Jordan Peterson thread

He can do all that but he also has people on like Chris Kresser multiple times who speak absolute nonsense and he doesn't challenge it. He also seems very unwilling to change his views on things like dieting and certain foods and has been caught out numerous times spouting stuff that is the complete opposite of what multiple peer-reviewed studies have shown. That being said, nobody is perfect and at a guess, everyone here would make far more mistakes than Joe but he is a little wacky at times.

Realistically that just means, like most people including Peterson, you need to QC the information they’re providing. The more they appear to be misrepresenting/lying the greater amount of QC you need to do on what they say. Taking something from someone as gospel, because their views align with yours, is not a positive trait.
Watched about 10min of it. She argues like you'd expect from a feminist type thing. Jumping on individual sentences taking the words out of context, missing the bigger picture of what he's saying to try and score cheap points, twisting words to suit her agenda.

I'd imagine the next 20min would've been more of the same.
Realistically that just means, like most people including Peterson, you need to QC the information they’re providing. The more they appear to be misrepresenting/lying the greater amount of QC you need to do on what they say. Taking something from someone as gospel, because their views align with yours, is not a positive trait.

Well exactly and that’s what I have done, Joe should be doing that in real time though as he’s always asking Jamie to pull stuff up as evidence to his own claims, he’s done it to other guests as well but that dude in question just seems to get a free pass.
Realistically that just means, like most people including Peterson, you need to QC the information they’re providing. The more they appear to be misrepresenting/lying the greater amount of QC you need to do on what they say. Taking something from someone as gospel, because their views align with yours, is not a positive trait.

100% this, and the reverse is also true. Just because someone’s views don’t align with yours doesn’t mean they are wrong.
I've spent the last week-and-a-bit exploring more of JP's work — I've listened to the Joe Rogan podcasts, the Sam Harris podcasts and a few more of his videos.

There's no doubting he's a clever chap and he is certainly interesting to listen to. He’s articulate and clearly thinks before he speaks.

I agree with the majority of what he has to say; it’s hard to disagree with “work hard and take responsibility for yourself”. It’s a bit worrying if that message is considered particularly profound.

However, I do take issue with two of his favourite themes:

First of all, I don’t agree with his reliance on Christianity as a tool to frame many of his positions. Sam Harris covers this quite well in their conversation together.

Mainly, as mentioned earlier in this thread, I think he overstates the threat of Feminists, Postmodernists and Neo-Marxists. I believe this to be a cynical play to a specifc audience in certain contexts.

The Sam Harris interviews show that he is able to have an intelligent and meaningful discussion without descending into this hyperbole.

I will continue to watch and listen to him with interest.
I think he overstates the threat of Feminists, Postmodernists and Neo-Marxists. I believe this to be a cynical play to a specifc audience in certain contexts.

That's because he's been directly effected by the actions of those groups of people (C-16 bill) and is able to see the end game before most of the general population who are still asleep

The noticed the latest ploy by the liberal elite is to pretend they don't exist and that there cause is overblown and it won't effect people day to day lives. We have a few apologists on this forum who trot out that line in most SJW threads. They do exist and while what they are doing is still the thin edge of the wedge, it's better to nip the insanity in the bud before it gets out of hand, unfortunatly Canada is further along than most countries and JP is getting demonised to very basic language
That's because he's been directly effected by the actions of those groups of people (C-16 bill) and is able to see the end game before most of the general population who are still asleep

The noticed the latest ploy by the liberal elite is to pretend they don't exist and that there cause is overblown and it won't effect people day to day lives. We have a few apologists on this forum who trot out that line in most SJW threads. They do exist and while what they are doing is still the thin edge of the wedge, it's better to nip the insanity in the bud before it gets out of hand, unfortunatly Canada is further along than most countries and JP is getting demonised to very basic language

Thin edge of the wedge (great expression btw)?

How 'bad' do you think it's going to get?

I ask this as someone who believes the opposite and thinks that he's a very smart scaremonger.
That's because he's been directly effected by the actions of those groups of people (C-16 bill) and is able to see the end game before most of the general population who are still asleep

The noticed the latest ploy by the liberal elite is to pretend they don't exist and that there cause is overblown and it won't effect people day to day lives. We have a few apologists on this forum who trot out that line in most SJW threads. They do exist and while what they are doing is still the thin edge of the wedge, it's better to nip the insanity in the bud before it gets out of hand, unfortunatly Canada is further along than most countries and JP is getting demonised to very basic language

As already discussed in this thread he wasn’t directly affected by the C-16 bill at all. He used it as a political weapon, that is all (that, or he didn’t understand it...). It seems to have worked as people keep trotting out the same old (wrong) argument...

To add further to that, ironically his main complaint about it seems to be that it would take the same wording of the provincial legislation. This provincial legislation actually covered his position as a university professor and had been in place for five years. I.e. if he truly believed he may be charged for what he is saying under the c-16 bill (which he wouldn’t as it doesn’t cover his position), then he had already been breaking the law for several years beforehand and someone could have started proceedings against him...
I ask this as someone who believes the opposite and thinks that he's a very smart scaremonger.

On this aspect I certainly think he isn't without a point though its debatable how bad it is and will get. There seems to be a spreading warped perspective within society towards many issues - I'd be less worried but for the fact there is a closed mindedness to it that tries to paint anyone that isn't cheer leading trite sound bites for the cause (echo chamber and all that BS) as just as bad as the problem and discredit them as a person and no room for reasoned debate or any interest in seeing reason.

I've had a few attempts at debate recently IRL and/or other places online that have just left me realising a lot of these people are no better than the things they are often taking the moral high ground to attack.
Joe Rogan, conspiracy theorist and general nutcase who endorses pseudoscience and other forms of moonbattery.


I'd like to see you back that up with anything recent. Joe has had controversial guests on for sure, but he often doesn't agree with them and laughs at himself on the beliefs he held in the pre-internet age. Go and watch "Joe Rogan Questions Everything" a TV show he did where he actively debunked a load of conspiracy nuts. Odd behaviour for a conspiracy theorist.

He flirts with conspiracy theories because they are fun to flirt with...
My wife watched the interview with Cathy Newman and has bought Petersons book. She was well impressed with him.
I don't know what it says about me but I really like this guy and I think I'm going to buy his book given that I'm at a "limbo" stage of life.
Jumped on the Peterson train this week and watched dozens of videos. Lovely to see someone with so much love for the truth and the gift of eloquence to explain that which he perceives, and peel away at the ineffable the way he does. It's almost like the movie "Network" come to life, only far better.

Beautiful commentary on things like if most men and women had not actually cooperated, instead of always oppressing or being oppressed under a "patriarchy", we wouldn't be where we are today. And his explanation on mercy and justice, and how mercy by itself would be unmerciful, destructive to the person and/or society, brought a wry smile to my face. In conversations with people, whenever the subject of "which is the most important attribute - kindness, honesty, strength, determination etc" has popped up, I always say: "Balance."

"To bear the burden of being, nobly," is a memorable quote from him. And great advice.

I wonder how long it will be before those who to seek to silence him find a way to do so. Some concocted, convoluted argument on why his freedom of expression is a danger to children, most likely. Parodies of him on TV shows etc. I think they are a bit shell-shocked right now, and individuals might be unwilling to use normal methods like debating him, after what he's demonstrated can happen to them. But they will come up with something before long. There are those in this world who cannot abide not having control over the truth that others hear, especially if it goes against their systems, their runaway trains of education etc. On Tucker Carlson's show he let off a firecracker when asked about advice for parents with children in schools that are indoctrinating them on gender etc. He said to pull them out. Immediately. Tucker replied that if that were to be the case, there'd soon be no schools left. Peterson said it would be fine with him. Can't happen soon enough.

My partner comes from a leftist background but she agreed with everything she heard too. This is why he's so dangerous to some, he's really getting through, not just to one choir, but to some in the other.

He has the look of someone who doesn't deny his sadness. Different to what one might call a ********* or emo, that gives into sadness, extols it as a virtue and so on. No, this is the sadness seen on someone who respects the truth too much to deceive. Like the times when you feel blue but it actually doesn't feel bad like other times, it feels soothing, because it's real and you feel connected to your soul again.
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