horse or the fairies living in the brook at the end of my garden.
Apart from the fact he is promoting them on his Twitter. Why is someone who is anti narcissism plugging statues of himself on twitter ?

Now after watching this, how is he a narcissist?

Is it a a bit narcissistic?

If you sold your old Playstation 2 for the amount you think it is worth, are you a narcissist for doing so? It sure is involving some narcissism, however how you treat people who have a view of you is how we define how badly your narcissism needs to be dealt with.

I have no care of what people think of me, however disparaging and tainting my image, I shall only provide evidence to what I can, I don't use hearsay.

Would you not say that JP has some worth to those his subjects have meaning for?
Is it also true that my representation of selling the PS2 is the same as selling a bust of himself? You know the answer, but you can only add on top what you feel misrepresents you as anything less than above or better.

So by that I recognize JP's original lecture showing us what you are doing right now.

You clearly don't care about understanding things deeper, you keep pointing fingers.

I get that we can all too be in your position, wisdom of course should be the outcome.
Why is someone who is anti narcissism plugging statues of himself on twitter ?
You assumed he was selling them. Now you're assuming he was plugging them. At a guess I would say he wasn't plugging it but found it funny and was simply laughing at it. But if you want to assume he was plugging it then go right ahead.
He does like to talk about his faith and how we should all embrace it. He has gotten worse in the last few years. I do wonder if its just to sell more books to the religious right in the US.

You might be and clearly JP has had problems but I've never had mental health problems because I don't believe in a sky fairy/ies.

err no atheism is not a religion, its a lack of theism, a belief in something that requires faith to believe in it due to a complete lack of evidence. There are some outspoken atheists, the late great Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris but none preach their atheism as a religion and all 3 have different philosophical outlooks.

The bible is a collection of stories, many plagiarised from other religions that came before it. There is next to nothing that is original in it and like all religions was/is a way to control the masses. It is as believable as a prophet ascending to heaven on a flying horse or the fairies living in the brook at the end of my garden.
Yes but you need to be reaffirmed of your stance and have it named something so it then is in the minds of many and is a belief.

The problem is not many recognize it.

Please forgive my ignorance as I don't always watch everything JP puts out.
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