Jordan Peterson thread

The guy is very 1 dimensional, all I bit of a facade after you watch him for a while... I think I heard him described as 'the dumb person's smart person'... I tend to agree.
Then I must be very dumb as I think the majority of what he says is worth listening to. His overriding message seems to be "Get your life in order because no-one else will do it for you". With that I whole-heartedly agree, even if I am a bit stupid.
He's admitted multiple times that most of the stuff he says isn't some new fundamental way of thinking, it's pretty straightforward and when you think about it in logical steps, like his new book demonstrates it all seems to come together. The issue seems to be that for many people now, particularly young men, they struggle to apply these principles to their lives and his way of using archetypal stories and patterns, seems to resonate with them somewhat, rather than simply telling people to "get their **** together".

I don't think you get as far as he has and thrust yourself under a pretty huge spotlight like he did if you're just the "dumb person's, smart person". That in itself is a pretty lazy way of thinking.
Not sure what you mean by that. Professional journalists have to adhere to professional standards, or at least the commercial entities their work is published in do. There are a fair number of rules newspapers and professional media organizations have to adhere to, unlike YouTube star/blog poster no.N+1.

Oh I was just doing a "Cathy", you know taking what you've said and completely making it sound like something else to fit an a certain narrative ;) If she was a professional journalist she would have interviewed unbiased and without agenda because they're supposed to be impartial when searching for the truth.
Worth a look. Debunking JP's "truth".
Coincidentally, I watched the Atheism-Is-Unstoppable version last night (too many swearies for a link) which wasn't so kind towards JP, particularly on the subject of religion. He's as slippery as a buttery octopus in a pool of oil when a direct question is presented to him (the Jesus/resurrection one is a prime example), redefining words to answer questions that weren't asked. I can't tell if he is so entrenched in hyper-analysing things that he renders himself incapable of offering a straightforward reply on this subject, or that he's frightened of alienating secularists by coming across as too Christian (and vice versa) by admitting what his religious beliefs actually are and has to hide it all in a cloud of pretentious waffle. It's almost as if sitting on the fence is limiting any possible negative impact upon his revenue stream, but that would be a rather cynical way of analysing his reluctance to offer clear, concise answers - maybe he just wants to keep his personal beliefs....personal?

The podcast interviews with Sam Harris (Waking Up with Sam Harris) are excellent (if not a little long) and the first one does get bogged down in “the definition of truth”.

I understand they are going to do a number of live debates together and there’s talk of them coming to London — I’d really like to see that.
JP is debating Matt Dillahunty on April 13th in Toronto on Magic & Skepticism - should be interesting!
Worth a look. Debunking JP's "truth".

:D Peterson is one man, it's just his views, from the learning he's done in his life, it'll be different to me, different to the speaker in the video, different to everyone. Harris & Peterson don't agree on a lot of stuff, that's fine. Every person should listen & read lots of different sources, then amalgamate their own world view according to their present life journey..
Jonathan Pie interviews a feminist:

(edit, for people who've not seen his content before he's playing a character, a disgruntled news presenter who often goes on rants once filming stops... but occasionally he interviews other characters too)

He generally puts out left wing/centre left type content (though old fashioned sensible left wing views you can respect him for, not identity politics/SJW guff).

The guest in this video isn't exactly too dissimilar views to Jordan Peterson's views on the gender pay gap, including when Cathy Newman straw man'd him multiple times "so you're saying" etc...
I'd suspect though that a woman putting across the same sort of views probably wouldn't be labeled "alt right" though.
Found the original JP clip really hard to watch. I had an ex-girlfriend (qualified solicitor) that would argue every point in a discussion where I presented facts (rather than my observations), with 'Oh so what you're saying is [insert inverse argument]... wtf?

You can't discuss anything serious or hold any meaningful, opposed views in that way. You never ever get to the crux of an issue because the other person (when offered a counter argument) goes lateral and says 'oh but what about situation X,Y,Z etc.)

In the video I thought he did a really good job of sustaining the constant barrage of attacks, while demonstrating someone blatantly not listening to his statements and trying to put words into his mouth. Certainly better than I've done in those circumstances. I'm going to look into more of JPs videos (not interested in the religion bit) and perhaps even check out his book.
The guy is very 1 dimensional, all I bit of a facade after you watch him for a while... I think I heard him described as 'the dumb person's smart person'... I tend to agree.


This man is almost anything but one dimensional. In a world where the mainstream media is out to have us think and feel a certain way. I find it refreshing to have people like JP, in the public eye.

One dimensional lol.....
Heard that insult about Stephen Fry originally. Both are very switched on actually. JP has great depth of knowledge in more than one area.
My favourite Jordan Peterson moment was him posting an article on Twitter to an Onion article satirising his views and him being oblivious to this and thinking it was backing up his own views. Him arguing with quote bots was pretty special as well.

It's like watching your grandad use the internet for the first time.
I'll just leave this here as well, his hardcore fans had a meltdown over it and flooded the author with non stop abuse... because you know, he appeals to such highbrow intellectuals.

Im convinced a sizeable portion of his fanbase don't even understand what he's talking about half the time and just love him because he bashes SJW's, hates feminism and dislikes the left.

You only have to look at the comments section of any youtube video critiquing him, it's full of angsty young men calling everyone the usual token right wing internet buzzwords without actually bothering to try and engage on the points the video is making.

Not saying all his fans are like this because I know they aren't but he definitely has a fair amount of mouthbreathers who worship him.
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